Please feel free to use any of the code in the repo to learn or build your own projects Please do not copy any code from a1,a2 or a3 files as they are Uoft owned assignments I wrote.
a1 - 3 sections: 1st focusing on Linear Regression, 2nd on Logistic Regression, 3rd on Batch Gradient vs SGD and ADAM All 3 models were trained on the two class notMNIST dataset - all findings are in our report
a2 - 2 sections: 1st designing a Neural Network using Numpy, 2nd designing a Neural Network using tensorflow Models were trained on 10 class notMNIST dataset - only part2 was completed due to some unfortunate circumstances
a3 - 2 sections: 1st implementing a varient of K-means, 2nd implementing Mixtures of Gaussian(MOG) model Models were trained on 2-dimensional dataset and 100-dimensional dataset - all findings are in our report