Go skeleton application repository used for production-ready golang applications via golang best practices meshed with MVC architecture.
Available Make functions:
- make build - Compile the code
- make air - Run the code with Golang Hot Reloader (Air)
- make run - Run the code without Hot Reloader
- make fumpt - Run gofumpt
- make mod-vendor - Run go mod vendor
- make linter - Run golangci-lint
- make gosec - Run gosec
- make test - Run tests
- make validate - Run all linter, gosec and tests
- make migrate-up - Run database migrations
- make migrate-down - Rollback database migrations
- make migrate-create - Create a new database migration
You can pull the example application from AWS ECR Repository.
It doesn't use any versioning system for purpose of simplicity. You can use the following command to pull the image:
docker pull public.ecr.aws/c2w5h6c4/go-skeleton-app:latest
curl https://localhost:8080/ -k -v
The part is the version of the image you want to pull.