Pasta is a python 3 tool which performs PasteBin scraping without the use of PasteBin's scraping API. This makes Pasta free and doesn't require an acccount making it suitable for everyone.
It is not as powerful as the PastaBin scraping API but should suffice with providing enough information to look for usernames, passwords, emails, IP addresses and maybe more.
- Ability to generate random 8 characters long strings similar to those identifying real PasteBin entries
- Ability to use the randomly generated strings and bruteforce PasteBin for possible hidden valid pastebins
- Ability to view the contents of PasteBin entry
- Ability to scrape the most recent archive of PasteBin
- Ability to look for sensitive information in downloaded pastebins [emails, usernames, IP addresses]
- Ability to retrieve all pastebins of user's account from all available pages
- Ability to select which file to search for sensitive information
- Ability to select how many threads you want to use [-s, -d, -u]
Installing the tool is as simple as running the following commands in the terminal:
git clone
cd pasta
chmod +x
./pasta -h
This should greet you with the help menu of the tool
______ _______ ______ _______ _______
(_____ (_______)/ _____|_______|_______)
_____) )______( (____ _ _______
| ____/ ___ |\____ \ | | | ___ |
| | | | | |_____) ) | | | | | |
|_| |_| |_(______/ |_| |_| |_|
ver: 0.3
usage: [-h] [-s] [-r RANGE_STR] [-c CHECK] [-g] [-d] [-e] [-u USERBIN] [-p PAGE] [-f FILE] [-t THREADS]
Pasta - A PasteBin Scraper
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --search Search PasteBin with a set of strings
-r RANGE_STR, --range_str RANGE_STR
How many strings to generate
-c CHECK, --check CHECK
Check contents of a specific PasteBin entry
-g, --get_archive Get most recent PasteBin archive
-d, --scrape Scrape the most recent archive and save each Pastebin
-e, --sensitive Search for sensitive info from downloaded Pastebins
-u USERBIN, --userbin USERBIN
Retrieve the PasteBin posts of a user
-p PAGE, --page PAGE Page number of user's PasteBins
-f FILE, --file FILE Search PasteBin with a set of strings
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
How many threads to use
This script has been created for academic purposes only and the developer takes no responsibility of its use !