This mod supports playing Beat Saber in Spear mode. In the modifiers panel, select Beat Spear Settings and you will see four options to choose from:
Two Controller Spear - Use your regular two controllers to control a two-handed spear. While you play you can press trigger on the hand you wish to be the forward hand. Do not use this with Darth Maul mode.
One Color - Modifies the Standard and No Arrows maps into One Color with No Arrows. Can be used for Spear mode or independently with other mods.
Left Spear - Uses the left saber and its color instead of the right to start. Haptic feedback is also on the left hand instead of the right.
Remove Other Spear - Disables the offhand spear that you are not using. Do not use this with Darth Maul mode.
You can still play Spear mode by mounting a controller or a Vive Tracker onto a long shaft and wield it like a physical spear. In that case do not select the Two Controller Spear option.
This mod depends on the following mods. Download them at BeatMods.
Drop the BeatSpearSupport.dll file into your Plugins folder under your BeatSaber folder.
- Updated manifest to indicate support for Beat Saber 1.5.0
- Minor update to icons
- Updated manifest BS Utils version to latest 1.3.6
- Added support for Two Controller spear
- Added option to remove offhand spear
- Renamed the Beat Spear option to One Color
- Initial working version of Beat Spear Support