This release contains the significantly updated feature set for the Aion Wallet. It features major changes to how keystore files are managed, and a bump in functionality with respect to transaction sending and history.
User guide and documentation available here, blog post here
- Ability to generate an HD wallet path specific to Aion (m/44'/425'/0'/0')
- Ability to create, manage and export accounts from HD path
- Ability to import and export keystore accounts
- Ability to send and receive Transactions (limited to currency transfers for now)
- Ability to view transaction history
- Ability to view the sync status of the node
The wallet is coupled to releases of the Aion kernel, we strongly recommend that this wallet be used with a local node running v0.2.8. Please only submit bug reports if you're running the wallet with this configuration.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Aion v0.2.8