Importance of different parameterization changes for the updated dust cycle modelling in the Community Atmosphere Model (version 6.1)
Longlei Li, Natalie M Mahowald, Jasper F Kok, Xiaohong Liu, Mingxuan Wu, Danny M. Leung, Douglas S Hamilton, Louisa K. Emmons, Yue Huang, Jun Meng, Neil Sexton, and Jessica Wan
Model casenames below corresponding to those described in Table 4 in order
EXP01: cam6_bulk_pz10AspBRIFTS5_001_soilMoisture_01
EXP02: p2_k_bulk_pd_5size
EXP03: p2_k_bulk_pd_6size
EXP04: p2_k_bulk_pd_6size_5sigma
EXP05: cam6_bulk_z01SphDEADS6_tuned
EXP06: cam6_mineral_c1999_z01NonAsph_dead_noHemsilt_001
EXP07: cam6_c1999_z01Sph_kok_noHemsilt_soilMoistureOn
EXP08: cam6_c1999_z01Asph_kok_noHemsilt_soilMoistureOn
EXP09: cam6_c1999_pz01Asph_kok_noHemsilt_soilMoistureOn
Data filename describtions
LLiGMD2022_dust_quantity_"casenames".nc: dust quantities including dust aerosol optical depth, deposition fluxes (wet, dry, and total), and burdens
LLiGMD2022_dust_DRE_"casenames".nc: dust direct radiative effect at the top of the atmosphere under all-sky conditions
Note dust quantities and direct radiative effects from EXP03 and EXP04 are rescaled in Li et al. (2022), but this dataset cotains unscaled numbers.
Descriptions of variables
toaforcingnt (W/m2): net (SW+LW) direct radiative effect
AODDUST (unitless): dust aerosol optical depth at the visible band centered at 0.53 µm
dst_aSF (Kg/m2/s): surface dust emission rate
dst_ttDDF (Kg/m2/s): dry deposition rate of dust aerosol
dst_ttDep (Kg/m2/s): total deposition (dry+wet) rate of dust aerosol
dst_ttSFWET (Kg/m2/s): wet deposition rate of dust aerosol
dust_burden (kg/m2): dust burden
conc.Fe.exclude: surface dust concentrations
samuel.dep.approxlessthan10.northamerica: dust total (dry+wet) deposition fluxes
stations.dust.uselatlon.opta: filtered dust aerosol optical depth
See Albani et al. (2014) for details about the data