✨ Creating bugs since forever :) 🐞
- 🔭 I’m working on: Slithe.RL 🐍 - Reinforcement Learning in Atari Surround
- 👀 Some stuff I've made: Basilisk 🦎 - Framework for LLMs and Humans to play the Board Game Secret Hitler, AI-Powered Language Learning/Mastery App 🗣🔠, Reverse Proxy with Deno🐱🐉, an RTS PVP tower defense game🤺, Automatic Essay Grading with Deberta-V3 📝, Google Decimeter Challenge🛰, detecting insincere Quora ?'s with NLP⁉
- 🌱 I'm learning about RL
🕸 Web Dev
🎮 Game Dev