Telegram bot which helps to organize online game sessions with buddies.
Add @SteamTogetherBot to your group chat and type /help
to get a list of available commands.
TODO: add here the output of the /help
There are the following projects:
- SteamTogether.Bot with tests in SteamTogether.Bot.UnitTests Telegram bot which is responsible for handling user commands and sending notifications.
- SteamTogether.Scraper with tests in SteamTogether.Scraper.UnitTests Background service which is responsible for scraping Steam for game metadata and writing it into the database.
See the corresponding readme files for more info.
Go to SteamTogether.Core project:
> cd SteamTogether.Core
Make changes to models and create a migration:
> dotnet ef migrations Add MyMigrationName --project SteamTogether.Core.csproj --startup-project ../SteamTogether.Bot/SteamTogether.Bot.csproj
Apply changes to a database:
> dotnet ef database update --project SteamTogether.Core.csproj --startup-project ../SteamTogether.Bot/SteamTogether.Bot.csproj