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1) Obtaining UEDGE and installing with Python

Maxim Umansky edited this page Jun 7, 2023 · 13 revisions

Using pip:

  1. pip install forthon
  2. pip install mppl
  3. pip install uedge

Note: If you cannot write in the Python installation directory then add "--user" at the end of each install command line

Using git clone:

  1. git clone
  2. cd uedge
  3. python build
  4. python install

Note: If you cannot write in the Python installation directory then add "--user" at the end of the install command line

Using cvs (for LLNL users):

  1. cvs co -r V7_08_03 uedge (if you want to use a specific version tag)
  2. cd uedge
  3. python build
  4. python install

Note: If you cannot write in the Python installation directory then add "--user" at the end of the installation command
Note: To update your installation you may have first to remove manually your old local installation, e.g., ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/uedge*.egg

Installing on a Mac (tested on BigSur and Monterey):

  1. a. Install Python3 using the graphical installer downloaded from

    b. Install mppl and Forthon packages in the new Python, using "pip install"

    c. Add the new Python in front of the path (in .bash_profile), e.g., export PATH="/Users/username/local/anaconda3new/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

Note: you may need to install Fortran by doing "conda install -y -c anaconda gfortran"

  1. a. Download the 10.10 SDK “MacOSX10.10.sdk.tar.xz” from this website:

    b. Create the directory ~/opt/MacOSX10.10.sdk if it doesn’t exist, or clean out if it does

    c. Untar the files in MaxOSX10.10.sdk.tar into the directory in (b.)

    d. Redefine SDKROOT (in .bash_profile): export SDKROOT=/Users/username/opt/MacOSX10.10.sdk

  2. a. python build

    b. python install [--user]