This repo is a plugin for Swagger-UI that loads a custom 2/3 column theme, and adds code snippets with react-apiembed
This repo is still under development and changes are coming
Swagger-UI does mot support react 16. If you have react 16 ANYWHERE loaded/bundled on the same page as swagger you will not be able to fill in required parameters on try it swagger-api/swagger-ui#4745
Workaround: Use yarn not npm make sure you have
"resolutions": {
"react": "15.6.2",
"react-dom": "15.6.2"
in your package json
yarn add swagger-ui-kong-theme
From where you are loading your Swagger-Ui
import { SwaggerUIKongTheme } from 'swagger-ui-kong-theme'
As part of the options include SwaggerUIKongTheme
in the plugins array and 'KongLayout'
as your Layout
for example:
const swaggerUIOptions = {
spec: swaggerSpec, // Define data to be used
dom_id: '#ui-wrapper', // Determine what element to load swagger ui
docExpansion: 'list',
deepLinking: true, // Enables dynamic deep linking for tags and operations this is needed for sidebar
filter: true,
presets: [
plugins: [
layout: 'KongLayout',
"swaggerAbsoluteTop": "0px", // the top most container is set absolute at this distance from top. (default 0)
"hasSidebar": true, // enables sidebar (default off)
"languages" : [ // sets langagues for sidebar (default bash, javascript, python, ruby)
const ui = SwaggerUIBundle(swaggerUIOptions)
run to install required packages
run to build
yarn build
follow dev steps above then:
cd demo
yarn start
For problems directly related to this plugin, add an issue on GitHub.
For other issues, see Swagger UI