GenXSecAnalyzer can be used to compute the cross section correctly in the MC production or for the physics analysis (on an existing MC sample, in MINIAODSIM format file)
The CMSSW release must not predate the release that was used in writing the input files. For the example input files here, CMSSW 13_0_13
was used.
cmsrel CMSSW_13_0_13
cd CMSSW_13_0_13/src
git clone [email protected]:Ksavva1021/GenXSecAnalyzer.git
cd GenXSecAnalyzer
We utilise dasgoclient
to get the list of files in the sample of interest.
dasgoclient -query="file dataset=/GluGluHJJto2TauUncorrelatedDecay_CP-mix_M-125_CP5_13p6TeV_powheg-minlo-pythia
8/Run3Summer22MiniAODv4-130X_mcRun3_2022_realistic_v5-v2/MINIAODSIM" &> GluGluHJJto2TauUncorrelatedDecay_CP-mix.txt
Note: You can set the maxEvents to your preference: -1
cmsRun inputFileList=GluGluHJJto2TauUncorrelatedDecay_CP-odd.txt maxEvents=-1