Chicken VR is a first person virtual reality chicken experience. Participants use a variety of chicken behaviors such as pecking, flapping, and laying eggs inside a virtual space. We began work on Chicken VR during our eighth grade year at Black Pine Circle School (Berkeley, CA). This project was presented at 2017 East Bay Mini Maker Faire and 2018 Bay Area Maker Faire. We shared it because we believe everyone deserves a chance to experience life as a chicken. You can read more about our Maker Faire experience on this blogpost.
Where to find the game
Chicken VR is on Steam. The source code is on GitHub for us and anyone curious about how we made the game. It builds with Unity 2017.4.7f1 and should work with newer versions.
About us
We, Elan Bustos and Reuben Lewis, are high school students in the San Francisco Bay Area (East Bay). We make stuff.