The configuration files for my archlinux with bspwm.
Due to the redundancy of all kinds of desktop environments (DE) such as GNOME, Plasma, Buidge and other DEs, window manager might be a better way to use our Linux. When we install archlinux, we are absorbed by its flexbility and simpilicity. Image what will happen when you install a desktop environment for archlinux. There will be a lot of softwares that you don't want to use. So the archlinux will not be a pure archlinux. Isn't it? So let's turn to the bspwm. These are my own config files for archlinux with bspwm.
- Clone the repository via:
git clone
- Go to the folder cloned.
cd archlinux_with_bspwm_config & ls
There will be some folders inside. You can copy them to your ~/.config
Attention! To use these config files, you must have the following softwares installed:
1. bspwm (exactly)
2. sxhkd
3. polybar
4. rofi
5. kitty
The text fonts and icon fonts are:
**Text Fonts**
Iosevka Nerd Font
Fantasque Sans Mono
Noto Sans
Droid Sans
**Icon Fonts**
Iosevka Nerd Font
Icomoon Feather
Material Icons
Waffle (Siji)
Enjoy! Good luck!