Federated Analytics for B5G/6G networks
Title: Channel-Aware Federated Analytics (FA) in B5G/6G Networks: Dynamic Power Allocation with NS-3 5G-LENA
The project involves developing an integrated framework for simulating FA in real 5G network conditions. The framework applies two algorithms: channel-aware power allocation algorithm to efficiently allocate transmission power for user equipments (UEs) based on distance and channel conditions, and synchronous FA-5GLENA integrated algorithm to integrate the FA with NS-3 5G-LENA simulator and aggregate results for optimized performance within 5G network conditions.
- Download and install Anaconda from the site: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/
- Create environment named "fa_5glena" with python 3.8.20.
- Inside environment "fa_5glena" create a root directory called "myproject"
- Inside the root directory "myproject" create subdirectories:
"FA" - where all FA server and client related files will be placed.
"shared_memory" - where all shared memory related files will be placed.
"sim_results" - where network and FA simulation results will be stored.
After installation of 5G-LENA, a 4th subdirectory named "ns-3-dev" will be generated in this directory. - Find other installation steps in each directory's configuration file. See in 5glena, fa, shared_memory directories.
- The files "net_fetch_sort.cc", "net_select_stats.cc" and "run_project.py" are placed in the root directory "myproject".
This project was created in Anaconda, following the structure: "anaconda3/envs/fa_5glena/myproject", where "myproject" is the root dirctory that contains subdirectories: FA, ns-3-dev, shared_memory and sim_results. It also contains the files "net_fetch_sort.cc", "net_select_stats.cc" and "run_project.py".
- Open the Linux terminal (we used gnome-terminal).
- Navegate to the "shared_memory" subdirectory.
- Run the following commands to create and load the shared memories:
g++ -std=c++17 -o shared_cmd.so shared_cmd.cc -lrt
g++ -std=c++17 -o shared_dr.so shared_dr.cc -lrt
./shared_dr.so - Navegate to "myproject" root directory.
- Make sure the .cc files "net_fetch_sort.cc" and "net_select_stats.cc" have already been compiled on configuration and respective .so files exist in root directory, before running the project.
- Run the command "python3 run_project.py" to run the project.
Note: At the end of the simulation, the results are stored in "sim_results" subdirectory.
The "OptmTx_UMi_algorithm.cc" code runs optimized transmission power allocation algorithm. To run random transmission power allocation scenario, substitute the function "CalculateMinimumTxPowerForUE()" function with code that reads transmission power from "random_txpower_dbm.csv" file found in the repository. To run maximum uniform transmission power allocation, substititute the function "CalculateMinimumTxPowerForUE()" with code that allocates maximum transmission power for all user equipments (UEs).