Welcome to uygroa, a DNS based ad blocker forked from ublockr. uygroa redirects ad domains to pixelserv-tls webserver.
- SSH/TELNET access
- Router with entware capabilities
- A swap enabled USB drive mounted to the router
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Knapoc/uygroa/master/uygroa -O /opt/bin/uygroa --no-check-certificate
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Knapoc/uygroa/master/uygroa.cfg -O /opt/etc/uygroa.cfg --no-check-certificate
chmod +x /opt/bin/uygroa
- Run it periodically with cron... e.g: 0 0 * * * /opt/bin/uygroa
- Pixelserv-TLS is installed automatically. It may be necessary to configure it. To do so please refer to the additional resources
- The configuration is done in /opt/etc/uygroa.cfg. AsusWRT (not MERLIN) shall configure other.
- If you place uygroa.cfg in a different directory, make sure to update the path in uygroa.
- Compatibility with malware-filter by Toast
- Compatibility with privacy-filter by Toast
- Clear cache function
- Update host file sources (listupdate)
- Option to disable whitelists
- Update only, when newer revision is available
Updates uygroa if a newer revision is available on github
Updates uygroa with the latest github version (force update)
shows version number
Deletes ip.list, no.list and whitelist.filter and downloads them again from github.
Deletes ip.list and no.list and downloads them again from github. These lists contain the various host file sources.
Deletes whitelist.filter and downloads it again from github.
Add entries to your whitelist:
uygroa -addwl example.com
. -
Deletes the content of the cache folder: ip.list, no.list, whitelist.filter, ipv4_hosts, ipv6_hosts
Generates the Root CA Certificates for Pixelserv-TLS. Requires OPENSSL to be installed. Certificates are only generated, if ca.crt AND ca.key do not exist yet.
Purges all certificates, which are generated by Pixelserv-TLS. ca.crt and ca.key will not be removed. Custom filtering
nano /opt/var/cache/uygroa/whitelist.filter
Note: -fetchall & - fetchwl delete your customized whitelist. -
nano /opt/var/cache/uygroa/ip.list
ornano /opt/var/cache/uygroa/no.list
depending on the layout of the new hostfile: if listed with ip addess, then use ip.list. ip.list has some host files disabled and I suggest you read up on what they block. Remove the hash to enable them. Note: -fetchall & - fetchbl delete your customized host file sources. -
Personal Blacklist:
You can use your own blocklist. Make sure that it follows dnsmasq standards (e.g.
) and link it in dnsmasq.conf.add (e.g.conf-file=/mypersonalblocklist.conf
- Pixelserv-TLS
- Entware on AsusWRT (stock)
- Entware on AsusWRT-Merlin
- Entware on Padavan
- Pixelserv-TLS entware configuration
- uBlockr on SNB
- Pixelserv-TLS on SNB
- Purge certificates generated by pixelserv
rm /opt/bin/uygroa
rm /opt/etc/uygroa.cfg
rm -r /opt/var/cache/uygroa/
- edit dnsmasq config and remove the entry which links to /opt/var/cache/uygroa/ipv4_hosts (or ipv6_hosts).
- restart dnsmasq or reboot
- This will not uninstall pixelserv-tls. To do so
opkg remove pixelserv-tls
- To remove all certificates including the Root CA cert:
rm /opt/var/cache/pixelserv/*
or (to delete the folder)rm -r /opt/var/cache/pixelserv/