This package determines if the laserscan has any points that fall within the robot's footprint.
This package subscribes to a laserscan topic (/scan
) and uses the even-odd rule to determine if the laserscan data falls within the robot's footprint /move_base/global_costmap/footprint
. The footprint can be inflated with the ~/padded_footprint
If the laserscan points are within the robot footprint, then the ~/is_obstructed
topic would publish true
. Else, it publishes false
. See below for example.
The user might find the remap
function useful to remap the topics to their desire.
This package was built for ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20-04.
Before launching this node, please ensure that the robot is localised, and in particular, the tf
from the map
frame to the frame that /scan
is published on is available. This is because the footprint published by /move_base/global_costmap/footprint
is in map
frame, and interally in this package, a transform is done for the footprint polygon into the frame /scan
is in.
Start laser_scan_obstacle_observer_node
that listens to /scan
and /move_base/global_costmap/footprint
with padded_footprint=0.1
rosrun laser_scan_obstacle_observer laser_scan_obstacle_observer_node _padded_footprint:=0.1
- /scan [sensor_msgs/LaserScan]: Laserscan to be transformed from.
- /move_base/global_costmap/footprint [geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped]: Footprint of the robot.
- ~/is_obstructed [std_msgs/Bool]: Boolean whether there's a laserscan point in the robot's footprint.
- ~/footprint [geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped]: Footprint that was used to determine if the laserscan is within the robot's footprint (i.e. padded footprint in