- Automatically grabs position from "New World" Instance
- Live visualisation of player position on MiniMap
- Circular & rectangular Map
- Stay-On-Top making the Map look like an Overlay!
- Automatically detects opened ingame menu for disabling overlaying
- Informative and structured debugging console
- Auto-version Checker upon startup
- Configurable
- Auto-Follow (credits to @seler)
- Resizeable
- Cross-Platform (untested)
- Install Pytesseract on your system
pip install pytesseract
- Install Script requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Edit Pytesseract path in MiniMap.py
- Start & Log into Game
- Enable "Show FPS" in Settings -> Visuals
- Run Script
- Configurate your Map
- Press "Remove" on your Keyboard to enable Overlaying, NWMM automatically detects your ingame map and hence disables overlaying!
- Bad OCR in daylight
INFO: It may be possible that one or the other library I use in this project is not compatible with newest version of Python I recommend using Python 3.8 (I myself use Python 3.8.8) Please downgrade or use the compiled version of this MiniMap.
A few filters applied ontop of the image crop to achieve better daylight OCR results
filter applied::
- Auto-Follow (credits to @seler)
- Map provided by StudioLoot (@https://studioloot.com/ / @https://www.newworld-map.com/#/)