This document describes how to integrate JetsSeatMap lib (further "seatmap") into any React.js application. Also, communication between the seatmap and a parent layer that embeds seatmap (further just "parent layer").
There are 2 ways to install the lib:
- using npm version
- using self-hosted version
Need to clone
this repository and install dependencies:
npm i
Here you have 2 options:
- rename .env-sample to .env. Also you need to get the
from Quicket GmbH support team and put them into fields in .env file. - or directly change
apiUrl: process.env.JETS_BASE_API_URL,
apiAppId: process.env.JETS_APP_ID,
apiKey: process.env.JETS_PRIVATE_KEY,
replace reading of env-variables with your credentials.
Run storybook:
npm run dev
By default you will see a loading progress bar - just input your flight parameters and press INIT SEAT MAP
Now you can customize the source code of the library, first of all apply you CSS styles.
Before use, you have to build lib:
npm run build-lib
After that, you can publish library to new or already exisiting github repository, or publish it to your NPM account.
To connect the library to the project, you need to run:
npm install name-of-your-lib-variation
or include this string into your package.json dependencies if you use the github repo:
"jets-seatmap-react-lib": "git+ssh://[email protected]/path-to-your-repo.git#branch"
This section explains how to integrate seatmap into React.js application.
Create your config and embed seatmap into your component page via <JetsSeatMap>
currentDeckIndex={deckIndex} // could be used to specify rendered deck or to switch decks on the fly from external UI
The flight
prop is requred.
This prop is required. It provides the data about cabin class, airline code, arrival, departure etc.
Interface, describing data types:
interface IFlight {
id: string;
airlineCode: string;
flightNo: string;
departureDate: string;
departure: string;
arrival: string;
cabinClass: string;
passengerType?: string;
planeCode?: number;
startRow?: string; // string [ 3 .. 24 ] characters
endRow?: string; // string [ 3 .. 24 ] characters
Example of data seatmap receives:
id: '1111',
airlineCode: 'BA',
flightNo: '106',
departureDate: '2023-09-28',
departure: 'DXB',
arrival: 'LHR',
cabinClass: 'E',
passengerType: 'ADT',
planeCode: null,
Cabin class vslues: E
- economy, P
- economy premium, B
- business, F
- first, A
- whole plane
The departure and arrival fields must consist the codes of airports. The departureDate field must be in
- first of available row numbers and its letters, colon as divider, upper case, e.g. 10
or 10:ABCDEF
. If startRow parameter is set endRow
also needs to be set, otherwise, it will be ignored
- last of available row numbers and its letters, colon as divider, upper case, e.g. 32
or 32:ACDF
. If endRow parameter is set startRow
also needs to be set, otherwise, it will be ignored
The availability property is array of objects and describes which seats are able for passengers. You can pass it
asynchronously or not pass at all, it is optional
Interface, describing data types:
interface IIncomingSeat {
currency: string;
label: string;
price: number;
color?: string; // color of the seat
onlyForPassengerType?: TPassengerType[];
additionalProps?: TAdditionalProp[]; // additionalProps from individual seats would exted the list of seat's features
// up to 12 features and props could be displayed in tooltip for a seat
type TSeatAvailability = IIncomingSeat[];
type TAdditionalProp = {
label: String;
icon: String; // suported icons are ["+", "-", "dot", "wifi", "movie", "power"], "dot' is default
Example of data seatmap receives:
currency: 'USD',
label: '*', // properties from wildcard would be used to replace unspecified properties for individual seats
price: 33,
onlyForPassengerType: ['ADT', 'CHD', 'INF'],
additionalProps: [ // additionalProps from wildcard would be merged with specified additionalProps for individual seats (applied to all seats)
{ label: 'Test prop for all', icon: 'dot' },
{ label: 'Another test prop for all', icon: 'wifi' },
color: 'lightgrey' // all the seats that don't have individual colors set will be colored with wildcard color value
currency: 'USD',
label: '20E',
price: 33,
onlyForPassengerType: ['ADT', 'CHD', 'INF'],
additionalProps: [
{ label: 'Clear air', icon: null, cssClass: 'clear-air-style' },
{ label: 'USB plug', icon: 'power' },
color: 'green' // individual seat's color
currency: 'USD',
label: '20K',
price: 33,
onlyForPassengerType: 'ADT',
currency: 'USD',
label: '21F',
price: 13,
onlyForPassengerType: ['ADT', 'CHD', 'INF'],
currency: 'USD',
label: '31B',
price: 13,
onlyForPassengerType: ['CHD', 'INF'],
You can pass seat with label
"*". This label work like all selector for seats. In example below all seats
with classCode
equals "E" will be enabled with price
of 50. However next seat configuration "12F" will
override price
and set it to 75. You can pass seat with price
0. Also you can pass seat without price
and it would be the same as pass it with 0 value.
If onlyForPassengerType
field is empty or doesn't exist, then it has no restrictions value by default.
Coloring seats tip: color
field has next set of priorities: individual > wildcard > internal. If wildcard
color is present - it's highly recommended to add color
property to all individual seats for visual distinction.
All additionalProps
can have property cssClass
that will be assigned to the container, icon and label. For example, if cssClass: 'cssClass: 'clear-air-style''
in the HTML you will have 3 additional CSS classes:
- class of seat feature containerclear-air-style-icon
- class of seat feature iconclear-air-style-label
- class of seat feature label
These CSS classes can be defined at the host level CSS.
Max count of visible seat features/props = 12
The passengers property is array of objects and describes the passengers for seating according to the cabin map . You
can pass it asynchronously or not pass at all, it is optional
. If you don't pass the passengers list - seat selection
will not work.
Interface, describing data types:
interface IPassenger {
readonly id: string;
seat: ISeat;
passengerType?: TPassengerType;
passengerLabel?: string;
passengerColor?: string;
interface ISeat {
price: number;
seatLabel: string;
type TAllocatablePassengers = IPassenger[];
type TPassengerType = 'ADT' | 'CHD' | 'INF';
Example of data seatmap receives:
"id": "1",
"seat": null
"id": "2",
"seat": {
"price": 0,
"seatLabel": "12F"
"passengerLabel": "Alex",
"passengerColor": "brown",
"readOnly": true
"id": "3",
"passengerType": "CHD",
"seat": null
"passengerLabel": "John Snow",
"passengerColor": "#ccc",
Or even like this:
"data": {
"passengers": [
{ "id": "1" },
{ "id": "2" },
{ "id": "3" }
, passengerType
, passengerLabel
and passengerColor
are not required fields.
If you will not pass passengerType
, passengerLabel
and passengerColor
fields the values will be set by default.
Please notice, that seatmap identifies how many passengers to allocate by a length of passengers
array. Therefore, for
example, to allocate 2 passengers without any predefined seat or its type, passengers
array shall contain 2 items.
For passengers with property readOnly: true
not possible to unselect assigned seat.
The config property describes basic configuration of seat map.
Interface, describing data types:
interface IConfig {
width: number;
lang: string;
units: TUnit;
apiUrl: string;
apiAppId: string;
apiKey: string;
colorTheme: IColorTheme;
type TUnit = 'metric' | 'imperials';
type TLang = 'CN' | 'DE' | 'EN' | 'ES' | 'PL' | 'RU' | 'AR' | 'CS' | 'FR' | 'PT' | 'UK' | 'IT' | 'JA' | 'KO' | 'TR';
Minimal config could look like this:
width: 400;
lang: 'EN';
units: 'metric';
Full config looks like this:
width: 400, // width of seatmap, height will be dynamic and depends on amount of decks/rows in decks
// if `horizontal` flag is set to true - height and width will swap around (height being static)
lang: 'EN',
horizontal: true, // should seatmap be rendered horizontally or vertically
rightToLeft: false, // changes tooltip text alignment (and decks placement) for RTL languages support
visibleFuselage: true, // should nose and tail graphics be rendered
visibleWings: false, // should position of wings be shown (helps to see how far/close they are from/to certain seats)
visibleCabinTitles: true, // should cabin titles be rendered
customCabinTitles: { F: 'First', B: 'Business', P: 'Premium', E: 'Economy' }, // optional, to override default cabin titles, defaults: F: 'First class', B: 'Business class', P: 'Premium class', E: 'Economy class',
builtInDeckSelector: false, // if there's only one deck on the flight it doesn't do anything
// if there's more it's possible to render all decks at once or only one with ability to switch them
singleDeckMode: true, // if false, double-deck mode enabled - to show 2 decks at a time, without deck switcher
builtInTooltip: true, // see `onTooltipRequested` section
externalPassengerManagement: false, // see `onTooltipRequested` section
tooltipOnHover: false, // see `onTooltipRequested` section
visibleSeatPriceLabels: false, // should seat price labels be rendered
currencySign: '$', // сurrency sign that will be displayed in the seat price label. It will also be displayed in the price in the tooltip. Only 1 character is allowed, if the length of the passed value is longer it will be truncated
scaleType: 'zoom', // type of scaling applied to adjust to the desired width of the rendered seat map: `zoom` | `scale`, FF supports `scale` only
apiAuthorizationScheme: 'Bearer', // authorization scheme to be sent in API client requests 'Authorization' header (default: 'Bearer', e.g. 'Authorization: Bearer {apiKey}')
hiddenSeatFeatures: ['limitedRecline', 'getColdByExit', 'doNotRecline', 'wingInWindow', 'nearLavatory', 'nearGalley'], // to exclude some seat features from the built-in tooltip, all seat features are still available within the `onTooltipRequested` event
colorTheme: { // most values are CSS-compatible
seatMapBackgroundColor: 'white',
deckLabelTitleColor: 'white',
deckHeightSpacing: 100, // additional space on both ends of a deck (for aesthetics only)
wingsWidth: 50,
deckSeparation: 0,
floorColor: 'rgb(30,60,90)', // color of decks floor
seatLabelColor: 'white',
seatStrokeColor: 'rgb(237, 237, 237)',
seatStrokeWidth: 1,
seatArmrestColor: '#cccccc',
notAvailableSeatsColor: 'lightgray', // fill color for seats that are not available, applied when seat `availability` has been set
bulkBaseColor : 'dimgrey', // colors for bulks
bulkCutColor : 'lightgrey',
bulkIconColor: 'darkslategray',
defaultPassengerBadgeColor: 'darkred',
fontFamily: 'Montserrat, sans-serif',
tooltipBackgroundColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)',
tooltipHeaderColor: '#4f6f8f',
tooltipBorderColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)',
tooltipFontColor: '#4f6f8f',
tooltipIconColor: '#4f6f8f', // applied to measurements icons, feature icons have set colors
tooltipIconBorderColor: '#4f6f8f',
tooltipIconBackgroundColor: '#fff',
tooltipSelectButtonTextColor: '#fff',
tooltipSelectButtonBackgroundColor: 'rgb(42, 85, 128)',
tooltipCancelButtonTextColor: '#fff',
tooltipCancelButtonBackgroundColor: 'rgb(55, 55, 55)',
deckSelectorStrokeColor: '#fff',
deckSelectorFillColor: 'rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.5)',
deckSelectorSize: 25,
fuselageStrokeWidth: 16, // surrounds the whole plane including tail\nose if enabled (min = 10, max = 18)
fuselageFillColor: 'lightgrey',
fuselageStrokeColor: 'darkgrey',
fuselageWindowsColor: 'darkgrey',
fuselageWingsColor: 'rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.5)',
exitIconUrlLeft: '', // URL to override built-in left exit icon, optional
exitIconUrlRight: '', // URL to override built-in right exit icon, optional
cabinTitlesWidth: 80,
cabinTitlesHighlightColors: { F: '#BDB76B', B: '#FF8C00', P: '#8FBC8F', E: '#1E90FF' },
cabinTitlesLabelColor: '#00BFFF',
To override exits need to set both
fields in the config - exitIconUrlLeft
&& exitIconUrlRight
+ define CSS style for exits:
.deck-exit__image {
/* custom size, for instance */
width: 72px;
height: 72px;
If you will not pass optional config params
then the properties will be set with default values.
This property allows you to open tooltip for any seat by its label. Once the prop is provided the view will be moved to the particular seat and the tooltip will be automatically opened. This will also automatically trigger the onTooltipRequested method.
The property is optional
. You can pass it asynchronously or not pass at all.
interface ISeatJumpToData {
seatLabel: string;
Example of use:
seatLabel: '22D'
This event fires up when seatmap (DOM tree, content) is initialized. It provides internal data such as
interface ISeat {
currency: string;
label: string;
price: number;
interface IAvailableSeatsData {
availableSeats: ISeat[]
interface IInitialLayoutData {
availabilityData: IAvailableSeatsData; // reflects what seats are available for passengers
currentDeckIndex: number; // shows current deck if "builtInDeckSelector" flag is set in config, otherwise 0
decksCount: number; // number of decks available for provided flight
heightInPx: number; // sum of lengths of all elements of the plane (decks, fuselage, separators) using internal units. Multiply by "scaleFactor" to get real pixel value on screen
scaleFactor: number; // scale applied to fit into provided boundaries
widthInPx: number; // outer width of the plane. CAUTION: if "horizontal" flag is set - height and width are swapped around to reflect that
error: string; // error message if not possible to build a seat map
Event is fired after onSeatMapInited
and on every deck switch if builtInDeckSelector
flag is set to true
in config and more than one deck available. See onSeatMapInited
interface iLayoutData {
currentDeckIndex: number;
decksCount: number;
heightInPx: number; // when fired after deck switch - reflects the size of plane with current deck visible, not total length
scaleFactor: number;
widthInPx: number;
Event is fired when user clicks a seat or puts cursor over it (if tooltipOnHover
flag is set to true
in config).
If builtInTooltip
flag is set to false
- native tooltip will not show up and custom tooltip could be shown based on the event's data.
If tooltipOnHover
flag is set to true
user will be able to select/deselect seats by clicking it even if builtInTooltip
is set to false
. To disable it completely set externalPassengerManagement
to true
Most usefult behaviors could be covered like this:
builtInTooltip |
tooltipOnHover |
externalPassengerManagement |
result |
true | false | false | native tooltip on click , select seat with tooltip buttons |
true | true | false | native tooltip on hover , select seat by clicking on seat |
false | true | false | no tooltip shown, select seat by clicking on it |
false | true | true | no tooltip , select/deselect must be treated externally |
interface iTooltipData {
element: HTMLElement; // HTML element of clicked/hovered seat, may be used for tooltip positioning
event: DOMEvent; // DOM event for more precise coordinates processing
seat: ISeatData // detailed seat info, see below
interface ISeatData {
additionalProps: ISeatFeature[] // additional props for seat converted to ISeatFeature, see Availability section
uniqId: string;
color: string; // how seat is shown on seatmap
features: ISeatFeature[]; // seat features like wifi, leg room, etc
letter: string; // letter in the row
measurements: IMeasurement[]; // shown in tooltip
status: string; // is seat available or not, see Availability section
type: string; // in most cases just "seat"
label: string; // includes row number and letter
classType: string; // Economy, Business, etc
classCode: string; // short for classType
rowName: string; // if rows inside current cabin class have special marks - it would be here ("World Traveller" as an example)
seatType: string; // format is "classCode-number", number indicates specific code of a seat in class
interface ISeatFeature {
icon: string; // SVG icon for the feature
title: string; // generic name for the feature
uniqId: string;
value: string; // text shown in tooltip
key: string; // used to get translated "value" (i18n)
// similar to ISeatFeature but uses different icons and displayed separately in the tooltip
interface IMeasurement {
icon: string; // SVG icon for the measurement
title: string; // name like "Pitch", "Recline"
uniqId: string;
value: string; // value shown in tooltip
use Element.getBoundingClientRect to align custom tooltip to the selected seat.
This event fires up when seat is selected. It provides the array of passengers with seat occupancy data. Only when externalPassengerManagement=false
in config.
Interface, describing data types:
interface IPassenger {
readonly id: string;
seat: ISeat;
passengerType?: TPassengerType;
passengerLabel?: string;
passengerColor?: string;
interface ISeat {
price: number;
seatLabel: string;
This event fires up when seat is unselected. It provides the array of passengers with seat occupancy data.
interface IPassenger {
readonly id: string;
seat: ISeat;
passengerType?: TPassengerType;
passengerLabel?: string;
passengerColor?: string;
interface ISeat {
price: number;
seatLabel: string;
This event fires up when cursor leave seat boudaries. It provides the same data like onTooltipRequested.
This event is triggered when the mouse is clicked on the seat, but only externalPassengerManagement == true && tooltipOnHover == true
. It provides the same data like onTooltipRequested.
This event is triggered when the Availability param is applied. It provides the lists of existing and non-existing seat labels.
interface IExistingSeatsLabelsInfo {
existingSeatLabels: string[];
nonExistingSeatLabels: string[];
An optional componentOverrides
object can be passed into <JetsSeatMap />
to override either the <JetsSeat />
component or
the <JetsNotInit />
(loading state before seat map is initialized).
Note: If you override <JetsSeat />
you will need to build the seat component and ensure that interaction events are handled correctly.
const componentOverrides = {
JetsSeat: MyCustomJetsSeat,
JetsNotInit: MyCustomLoader,