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[spilling] spilling is done immediately after typechecking
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spilling is performend in Check.check
this allows determinacy check to be performed on spilled terms
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FissoreD committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 1c4b92d commit 6cf6c26
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188 changes: 18 additions & 170 deletions src/compiler/
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Expand Up @@ -1407,13 +1407,15 @@ end = struct

let check_begin = Unix.gettimeofday () in

let unknown = List.fold_left (fun unknown ({ Ast.Clause.body; loc; attributes = { Ast.Structured.typecheck } }) ->
if typecheck then
let unknown = Type_checker.check ~is_rule:true ~unknown ~type_abbrevs ~kinds ~types body ~exp:(Val Prop) in
Determinacy_checker.check_clause ~loc ~env:functional_preds body ~modes;
unknown) F.Map.empty clauses in
let unknown, clauses = List.fold_left (fun (unknown,clauses) ({ Ast.Clause.body; loc; needs_spilling; attributes = { Ast.Structured.typecheck } } as clause) ->
let unknown =
if typecheck then Type_checker.check ~is_rule:true ~unknown ~type_abbrevs ~kinds ~types body ~exp:(Val Prop)
else unknown in
let spilled = {clause with body = if needs_spilling then Spilling.main body else body; needs_spilling = false} in
if typecheck then Determinacy_checker.check_clause ~loc ~env:functional_preds body ~modes;
unknown, spilled :: clauses) (F.Map.empty,[]) clauses in

let clauses = List.rev clauses in

List.iter (fun (BuiltInPredicate.Pred(name,_,_)) ->
if F.Map.mem (F.from_string name) base.Assembled.signature.types then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1594,7 +1596,7 @@ end = struct
type spill = { vars : ScopedTerm.t list; vars_names : F.t list; expr : ScopedTerm.t }
type spills = spill list

let spill_todbl ?(ctx=Scope.Map.empty) ~builtins ~needs_spilling state symb ?(depth=0) ?(amap = F.Map.empty) t =
let to_dbl ?(ctx=Scope.Map.empty) ~builtins state symb ?(depth=0) ?(amap = F.Map.empty) t =
let symb = ref symb in
let amap = ref amap in
let allocate_arg c =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1667,173 +1669,19 @@ end = struct
| Discard -> D.mkDiscard

let is_prop ~extra x =
let ty = TypeAssignment.deref x in
let rec aux extra = function
| TypeAssignment.Prop -> true
| TypeAssignment.Arr(_,_,t) when extra > 0 -> aux (extra-1) t
| TypeAssignment.UVar r when MutableOnce.is_set r -> aux extra (TypeAssignment.deref r)
| _ -> false in
aux extra ty in

let mk_loc ~loc ?(ty = MutableOnce.make (F.from_string "Spill")) it = { ty; it; loc } in (* TODO store the types in Main *)

let add_spilled l t =
if l = [] then t
List.fold_right (fun { expr; vars_names } t -> mk_loc ~loc:t.loc @@ App(Scope.mkGlobal ~escape_ns:true (),F.andf,expr,[t])) l t

let mkApp g c l =
if l = [] then Const(g,c)
else App(g,c,List.hd l, l) in

let app t args =
if args = [] then t else
let rec aux { loc; it; ty } : t =
mk_loc ~loc ~ty @@
match it with
| App(Global _ as g,c,x,xs) when F.equal c F.andf ->
mkApp g c (aux_last (x::xs))
| Impl(b,s,t) -> Impl(b,s,aux t)
| Const(g,c) -> mkApp g c args
| App(g,c,x,xs) -> mkApp g c (x :: xs @ args)
| Var _
| Discard | Lam (_, _, _, _)
| CData _ | Spill (_, _) | Cast (_, _) -> assert false
and aux_last = function
| [] -> assert false
| [x] -> [aux x]
| x :: xs -> x :: aux_last xs
aux t in

let args = ref 0 in

let rec mk_spilled ~loc ctx n =
if n = 0 then []
let f = incr args; F.from_string (Printf.sprintf "%%arg%d" !args) in
let sp = mk_loc ~loc @@ Var(f,ctx) in
(f,sp) :: mk_spilled ~loc ctx (n-1) in

(* barendregt_convention (naive implementation) *)
let rec bc ctx t =
match t with
| Lam(None,o,tya,t) -> Lam(None,o,tya,bc_loc ctx t)
| Lam(Some (c,l),o,tya,t) when List.mem (c,l) ctx ->
let d = fresh () in
bc ctx (Lam(Some (d,l),o,tya,rename_loc l c d t))
| Lam(Some c,o,tya,t) -> Lam (Some c,o,tya, bc_loc (c :: ctx) t)
| Impl(b,t1,t2) -> Impl(b,bc_loc ctx t1, bc_loc ctx t2)
| Cast(t,ty) -> Cast(bc_loc ctx t,ty)
| Spill(t,i) -> Spill(bc_loc ctx t,i)
| App(g,f,x,xs) -> App(g,f,bc_loc ctx x, (bc_loc ctx) xs)
| Const _ | Discard | Var _ | CData _ -> t
and bc_loc ctx { loc; ty; it } =
{ loc; ty; it = bc ctx it }

let rec spill ?(extra=0) ctx ({ loc; ty; it } as t) : spills * ScopedTerm.t list =
(* Format.eprintf "@[<hov 2>spill %a :@ %a@]\n" ScopedTerm.pretty t TypeAssignment.pretty (TypeAssignment.deref ty); *)
match it with
| CData _ | Discard | Const _ -> [],[t]
| Cast(t,_) -> spill ctx t
| Spill(t,{ contents = NoInfo}) -> assert false (* no type checking *)
| Spill(t,{ contents = (Phantom _)}) -> assert false (* escapes type checker *)
| Spill(t,{ contents = (Main n)}) ->
let vars_names, vars = List.split @@ mk_spilled ~loc (List.rev_map (fun (c,l) -> mk_loc ~loc @@ Const(Bound l,c)) ctx) n in
let spills, t = spill1 ~extra:(List.length vars_names) ctx t in
let expr = app t vars in
spills @ [{vars; vars_names; expr}], vars
(* globals and builtins *)
| App(Global _ as f,c,{ it = Lam(Some v,o,tya,t); loc = tloc; ty = tty },[]) when F.equal F.pif c ->
let ctx = v :: ctx in
let spilled, t = spill1 ctx t in
[], [{loc;ty;it = App(f,c,{ it = Lam(Some v,o,tya,add_spilled spilled t); loc = tloc; ty = tty },[])}]
| App(Global _ as f,c,{ it = Lam(Some v,o,tya,t); loc = tloc; ty = tty },[]) when F.equal F.sigmaf c ->
let ctx = ctx in (* not to be put in scope of spills *)
let spilled, t = spill1 ctx t in
[], [{loc;ty;it = App(f,c,{ it = Lam(Some v,o,tya,add_spilled spilled t); loc = tloc; ty = tty },[])}]
| App(g,c,x,xs) ->
let last = if F.equal F.andf c then List.length xs else -1 in
let spills, args = List.split @@ List.mapi (fun i -> spill ~extra:(if i = last then extra else 0) ctx) (x :: xs) in
let args = List.flatten args in
let spilled = List.flatten spills in
let it = App(g,c,List.hd args, args) in
let extra = extra + List.length args - List.length xs - 1 in
(* Format.eprintf "%a\nspill %b %d %a : %a\n" Loc.pp loc (is_prop ~extra ty) extra F.pp c TypeAssignment.pretty (TypeAssignment.UVar ty); *)
if is_prop ~extra ty then [], [add_spilled spilled { it; loc; ty }]
else spilled, [{ it; loc; ty }]

(* TODO: positive/negative postion, for now we assume :- and => are used in the obvious way *)
| Impl(false,head,premise) -> (* head :- premise *)
let spills_head, head = spill1 ctx head in
if spills_head <> [] then error ~loc "Spilling in the head of a clause is not supported";
let spilled, premise = spill1 ctx premise in
let it = Impl(false,head,premise) in
[],[add_spilled spilled { it; loc; ty }]
| Impl(true,premise,conclusion) -> (* premise => conclusion *)
let spills_premise, premise = spill1 ctx premise in
if spills_premise <> [] then error ~loc "Spilling in the premise of an implication is not supported";
let spilled, conclusion = spill1 ~extra ctx conclusion in
let it = Impl(true,premise,conclusion) in
[], [add_spilled spilled { it; loc; ty }]
(* lambda terms *)
| Lam(None,o,tya,t) ->
let spills, t = spill1 ctx t in
spills, [{ it = Lam(None,o,tya,t); loc; ty }]
| Lam(Some c,o,tya,t) ->
let spills, t = spill1 (c::ctx) t in
let (t,_), spills =
map_acc (fun (t,n) { vars; vars_names; expr } ->
let all_names = vars_names @ n in
(t,all_names), { vars; vars_names; expr = mk_loc ~loc @@ App(Scope.mkGlobal ~escape_ns:true (),F.pif,mk_loc ~loc @@ Lam(Some c,o,tya,expr),[]) })
(t,[]) spills in
spills, [{ it = Lam(Some c,o,tya,t); loc; ty }]
(* holes *)
| Var(c,xs) ->
let spills, args = List.split @@ (spill ctx) xs in
let args = List.flatten args in
let spilled = List.flatten spills in
let it = Var(c,args) in
let extra = extra + List.length args - List.length xs in
if is_prop ~extra ty then [], [add_spilled spilled { it; loc; ty }]
else spilled, [{ it; loc; ty }]
and spill1 ?extra ctx ({ loc } as t) =
let spills, t = spill ?extra ctx t in
let t = if List.length t <> 1 then error ~loc "bad pilling" else List.hd t in
spills, t
let spill ctx t =
(* Format.eprintf "before spill: %a\n" ScopedTerm.pretty t; *)
let s,t = spill ctx t in
(* Format.eprintf "after spill: %a\n" ScopedTerm.pretty (List.hd t); *)


(* if needs_spilling then Format.eprintf "before %a\n" ScopedTerm.pretty t; *)

let spills, ts =
if needs_spilling then spill [] (bc_loc [] t)
else [],[t] in
let t =
match spills, ts with
| [], [t] -> t
| [], _ -> assert false
| _ :: _, _ -> error ~loc:t.loc "Cannot place spilled expression" in

(* if needs_spilling then Format.eprintf "spilled %a\n" ScopedTerm.pretty t; *)

let t = todbl (depth,ctx) t in
(!symb, !amap), t
(!symb, !amap), t

let spill_todbl ?(ctx=Scope.Map.empty) ~builtins ~needs_spilling state symb ?(depth=0) ?(amap = F.Map.empty) t =
let t = if needs_spilling then Spilling.main t else t in
to_dbl ~ctx ~builtins state symb ~depth ~amap t

let extend1_clause flags state modes indexing ~builtins (clauses, symbols, index) { Ast.Clause.body; loc; needs_spilling; attributes = { Ast.Structured.insertion = graft; id; ifexpr } } =
assert (not needs_spilling);
if not @@ filter1_if flags (fun x -> x) ifexpr then
(clauses,symbols, index)
let (symbols, amap), body = spill_todbl ~builtins ~needs_spilling state symbols body in
let (symbols, amap), body = to_dbl ~builtins state symbols body in
let modes x = try fst @@ F.Map.find (SymbolMap.global_name state symbols x) modes with Not_found -> [] in
let (p,cl), _, morelcs =
try R.CompileTime.clausify1 ~loc ~modes ~nargs:(F.Map.cardinal amap) ~depth:0 body
Expand All @@ -1857,7 +1705,7 @@ end = struct
if not @@ filter1_if flags (fun x -> x.Ast.Structured.cifexpr) attributes then
let todbl state (symbols,amap) t = spill_todbl ~needs_spilling:false (* TODO typecheck *) state symbols ~amap t in
let todbl state (symbols,amap) t = to_dbl (* TODO typecheck *) state symbols ~amap t in
let sequent_todbl state st { Ast.Chr.eigen; context; conclusion } =
let st, eigen = todbl ~builtins state st eigen in
let st, context = todbl ~builtins state st context in
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/dune
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(name elpi_compiler)
(public_name elpi.compiler)
(preprocess (per_module
((pps ppx_deriving.std) compiler_data compiler determinacy_checker)))
((pps ppx_deriving.std) compiler_data compiler determinacy_checker spilling)))
(libraries re.str unix stdlib-shims elpi.parser elpi.util elpi.runtime)
(modules compiler_data type_checker determinacy_checker compiler)
(modules compiler_data type_checker determinacy_checker compiler spilling)

(test (name test_compiler_data) (libraries elpi.compiler) (modules test_compiler_data) (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving.std)))

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