Help us shape the potential future of L4D2 vanilla.
Exploit fixes and PvP enhancements for the original 13 campaigns were done using VScript files.
Kerry Davis has approved sharing of the non-encrypted VScript files.
You can do whatever you want with them.
However, if you intend to use these files as a template for your own mods (replacing "mapfixes.nut" entirely), please rename "mapspawn.nut" to "mapspawn_addon.nut" which will allow you to not override the base game fixes.
Alternatively, if you're a server admin already settled with your Stripper:Source files, create an empty "mapspawn.nut" file to opt-out!
Folder | Purpose |
changelogs | Cumulative for each stretch of time before all hotfixes go live. Includes dedicated credits list. This will be maintained but if you've long been missing, please open a PR. |
root | Hotfix files for test VPK's that ultimately target going in-game officially. Please keep all source files and everything else out. Upload original un-changed files before modified files. |
tools | Some of the lighter-weight custom tools that our team uses, for community reference. See its README for operational details. |
Dedicated credits list:
Because sometimes watching is just better than reading:
Community Update Testing Initiative (Workshop mirror):
ShowUpdate() guide and changelog links:
MrFailzz' Coop/speedrunner-focused changelog with navmesh changes:
Valve development thread:
This is a near-comprehensive, single-file solution to patching or adding content to any map, on any base or mutation mode, in a manner that persists rounds. Includes entity creation functions that maximize code re-use with a focus on user clarity and debugging.
This project had 1 simple goal: to replace Valve's previous inefficient usage of _commentary.txt files to patch maps.
Valve maps only: Survivor and Infected given new activator filters with names consistent across all maps!
New global variables powered by "mapspawn.nut":
g_MapName Identical to "Director.GetMapName().tolower()"
g_MutaMode Identical to "Director.GetGameMode()"
g_BaseMode Identical to "Director.GetGameModeBase()"
g_Chapter Stores each "friendly name" (only for Valve campaigns)
g_UpdateName Prefixes "anv_mapfixes" to new entities
g_UpdateRanOnce Run code only once outside of "mapspawn.nut"
Added new feature-full entity maker and edit functions in "anv_functions.nut":
Almost everything is a String:
* Denotes optional parameters (wherever possible i.e. often Angles)
^ Denotes non-String parameters (floats or integers i.e. "Init state")
? Denotes user-friendly String options
"Clips who?" = Everyone | Survivors | SI Players | SI Players and AI | All and Physics
"Team blocked?" = Everyone | Survivors | Infected
"Start state?" = Apply | Remove
"Push what?" = Everything | Survivor | Infected | Physics
"Hurt who?" = Everyone | Survivor | Infected | Ghost
"Option?" = Duck | Walk | Jump
"Prop type?" = dynamic | dynamic_ovr | physics | physics_ovr
"Shadows?" = shadow_yes | shadow_no
"Solidity?" = solid_yes | solid_no
"Team climb?" = 0 (Both) | 1 (Survivor) | 2 (Infected)
"Axis?" = x+ | x- | y+ | y-
make_clip Targetname Clips who? ^Init state Box mins Box maxs Origin *Angles
make_brush Targetname Box mins Box maxs Origin ! Blocks stuff clips don't i.e. bullet hitreg
make_navblock Targetname Team blocked? Start state? Box mins Box maxs Origin
make_trigpush Targetname Push what? ^Speed Push Direction Box mins Box maxs Origin
*Angles *Filter Override ! Angles have unknown mild influence but mostly don't work
make_trighurt Targetname Hurt who? Box mins Box maxs Origin ! Creates an insta-kill volume
make_trigduck Targetname Box mins Box maxs Origin ! Auto-crouch into small passages
make_trigmove Targetname Option? Box mins Box maxs Origin ! Enforces movement Option
make_prop Prop type? Targetname Model path Origin *Angles *Shadows? *Solidity?
*Render color *^FadeMinDist *^FadeMaxDist *^Mass scale
! Targetname with "_solidify" prefix only for 1:1 copied prop_statics; prop_dynamics with prefix will not render!
make_decal Texture path Origin
SafelyExists Entity handle ! Ensures no crashes or red console errors when deleting or modifying entities
kill_entity Entity handle ! Used for removing Versus defibrillators or func_breakable skylights to add Ladders
clone_model Entity handle ! Returns guaranteed-precached "*#" model of any entity that SafelyExists ("null" if not found)
kill_funcinfclip Desired radius ! Checksum uniquely referring to them to VERY selectively delete bothersome Versus clips
find_ladder Desired VSSM *^Radius ! See code documentation on VSSM, bad input will produce nothing
patch_ladder Desired VSSM Offset origin *New normal ! 0 1 0 North | 0 -1 0 South | 1 0 0 West | -1 0 0 East
make_ladder Ladder name Desired VSSM Offset origin *Offset angles *New normal *^Team climb? *^Radius
! Only modify Normal if the clone was rotated -- if none, the original's is ported over
InfectedLadders_Spawn ! No parameters: Relies on InfectedLadders() being declared then delay-loads them for ALL gamemodes
! Infected ladders are relevant to ALL gamemodes since they can be connected to NAV mesh and used by bots!
InfectedHumEnts_Spawn ! No parameters: Relies on InfectedHumEnts() being declared and produces them on Versus / VS Survival / Scavenge
! Reserved for exception handling; make_prop() already handles the "_solidify" prefixes!
patch_nav_obscured Origin nav area ! Runs once b/c "OBSCURED" permanently applied
patch_nav_checkpoint Origin nav area ! Runs once b/c "CHECKPOINT" permanently applied
patch_spawninfront Origin Box mins Box maxs ! Stop Commons spawning inside Survivors in end safe rooms
make_atomizer Targetname Origin Model path ^Delete timer ! Disintegrates Tank/Charger chokepoint blockades
make_axiswarp Targetname Axis? ^Offset Box mins Box maxs Origin ! Bandaid fixes
modify_trigfilter Origin *Filter name *Class name
unsolidify_prop Entity handle ! Un-solidifies a specific dynamic/physics prop
unsolidify_model Model path ! Un-solidifies all props with this model
SpawnGlobalFilters ! No parameters: Creates a "filter_activator_team" for Survivor & Infected
! Named "anv_globalfixes_filter_survivor" & "anv_globalfixes_filter_infected"
StringToVector_Valve String Delimiter
VectorToString_Valve ^Vector
con_comment Comment ! Does printl() with \newline after only if "developer() > 0"
devchap Mode ! Developer indication of if "TUTORIAL", "ALL MODES", "BASE VERSUS", etc.
! Always notifies of Anniversary Map Fixes update w/ more details if "developer 1"