bayesmsm is an R package that implements the Bayesian marginal structrual models to estimate average treatment effect for drawing causal inference with time-varying treatment assignment and confoudning with extension to handle informative right-censoring. The Bayesian marginal structural models is a semi-parametric approach and features a two-step estimation process. The first step involves Bayesian parametric estimation of the time-varying treatment assignment models and the second step involves non-parametric Bayesian bootstrap to estimate the average treatment effect between two distinct treatment sequences of interest.
Reference paper on Bayesian marginal structural models:
Saarela, O., Stephens, D. A., Moodie, E. E., & Klein, M. B. (2015). On Bayesian estimation of marginal structural models. Biometrics, 71(2), 279-288.
Liu, K., Saarela, O., Feldman, B. M., & Pullenayegum, E. (2020). Estimation of causal effects with repeatedly measured outcomes in a Bayesian framework. Statistical methods in medical research, 29(9), 2507-2519.
Install using devtools
## install.packages(devtools) ## make sure to have devtools installed
This package depends on the following R packages:
Here are some examples demonstrating how to use the bayesmsm
# Load example data
testdata <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "continuous_outcome_data.csv", package = "bayesmsm"))
# Calculate Bayesian weights
weights <- bayesweight(
trtmodel.list = list(
a_1 ~ w1 + w2 + L1_1 + L2_1,
a_2 ~ w1 + w2 + L1_1 + L2_1 + L1_2 + L2_2 + a_1
data = testdata,
n.iter = 250,
n.burnin = 150,
n.thin = 5,
n.chains = 2,
seed = 890123,
parallel = TRUE
# Perform Bayesian non-parametric bootstrap
model <- bayesmsm(
ymodel = y ~ a_1 + a_2,
nvisit = 2,
reference = c(rep(0, 2)),
comparator = c(rep(1, 2)),
family = "gaussian",
data = testdata,
wmean = weights,
nboot = 1000,
optim_method = "BFGS",
seed = 890123,
parallel = TRUE,
ncore = 2
# View model summary
This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Please cite our software using:
title = {bayesmsm: An R package for longitudinal causal analysis using Bayesian Marginal Structural Models},
author = {Xiao Yan and Martin Urner and Kuan Liu},
year = {2024},
note = {},
url = {},
- e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
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