Faking BSP recompiles for real this time... maybe.
Map lump extraction used BSPInfo 1.4.0. "Successfully extracted all lumps."
Unlike BSP decompilation which produces errors and guesswork, extracting lumps is an exact science.
Information below is summarized from:
https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_BSP_File_Format https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Lump_file_format https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Patching_levels_with_lump_files
See "Lump Hashes and Information.txt" for MD5, SHA1, File Sizes and more.
Officially, map recompiles aren't allowed due to "testing cost and risk". We can't even officially recompile Cold Stream 1 to fix a Crash-to-Desktop. Millions of people play L4D2 on thousands of varied hardware setups, so on that basis alone it's wise to not recompile. Valve knows how black magic BSP files and compilation can be. The other reason is we're not authorized to create a "Remaster" -- that would demand an entirely separate Steam Store item, and only to that extreme would recompiles make sense. Lump editing is powerful, but it also naturally limits options and enforces self-control.
For The Last Stand Community Update aka TLS:
VScript was used to overcome some BSP limitations. 14_LUMP_MODELS was used (or should I say abused) extensively for that to clone pre-existing Infected ladders to create new ones. Cloning brushes (that are tied to edicts) was already exhaustively used... now it's about manipulating baked-in brushes that previously could only be achieved with Hammer recompiles.
Make the official L4D2 maps flexible. This isn't about forcing subjective changes or entities on players, it's about allowing server mods to have more control over how they change the maps (clips / dynamic pathing) with the smaller side effect of benefitting official vanilla Versus updates, updates to Mutations, easing clipping for RocketDude, etc.
It's about finding what can be changed, with minimal visual impact on the default/original maps, and supplementing those changes with VScript that can dynamically add/remove previously-baked-in clips, or Propper restoration of modified world geometry to empower us with dynamic options.
Keeping everything above-board is critical for this type of project since the goal is to (indirectly) modify Valve's original map BSP files. This will allow official updates to accomplish the previous unthinkable, where recompiling maps is strictly forbidden due to testing costs and risks.
The "normal way" to create *.LMP files is to decompile the original map, load the resulting *.VMF in Hammer, make the edits, then compile out just the modified lump -- almost exclusively this is LUMP_ENTITIES at Index 0, since that's a plaintext lump BSPSource can decompile flawlessly.
But many lumps exist, such as LUMP_BRUSHES at Index 18:
Bitflags CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP (0x10000) and CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP (0x20000) exist within Lump 18. It is possible to edit this lump in the BSP directly, but maintaining *.LMP files is more accountable with smaller file sizes.
The problem with the "normal way" is these are compiled brushes, and using decompiled VMF's in that case would be very destructive since decompiles are perfect for LUMP_ENTITIES but guessworked for LUMP_BRUSHES. Instead, BSPInfo is used to extract all 64 lumps directly from Valve's shipped BSP.
The only problem left is that the *.LMP file header is missing, as BSPInfo is just RAW extracts:
Software will need to be written that allows selection of the desired lump, most likely LUMP_ENTITIES (but others would be fun to experiment with), then adding the *.LMP's fixed-size 20-byte header before the actual lump data. It contains info about the lump that was in the BSP before extraction.
struct lumpfileheader_t
int lumpOffset; // offset in the file where the lump data begins (should be 0x14)
int lumpID; // the lump ID according to the lump table
int lumpVersion; // same as "version" in lump_t
int lumpLength; // same as "filelen" in lump_t
int mapRevision; // same as in dheader_t
From there, further software to facilitate Hex Editing LUMP_BRUSHES is needed to change the Bitflags to open up new Survivor / Infected pathing.
It is possible to edit BSP files server-side if exclusively LUMP_ENTITIES is changed. It's also possible to edit an extracted LUMP_ENTITIES with a plaintext editor, provided the lumpSize field is corrected afterwards. The third-party tool below could help automate or educate on this process:
It has been confirmed that editing the LUMP_BRUSHES lump server-side will fail the client checksum check... it's up to experimentation to see if any other lumps (besides LUMP_ENTITIES) can differ -- but highly unlikely! It works for LUMP_ENTITIES since everything in that IS server-side (though admittedly I haven't accounted for where debris physics props are stored, such as soda cans and pizza boxes, which DO NOT count toward edict limit because they are client-side).
Edited from Wiki to remove multiple Names and only match BSPInfo.
All these should be tested until Source begs for mercy:
Index Name Purpose
0 LUMP_ENTITIES Map entities
1 LUMP_PLANES Plane array
2 LUMP_TEXDATA Index to texture names
3 LUMP_VERTEXES Vertex array
4 LUMP_VISIBILITY Compressed visibility bit arrays
5 LUMP_NODES BSP tree nodes
6 LUMP_TEXINFO Face texture array
7 LUMP_FACES Face array
8 LUMP_LIGHTING Lightmap samples
9 LUMP_OCCLUSION Occlusion polygons and vertices
10 LUMP_LEAFS BSP tree leaf nodes
11 LUMP_FACEIDS Correlates between dfaces and Hammer face IDs. Also used as random seed for detail prop placement.
12 LUMP_EDGES Edge array
13 LUMP_SURFEDGES Index of edges
14 LUMP_MODELS Brush models (geometry of brush entities)
15 LUMP_WORLDLIGHTS Internal world lights converted from the entity lump
16 LUMP_LEAFFACES Index to faces in each leaf
17 LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES Index to brushes in each leaf
18 LUMP_BRUSHES Brush array
19 LUMP_BRUSHSIDES Brushside array
20 LUMP_AREAS Area array
21 LUMP_AREAPORTALS Portals between areas
22 LUMP_PROPCOLLISION Static props convex hull lists
23 LUMP_PROPHULLS Static prop convex hulls
24 LUMP_PROPHULLVERTS Static prop collision vertices
25 LUMP_PROPTRIS Static prop per hull triangle index start/count
26 LUMP_DISPINFO Displacement surface array
27 LUMP_ORIGINALFACES Brush faces array before splitting
28 LUMP_PHYSDISP Displacement physics collision data
29 LUMP_PHYSCOLLIDE Physics collision data
30 LUMP_VERTNORMALS Face plane normals
31 LUMP_VERTNORMALINDICES Face plane normal index array
32 LUMP_DISP_LIGHTMAP_ALPHAS Displacement lightmap alphas (unused/empty since Source 2006)
33 LUMP_DISP_VERTS Vertices of displacement surface meshes
34 LUMP_DISP_LIGHTMAP_SAMPLE_POSITIONS Displacement lightmap sample positions
35 LUMP_GAME_LUMP Game-specific data lump
36 LUMP_LEAFWATERDATA Data for leaf nodes that are inside water
37 LUMP_PRIMITIVES Water polygon data
38 LUMP_PRIMVERTS Water polygon vertices
39 LUMP_PRIMINDICES Water polygon vertex index array
40 LUMP_PAKFILE Embedded uncompressed Zip-format file
41 LUMP_CLIPPORTALVERTS Clipped portal polygon vertices
42 LUMP_CUBEMAPS env_cubemap location array
43 LUMP_TEXDATA_STRING_DATA Texture name data
44 LUMP_TEXDATA_STRING_TABLE Index array into texdata string data
45 LUMP_OVERLAYS info_overlay data array
46 LUMP_LEAFMINDISTTOWATER Distance from leaves to water
47 LUMP_FACE_MACRO_TEXTURE_INFO Macro texture info for faces
48 LUMP_DISP_TRIS Displacement surface triangles
49 LUMP_PROP_BLOB Static prop triangle and string data
50 LUMP_WATEROVERLAYS Confirm: info_overlay's on water faces?
53 LUMP_LIGHTING_HDR HDR lightmap samples
54 LUMP_WORLDLIGHTS_HDR Internal HDR world lights converted from the entity lump
55 LUMP_LEAF_AMBIENT_LIGHTING_HDR Per-leaf ambient light samples (HDR)
56 LUMP_LEAF_AMBIENT_LIGHTING Per-leaf ambient light samples (LDR)
57 LUMP_XZIPPAKFILE XZip version of pak file for Xbox. Deprecated.
58 LUMP_FACES_HDR HDR maps may have different face data
59 LUMP_MAP_FLAGS Extended level-wide flags. Not present in all levels.
60 LUMP_OVERLAY_FADES Fade distances for overlays
61 LUMP_OVERLAY_SYSTEM_LEVELS System level settings (min/max CPU & GPU to render this overlay)
63 LUMP_DISP_MULTIBLEND Displacement multiblend info
Edited from Wiki. Lump 18 LUMP_BRUSHES contains constructive solid geometry defined by planes. The lump is an array of 12-byte dbrush_t structures:
struct dbrush_t
int firstside; // first brushside
int numsides; // number of brushsides
int contents; // contents flags
Which includes info about the sides of the brush and a "contents" Bitflag that determines the content of the brush. Values are binary-ORed together and defined in public/bspflags.h (brush array is limited to 8192 entries):
Name Value Notes
CONTENTS_EMPTY 0 No contents
CONTENTS_SOLID 0x1 an eye is never valid in a solid
CONTENTS_WINDOW 0x2 translucent, but not watery (glass)
CONTENTS_GRATE 0x8 alpha-tested "grate" textures. Bullets/sight pass through, but solids don't
CONTENTS_OPAQUE 0x80 block AI line of sight
CONTENTS_TESTFOGVOLUME 0x100 things that cannot be seen through (may be non-solid though)
CONTENTS_UNUSED 0x200 unused
CONTENTS_UNUSED6 0x400 unused
CONTENTS_TEAM1 0x800 per team contents used to differentiate collisions between players and objects on different teams
CONTENTS_MOVEABLE 0x4000 hits entities which are MOVETYPE_PUSH (doors, plats, etc.)
CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL 0x8000 remaining contents are non-visible, and don't eat brushes
CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 0x40000 currents can be added to any other contents, and may be mixed
CONTENTS_ORIGIN 0x1000000 removed before bsping an entity
CONTENTS_MONSTER 0x2000000 should never be on a brush, only in game
CONTENTS_DETAIL 0x8000000 brushes to be added after vis leafs & were in func_detail entities before compiling
CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT 0x10000000 auto set if any surface has trans
CONTENTS_HITBOX 0x40000000 use accurate hitboxes on trace
See "_VBSPINFO_GENERATION_DETAILS.TXT" for extensive elaboration on the process used, and "File Hashes and Information.txt" for the MD5, SHA1, File Sizes, etc. that resulted from that automated work.
Instead of using BSPSource's bundled BSPInfo GUI, use Valve's tool instead -- it includes the 20-byte headers. GCFScape by NemTools can also extract them but stay first-party instead.
Extracting *.LMP files directly from the *.BSP is 100% lossless, whereas map recompiles significantly change Face array indices etc.
To use it, open CMD.EXE then CD to your maps, then run VBSPINFO, where -X# is 0-63 (only 64 lumps, will crash if -X64 is specified):
cd "X:\<<__PATH_HERE__>>\Compiled PC Live BSP's (Again and Identical)"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\bin\vbspinfo.exe" -X# cXmX_mapname.bsp
See "_VBSPINFO_DRAG_AND_DROP.BAT" for this script, which prompts for the desired *.LMP # to extract, then executes:
set /p ID="Lump #: "
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\bin"
vbspinfo.exe -X%ID% %1
This Github repo already has all official 62 map *.LMP extracts driven by the much larger *.TXT file -- but above is useful for Test Maps.
Optional parameters are also offered, again for all 62 maps their output is logged in the *.TXT file. Dumps information typically seen at the end of a Hammer compile log:
-treeinfo Dumps BSP tree info
-worldtexturestats Dumps list of textures used on Brushes and number of surfaces per use
-modelstats Dumps list of studiomodels used and number of times each is used
-liststaticprops Dumps prop_static data (only CSGO may support Version 7-10)
-size Dumps the worldmodel bounds of the BSP, with and without skybox
-drawtree Ignore/deprecated (-treeinfo adds "TREE INFO:" section, otherwise these are identical)
Does create a "scratch.pad" 1,473-byte file, identical for 2
different Test Maps, with "E B A E ?" as non-human readable
text. May have secret use, but out of scope for *.LMP's.
That's all the parameters offered. Note there may be more, but Valve only offers the source code for VBSP, VRAD, and VVIS:
VBSPINFO is mostly just a commandline program, the actual lump extraction (and subsequent READ/WRITE issues with LUMP 35 GAME LUMP) could be identified in this function, which the -X# parameter calls:
void WriteLumpToFile( char *filename, int lump )
Defined here:
Map decompiles used BSPSource 1.3.18 with "Folders" section settings.
Starting immediately with version 1.3.19, a bug/feature was introduced that results in L4D2 ladders getting duped -- for every func_ladder in Hammer, there were exactly two stacked up on top of each other.
Brush counts get messed up from this, so for LUMP editing just use the older version.
Good: older version https://github.com/ata4/bspsrc/releases/tag/v1.3.18
Bad: "Brushes flagged as ladders are now written as func_ladder entities" https://github.com/ata4/bspsrc/releases/tag/v1.3.19
Concerning issue:
[L4D2/Any] 07_LUMP_FACES can be zeroed to protect from decompilation ata4/bspsrc#131
Compiled PC Live BSP's (Extracted Lumps Raw):
The original 62 BSP map files from the PC version were copied,
hashed (see *.TXT file), then fed into BSPInfo to extract all
64 of their lumps. There are 3968 files total, or 62 * 64.
All are RAW lump data, without the headers needed by *.LMP's.
See "Lump Hashes and Information.txt" for MD5 and SHA1 hashes
for the original BSP files -- data integrity is critical and
we need to know we're all starting from identical BSP's.
If an Index # is completely missing, then it was a 0-byte
lump. Github refuses empty files for some bizarre reason.
Empty lumps serve no purpose anyway.
Github also has a File Size limit of 25 MB. A total of 3
lump extracts were excluded from this repository, the top
4 largest files overall listed below:
File Size Relative Path
31,379,587 \c4m1_milltown_a\40_LUMP_PAKFILE.bin
31,639,064 \c4m4_milltown_b\40_LUMP_PAKFILE.bin
31,357,837 \c4m5_milltown_escape\40_LUMP_PAKFILE.bin
25,594,088 \c14m1_junkyard\40_LUMP_PAKFILE.bin
Where c14m1 narrowly fit below 25 MB (26,214,400 bytes).
Compiled PC Live BSP's (Extracted Lumps VBSPINFO):
Excludes 40_LUMP_PAKFILE: saves ~700 MB, won't use it anyway.
VBSPINFO includes all 20-byte *.LMP headers already. The *.BIN
RAW files lack the 20-byte header but are still useful to analyze
in cases where the filesize is same as "fileLen".
these and the research (toward 0-byte lumps) that went into it,
and verbose output for all 62 maps with the optional parameters.
Zeroing all *.LMP's works -- except LUMP 35 GAME LUMP,
which contains its own sub-lumps and "Offset behavior"
so needs to be either hacked or fixed to use *.LMP files
to non-destructively modify prop_static.
LUMP 35 is still included -- as is ~310 MB of lighting
lumps, but ~700 MB PAKFILES are 100% excluded, and lumps
that are proven (see *.TXT) to be 0-bytes for all 62 maps
aren't even part of the VBSPINFO *.BAT script.
Compiled PC Live LMP's:
All TLS Community Update *.LMP files reside here, including
a *.LMP.BAK that can be ignored. All Modes post-fix the map
names with _l_, Scavenge _s_, and Survival _h_ (Holdout,
not to be confused with the Holdout Mutation).
These files establish a comparison base for *.LMP headers
that need to be constructed for the RAW lump extracts.
Decompiled 1.3.18 PC Live VMF's (Excludes LMP's):
Default settings. Same approach used here for version 1.4.0,
which includes the erroneous func_ladder dupes:
NOT USED for *.LMP editing -- but maybe Propper work.
Decompiled 1.3.18 PC Live VMF's (Excludes LMP's, Entities Disabled with Debug Mode):
Long title... but needs to be specific.
Default settings EXCEPT "Entities" are DISABLED completely,
and "Debug Mode" is ACTIVE. Hammer has a niche, useful feature
"Show Selected Brush Number". Survivor/Infected clips usually
work fine with this since those brushes occur as earlier Solids,
but when Solids are "Grouped" into func_details, it adds extra
redundancy (two of the same Solid, one outside the func_detail
and one inside). The count is messed up if you Ungroup, and
changing Selection Mode to be Solids is unsupported by it.
Entities like func_elevator have their Brushes
"Moved to Entity". While func_details work since
the decompiled *.VMF has redundant data that
already represents it as "Moved to World", when
you don't decompile Entities there's no elevator.
Static world brushes -- that's all this works for,
dynamic world brushes won't even appear at 0 0 0
map origin (that's a BSP runtime thing anyway).
Also, BSPSource allows Disabling func_detail only,
but there's various types of func_ entities and
we need to ensure we're only getting World Solids.
So, "Entities" are DISABLED. Since "Debug Mode" only adds extra
info to Solid and Side data (like BRUSHSIDES / TEXINFO), and all
I'm decompiling is the world itself, might as well add a few MB
to filesize to have access to data that can be theoretically
useful, but will not impact/change the Hammer experience.
Decompiled 1.3.18 PC Live VMF's (Excludes LMP's, Split faces only):
Default settings EXCEPT Face Mode is "Split faces only".
Throwaway cannonfodder so no "Debug Mode" here.
Excluded from repo:
Decompiled files are over twice the size as
normal. Normal decompiles are just as easy to
use, and most face ID'ing done with in-game
commands anyway... this is only useful for
double-checking in-game work, since it more
accurately represents the engine's rendering.
Will warn of possibly 100's of broken Solids on open.
Don't "repair" them. When VBSP compiles maps, the
LUMP 27 ORIGINALFACES go through a "splitting process".
If VRAD + HDR is active, LUMP 58 FACES_HDR contains
the split faces -- if not, LUMP 7 FACES does. If LUMP 58
is 0-bytes (just the 20-byte header), it'll fallback to
LUMP 7, and if that's empty the map fails to load with
a console error (doesn't crash).
Includes "Entities", but only for point of reference / comfort
when restoring "EFFECTS/CLEARDRAW"'d Faces with Propper or
other work. Brush count will be broken, and that's OK, since
this exists to double-check in-game work with "mat_surfaceid 2"
and "mat_wireframe 3".
Decompiled 1.3.18 PC Live VMF's (Includes LMP's All Modes):
BSPSource supports reading *.LMP files and integrating them
into the decompile. All Modes (l), Scavenge (s), and Survival (h),
where "All Modes" excludes Scavenge/Survival, had all *.LMP's
beside the *.BSP's. This will include TLS' LUMP 0 ENTITIES
changes, but likely exclude Scavenge/Survival (unique to L4D2).
NOT USED for *.LMP editing -- but good references.
"EFFECTS/CLEARDRAW" :: Texturing models as NODRAW with BSP
edits still renders the yellow texture -- only VBSP cares
about NODRAW (or SKIP) and trims Faces lumps accordingly.
Deleting data with *.LMP's is dangerous, so just make them
clear instead. Copied "EFFECTS/CLEAR" (shipped with DLC2)
and renamed to 17 characters to match "TOOLS/TOOLSNODRAW"
so that it can be (harmlessly) replaced in LUMP 43 STRINGDATA
and actually be put to use. Note that LUMP 18 BRUSHES will
also make all these non-solid, so while LUMP 19 BRUSHSIDES
handles bullet collision / decals, those are irrelevant if
there's no collision at all. All these actually render:
"Left 4 Orange (Alpha)" :: Tech details via Workshop link. Uses
a *.BAT file to create *.LMP files for all modes (even those
which lack Scavenge/Survival, for simplicity). Copy/pastes
the same two LUMP 43 STRINGDATA and LUMP 44 STRINGTABLE files
for every map, tested to work for any map.
"bsp_l4d2.h" :: HHD Hex Editor Neo structures for reading
and modifying *.BSP or, more ideally, extracted *.LMP files.
Includes verbose documentation and conclusive tests of how
the various lumps work. Also recommended:
Github's limit per repo is 1 GB of compressed data. When downloaded, then de-compressed, this repo is nearer to 2 GB.