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Update dependency numpy to v2 (#109)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [numpy](
[changelog]( | `==1.26.4` ->
`==2.1.1` |


### Release Notes

<summary>numpy/numpy (numpy)</summary>





NumPy 2.0.2 release (Aug 26, 2024)


##### NumPy 2.0.2 Release Notes

NumPy 2.0.2 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs and regressions
discovered after the 2.0.1 release.

The Python versions supported by this release are 3.9-3.12.

##### Contributors

A total of 13 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by
their names contributed a patch for the first time.

-   Bruno Oliveira +
-   Charles Harris
-   Chris Sidebottom
-   Christian Heimes +
-   Christopher Sidebottom
-   Mateusz Sokół
-   Matti Picus
-   Nathan Goldbaum
-   Pieter Eendebak
-   Raghuveer Devulapalli
-   Ralf Gommers
-   Sebastian Berg
-   Yair Chuchem +

##### Pull requests merged

A total of 19 pull requests were merged for this release.

- [#&#8203;27000](
REL: Prepare for the NumPy 2.0.1 release \[wheel build]
- [#&#8203;27001](
MAINT: prepare 2.0.x for further development
- [#&#8203;27021](
BUG: fix crash when sys.stderr is not available
- [#&#8203;27022](
DOC: Fix migration note for `alltrue` and `sometrue`
- [#&#8203;27061](
BUG: use proper input and output descriptor in array_assign_subscript...
- [#&#8203;27073](
BUG: Mirror VQSORT_ENABLED logic in Quicksort
- [#&#8203;27074](
BUG: Bump Highway to latest master
- [#&#8203;27077](
BUG: Off by one in memory overlap check
- [#&#8203;27122](
BUG: Use the new `npyv_loadable_stride_` functions for ldexp and...
- [#&#8203;27126](
BUG: Bump Highway to latest
- [#&#8203;27128](
BUG: add missing error handling in public_dtype_api.c
- [#&#8203;27129](
BUG: fix another cast setup in array_assign_subscript
- [#&#8203;27130](
BUG: Fix building NumPy in FIPS mode
- [#&#8203;27131](
BLD: update vendored Meson for cross-compilation patches
- [#&#8203;27146](
MAINT: Scipy openblas
- [#&#8203;27151](
BUG: Do not accidentally store dtype metadata in ``
- [#&#8203;27195](
REV: Revert undef I and document it
- [#&#8203;27213](
BUG: Fix NPY_RAVEL_AXIS on backwards compatible NumPy 2 builds
- [#&#8203;27279](
BUG: Fix array_equal for numeric and non-numeric scalar types

##### Checksums

##### MD5

    9703a02ca6b63ca53f83660d089f4294  numpy-2.0.2-cp310-cp310-win32.whl
12c097ef2c7492282a5514b5c4b68784 numpy-2.0.2-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
    4fe937eba0fc4d28a65c0ba571c809fc  numpy-2.0.2-cp311-cp311-win32.whl
a9a0f8e1bc4d825272514896e3b17f15 numpy-2.0.2-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl
    39724e27a003b6ce9b1bcbf251e50b4b  numpy-2.0.2-cp312-cp312-win32.whl
8319d0b3d23285d4698cbece73b23fde numpy-2.0.2-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl
    71557f67f24d39db709cc4ccb85ae5b5  numpy-2.0.2-cp39-cp39-win32.whl
f5dc31c5530037c4d1d990696b1d041c numpy-2.0.2-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
    d517a3be706295c4a4c8f75f5ee7b261  numpy-2.0.2.tar.gz

##### SHA256






### NumPy 2.0.0 Release Notes

NumPy 2.0.0 is the first major release since 2006. It is the result of
11 months of development since the last feature release and is the work
of 212 contributors spread over 1078 pull requests. It contains a large
number of exciting new features as well as changes to both the Python
and C APIs.

This major release includes breaking changes that could not happen in a
regular minor (feature) release - including an ABI break, changes to
type promotion rules, and API changes which may not have been emitting
deprecation warnings in 1.26.x. Key documents related to how to adapt to
changes in NumPy 2.0, in addition to these release notes, include:

- The
- The Numpy 2.0-specific advice in [for downstream package

#### Highlights

Highlights of this release include:

-   New features:
- A new variable-length string dtype, `numpy.dtypes.StringDType` and a
`numpy.strings` namespace with performant ufuncs for string operations,
    -   Support for `float32` and `longdouble` in all
        `numpy.fft` functions,
    -   Support for the array API standard in the main `numpy`
-   Performance improvements:
    -   Sorting functions `sort`, `argsort`,
        `partition`, `argpartition` have been
        accelerated through the use of the Intel x86-simd-sort and
        Google Highway libraries, and may see large (hardware-specific)
    -   macOS Accelerate support and binary wheels for macOS >=14, with
        significant performance improvements for linear algebra
        operations on macOS, and wheels that are about 3 times smaller,
    -   `numpy.char` fixed-length string operations have
        been accelerated by implementing ufuncs that also support
        `numpy.dtypes.StringDType` in addition to the
        fixed-length string dtypes,
    -   A new tracing and introspection API,
        `numpy.lib.introspect.opt_func_info`, to determine
        which hardware-specific kernels are available and will be
        dispatched to.
    -   `` now uses pickle protocol version 4 for saving
        arrays with object dtype, which allows for pickle objects larger
        than 4GB and improves saving speed by about 5% for large arrays.
-   Python API improvements:
    -   A clear split between public and private API, with a new module
structure and each public function now available in a single place.
    -   Many removals of non-recommended functions and aliases. This
        should make it easier to learn and use NumPy. The number of
        objects in the main namespace decreased by ~10% and in
        `numpy.lib` by ~80%.
- ` Canonical dtype names and a new `numpy.isdtype\` introspection
-   C API improvements:
    -   A new public C API for creating custom dtypes,
    -   Many outdated functions and macros removed, and private
        internals hidden to ease future extensibility,
- New, easier to use, initialization functions: `PyArray_ImportNumPyAPI`
        and `PyUFunc_ImportUFuncAPI`.
-   Improved behavior:
- Improvements to type promotion behavior was changed by adopting NEP
This fixes many user surprises about promotions which previously often
depended on data values of input arrays rather than only their dtypes.
Please see the NEP and the numpy-2-migration-guide for details as this
change can lead to changes in output dtypes and lower precision results
        for mixed-dtype operations.
    -   The default integer type on Windows is now `int64` rather than
        `int32`, matching the behavior on other platforms,
    -   The maximum number of array dimensions is changed from 32 to 64
-   Documentation:
    -   The reference guide navigation was significantly improved, and
        there is now documentation on NumPy's
        module structure,
    -   The building from source documentation was completely rewritten,

Furthermore there are many changes to NumPy internals, including
continuing to migrate code from C to C++, that will make it easier to
improve and maintain NumPy in the future.

The "no free lunch" theorem dictates that there is a price to pay for
all these API and behavior improvements and better future extensibility.
This price is:

1.  Backwards compatibility. There are a significant number of breaking
    changes to both the Python and C APIs. In the majority of cases,
    there are clear error messages that will inform the user how to
    adapt their code. However, there are also changes in behavior for
    which it was not possible to give such an error message - these
    cases are all covered in the Deprecation and Compatibility sections
    below, and in the numpy-2-migration-guide.

    Note that there is a `ruff` mode to auto-fix many things in Python

2.  Breaking changes to the NumPy ABI. As a result, binaries of packages
    that use the NumPy C API and were built against a NumPy 1.xx release
    will not work with NumPy 2.0. On import, such packages will see an
    `ImportError` with a message about binary incompatibility.

    It is possible to build binaries against NumPy 2.0 that will work at
runtime with both NumPy 2.0 and 1.x. See numpy-2-abi-handling for more

    **All downstream packages that depend on the NumPy ABI are advised
    to do a new release built against NumPy 2.0 and verify that that
    release works with both 2.0 and 1.26 - ideally in the period between
    2.0.0rc1 (which will be ABI-stable) and the final 2.0.0 release to
    avoid problems for their users.**

The Python versions supported by this release are 3.9-3.12.

#### NumPy 2.0 Python API removals

-   `np.geterrobj`, `np.seterrobj` and the related ufunc keyword
    argument `extobj=` have been removed. The preferred replacement for
    all of these is using the context manager `with np.errstate():`.


-   `np.cast` has been removed. The literal replacement for
    `np.cast[dtype](arg)` is `np.asarray(arg, dtype=dtype)`.

-   `np.source` has been removed. The preferred replacement is

-   `np.lookfor` has been removed.


-   `numpy.who` has been removed. As an alternative for the removed
    functionality, one can use a variable explorer that is available in
    IDEs such as Spyder or Jupyter Notebook.


-   Warnings and exceptions present in `numpy.exceptions`,
    e.g, `numpy.exceptions.ComplexWarning`,
    `numpy.exceptions.VisibleDeprecationWarning`, are no
    longer exposed in the main namespace.

-   Multiple niche enums, expired members and functions have been
    removed from the main namespace, such as: `ERR_*`, `SHIFT_*`,
    `np.fastCopyAndTranspose`, `np.kernel_version`, `np.numarray`,
    `np.oldnumeric` and `np.set_numeric_ops`.


-   Replaced `from ... import *` in the `numpy/` with
    explicit imports. As a result, these main namespace members got
    removed: `np.FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT`, `np.FPE_*`, `np.NINF`,
    `np.PINF`, `np.NZERO`, `np.PZERO`, `np.CLIP`, `np.WRAP`, `np.WRAP`,
    `np.MAY_SHARE_EXACT`, `np.MAY_SHARE_BOUNDS`, `add_newdoc`,
    `np.add_docstring` and `np.add_newdoc_ufunc`.


-   Alias `np.float_` has been removed. Use `np.float64` instead.

-   Alias `np.complex_` has been removed. Use `np.complex128` instead.

-   Alias `np.longfloat` has been removed. Use `np.longdouble` instead.

-   Alias `np.singlecomplex` has been removed. Use `np.complex64`

-   Alias `np.cfloat` has been removed. Use `np.complex128` instead.

-   Alias `np.longcomplex` has been removed. Use `np.clongdouble`

-   Alias `np.clongfloat` has been removed. Use `np.clongdouble`

-   Alias `np.string_` has been removed. Use `np.bytes_` instead.

-   Alias `np.unicode_` has been removed. Use `np.str_` instead.

-   Alias `np.Inf` has been removed. Use `np.inf` instead.

-   Alias `np.Infinity` has been removed. Use `np.inf` instead.

-   Alias `np.NaN` has been removed. Use `np.nan` instead.

-   Alias `np.infty` has been removed. Use `np.inf` instead.

-   Alias `np.mat` has been removed. Use `np.asmatrix` instead.

-   `np.issubclass_` has been removed. Use the `issubclass` builtin

-   `np.asfarray` has been removed. Use `np.asarray` with a proper dtype

-   `np.set_string_function` has been removed. Use `np.set_printoptions`
    instead with a formatter for custom printing of NumPy objects.

-   `np.tracemalloc_domain` is now only available from `np.lib`.

-   `np.recfromcsv` and `recfromtxt` are now only available from

-   `np.issctype`, `np.maximum_sctype`, `np.obj2sctype`,
    `np.sctype2char`, `np.sctypes`, `np.issubsctype` were all removed
    from the main namespace without replacement, as they where niche

-   Deprecated `np.deprecate` and `np.deprecate_with_doc` has been
    removed from the main namespace. Use `DeprecationWarning` instead.

-   Deprecated `np.safe_eval` has been removed from the main namespace.
    Use `ast.literal_eval` instead.


-   `np.find_common_type` has been removed. Use `numpy.promote_types` or
    `numpy.result_type` instead. To achieve semantics for the
    `scalar_types` argument, use `numpy.result_type` and pass `0`,
    `0.0`, or `0j` as a Python scalar instead.

-   `np.round_` has been removed. Use `np.round` instead.

-   `np.nbytes` has been removed. Use `np.dtype(<dtype>).itemsize`


-   `np.compare_chararrays` has been removed from the main namespace.
    Use `np.char.compare_chararrays` instead.

-   The `charrarray` in the main namespace has been deprecated. It can
    be imported without a deprecation warning from `np.char.chararray`
    for now, but we are planning to fully deprecate and remove
    `chararray` in the future.

-   `np.format_parser` has been removed from the main namespace. Use
    `np.rec.format_parser` instead.


-   Support for seven data type string aliases has been removed from
    `np.dtype`: `int0`, `uint0`, `void0`, `object0`, `str0`, `bytes0`
    and `bool8`.


-   The experimental `numpy.array_api` submodule has been removed. Use
    the main `numpy` namespace for regular usage instead, or the
    separate `array-api-strict` package for the compliance testing use
    case for which `numpy.array_api` was mostly used.


##### `__array_prepare__` is removed

UFuncs called `__array_prepare__` before running computations for normal
ufunc calls (not generalized ufuncs, reductions, etc.). The function was
also called instead of `__array_wrap__` on the results of some linear
algebra functions.

It is now removed. If you use it, migrate to `__array_ufunc__` or rely
on `__array_wrap__` which is called with a context in all cases,
although only after the result array is filled. In those code paths,
`__array_wrap__` will now be passed a base class, rather than a subclass


#### Deprecations

-   `np.compat` has been deprecated, as Python 2 is no longer supported.

-   `numpy.int8` and similar classes will no longer support conversion
    of out of bounds python integers to integer arrays. For example,
    conversion of 255 to int8 will not return -1. `numpy.iinfo(dtype)`
    can be used to check the machine limits for data types. For example,
    `np.iinfo(np.uint16)` returns min = 0 and max = 65535.

    `np.array(value).astype(dtype)` will give the desired result.

-   `np.safe_eval` has been deprecated. `ast.literal_eval` should be
    used instead.


-   `np.recfromcsv`, `np.recfromtxt`, `np.disp`, `np.get_array_wrap`,
    `np.maximum_sctype`, `np.deprecate` and `np.deprecate_with_doc` have
    been deprecated.


-   `np.trapz` has been deprecated. Use `np.trapezoid` or a
    `scipy.integrate` function instead.

-   `np.in1d` has been deprecated. Use `np.isin` instead.

-   Alias `np.row_stack` has been deprecated. Use `np.vstack` directly.


-   `__array_wrap__` is now passed `arr, context, return_scalar` and
    support for implementations not accepting all three are deprecated.
    Its signature should be
    `__array_wrap__(self, arr, context=None, return_scalar=False)`


-   Arrays of 2-dimensional vectors for `np.cross` have been deprecated.
    Use arrays of 3-dimensional vectors instead.


-   `np.dtype("a")` alias for `np.dtype(np.bytes_)` was deprecated. Use
    `np.dtype("S")` alias instead.


-   Use of keyword arguments `x` and `y` with functions
    `assert_array_equal` and `assert_array_almost_equal` has been
    deprecated. Pass the first two arguments as positional arguments


##### `numpy.fft` deprecations for n-D transforms with None values in

Using `fftn`, `ifftn`, `rfftn`, `irfftn`, `fft2`, `ifft2`, `rfft2` or
`irfft2` with the `s` parameter set to a value that is not `None` and
the `axes` parameter set to `None` has been deprecated, in line with the
array API standard. To retain current behaviour, pass a sequence \[0,
..., k-1] to `axes` for an array of dimension k.

Furthermore, passing an array to `s` which contains `None` values is
deprecated as the parameter is documented to accept a sequence of
integers in both the NumPy docs and the array API specification. To use
the default behaviour of the corresponding 1-D transform, pass the value
matching the default for its `n` parameter. To use the default behaviour
for every axis, the `s` argument can be omitted.


##### `np.linalg.lstsq` now defaults to a new `rcond` value

`numpy.linalg.lstsq` now uses the new rcond value of the
machine precision times `max(M, N)`. Previously, the machine precision
was used but a FutureWarning was given to notify that this change will
happen eventually. That old behavior can still be achieved by passing


#### Expired deprecations

-   The `np.core.umath_tests` submodule has been removed from the public
    API. (Deprecated in NumPy 1.15)


-   The `PyDataMem_SetEventHook` deprecation has expired and it is
    removed. Use `tracemalloc` and the `np.lib.tracemalloc_domain`
    domain. (Deprecated in NumPy 1.23)


-   The deprecation of `set_numeric_ops` and the C functions
    `PyArray_SetNumericOps` and `PyArray_GetNumericOps` has been expired
    and the functions removed. (Deprecated in NumPy 1.16)


-   The `fasttake`, `fastclip`, and `fastputmask` `ArrFuncs` deprecation
    is now finalized.

-   The deprecated function `fastCopyAndTranspose` and its C counterpart
    are now removed.

-   The deprecation of `PyArray_ScalarFromObject` is now finalized.


-   `np.msort` has been removed. For a replacement, `np.sort(a, axis=0)`
    should be used instead.


-   `np.dtype(("f8", 1)` will now return a shape 1 subarray dtype rather
    than a non-subarray one.


-   Assigning to the `.data` attribute of an ndarray is disallowed and
    will raise.

-   `np.binary_repr(a, width)` will raise if width is too small.

-   Using `NPY_CHAR` in `PyArray_DescrFromType()` will raise, use


#### Compatibility notes

##### `loadtxt` and `genfromtxt` default encoding changed

`loadtxt` and `genfromtxt` now both default to `encoding=None` which may
mainly modify how `converters` work. These will now be passed `str`
rather than `bytes`. Pass the encoding explicitly to always get the new
or old behavior. For `genfromtxt` the change also means that returned
values will now be unicode strings rather than bytes.


##### `f2py` compatibility notes

-   `f2py` will no longer accept ambiguous `-m` and `.pyf` CLI
    combinations. When more than one `.pyf` file is passed, an error is
    raised. When both `-m` and a `.pyf` is passed, a warning is emitted
    and the `-m` provided name is ignored.


-   The `f2py.compile()` helper has been removed because it leaked
    memory, has been marked as experimental for several years now, and
    was implemented as a thin `` wrapper. It was also one
    of the test bottlenecks. See
[gh-25122]( for the
    rationale. It also used several `np.distutils` features which are
    too fragile to be ported to work with `meson`.

-   Users are urged to replace calls to `f2py.compile` with calls to
    `"python", "-m", "numpy.f2py",...` instead, and to
    use environment variables to interact with `meson`. [Native
    files]( are also an


##### Minor changes in behavior of sorting functions

Due to algorithmic changes and use of SIMD code, sorting functions with
methods that aren't stable may return slightly different results in
2.0.0 compared to 1.26.x. This includes the default method of
`numpy.argsort` and `numpy.argpartition`.

##### Removed ambiguity when broadcasting in `np.solve`

The broadcasting rules for `np.solve(a, b)` were ambiguous when `b` had
1 fewer dimensions than `a`. This has been resolved in a
backward-incompatible way and is now compliant with the Array API. The
old behaviour can be reconstructed by using
`np.solve(a, b[..., None])[..., 0]`.


##### Modified representation for `Polynomial`

The representation method for
`numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial` was updated to
include the domain in the representation. The plain text and latex
representations are now consistent. For example the output of
`str(np.polynomial.Polynomial([1, 1], domain=[.1, .2]))` used to be
`1.0 + 1.0 x`, but now is `1.0 + 1.0 (-3.0000000000000004 + 20.0 x)`.


#### C API changes

-   The `PyArray_CGT`, `PyArray_CLT`, `PyArray_CGE`, `PyArray_CLE`,
    `PyArray_CEQ`, `PyArray_CNE` macros have been removed.

-   `PyArray_MIN` and `PyArray_MAX` have been moved from
    `ndarraytypes.h` to `npy_math.h`.


-   A C API for working with `numpy.dtypes.StringDType`
    arrays has been exposed. This includes functions for acquiring and
    releasing mutexes which lock access to the string data, as well as
    packing and unpacking UTF-8 bytestreams from array entries.

-   `NPY_NTYPES` has been renamed to `NPY_NTYPES_LEGACY` as it does not
    include new NumPy built-in DTypes. In particular the new string
    DType will likely not work correctly with code that handles legacy


-   The C-API now only exports the static inline function versions of
    the array accessors (previously this depended on using "deprecated
    API"). While we discourage it, the struct fields can still be used


- NumPy now defines `PyArray_Pack` to set an individual memory address.
    Unlike `PyArray_SETITEM` this function is equivalent to setting an
    individual array item and does not require a NumPy array input.


- The `->f` slot has been removed from `PyArray_Descr`. If you use this
replace accessing it with `PyDataType_GetArrFuncs` (see its
and the `numpy-2-migration-guide`). In some cases using other functions
    like `PyArray_GETITEM` may be an alternatives.

-   `PyArray_GETITEM` and `PyArray_SETITEM` now require the import of
    the NumPy API table to be used and are no longer defined in


-   Due to runtime dependencies, the definition for functionality
    accessing the dtype flags was moved from `numpy/ndarraytypes.h` and
    is only available after including `numpy/ndarrayobject.h` as it
    requires `import_array()`. This includes `PyDataType_FLAGCHK`,

-   The dtype flags on `PyArray_Descr` must now be accessed through the
    `PyDataType_FLAGS` inline function to be compatible with both 1.x
    and 2.x. This function is defined in `npy_2_compat.h` to allow
    backporting. Most or all users should use `PyDataType_FLAGCHK` which
    is available on 1.x and does not require backporting. Cython users
    should use Cython 3. Otherwise access will go through Python unless
    they use `PyDataType_FLAGCHK` instead.


##### Datetime functionality exposed in the C API and Cython bindings

The functions `NpyDatetime_ConvertDatetime64ToDatetimeStruct`,
`NpyDatetime_MakeISO8601Datetime`, and
`NpyDatetime_ParseISO8601Datetime` have been added to the C API to
facilitate converting between strings, Python datetimes, and NumPy
datetimes in external libraries.


##### Const correctness for the generalized ufunc C API

The NumPy C API's functions for constructing generalized ufuncs
(`PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData`, `PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature`,
`PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignatureAndIdentity`) take `types` and
`data` arguments that are not modified by NumPy's internals. Like the
`name` and `doc` arguments, third-party Python extension modules are
likely to supply these arguments from static constants. The `types` and
`data` arguments are now const-correct: they are declared as
`const char *types` and `void *const *data`, respectively. C code should
not be affected, but C++ code may be.



`NPY_MAXDIMS` is now 64, you may want to review its use. This is usually
used in a stack allocation, where the increase should be safe. However,
we do encourage generally to remove any use of `NPY_MAXDIMS` and
`NPY_MAXARGS` to eventually allow removing the constraint completely.
For the conversion helper and C-API functions mirroring Python ones such
`take`, `NPY_MAXDIMS` was used to mean `axis=None`. Such usage must be
with `NPY_RAVEL_AXIS`. See also `migration_maxdims`.


##### `NPY_MAXARGS` not constant and `PyArrayMultiIterObject` size

Since `NPY_MAXARGS` was increased, it is now a runtime constant and not
compile-time constant anymore. We expect almost no users to notice this.
But if used for stack allocations it now must be replaced with a custom
constant using `NPY_MAXARGS` as an additional runtime check.

The `sizeof(PyArrayMultiIterObject)` no longer includes the full size of
the object. We expect nobody to notice this change. It was necessary to
avoid issues with Cython.


##### Required changes for custom legacy user dtypes

In order to improve our DTypes it is unfortunately necessary to break
the ABI, which requires some changes for dtypes registered with
`PyArray_RegisterDataType`. Please see the documentation of
`PyArray_RegisterDataType` for how to adapt your code and achieve
compatibility with both 1.x and 2.x.


##### New Public DType API

The C implementation of the NEP 42 DType API is now public. While the
DType API has shipped in NumPy for a few versions, it was only usable in
sessions with a special environment variable set. It is now possible to
write custom DTypes outside of NumPy using the new DType API and the
normal `import_array()` mechanism for importing the numpy C API.

See `dtype-api` for more details about the API. As always with a new
please report any bugs you run into implementing or using a new DType.
It is
likely that downstream C code that works with dtypes will need to be
updated to
work correctly with new DTypes.


##### New C-API import functions

We have now added `PyArray_ImportNumPyAPI` and `PyUFunc_ImportUFuncAPI`
as static inline functions to import the NumPy C-API tables. The new
functions have two advantages over `import_array` and `import_ufunc`:

-   They check whether the import was already performed and are
    light-weight if not, allowing to add them judiciously (although this
    is not preferable in most cases).
-   The old mechanisms were macros rather than functions which included
    a `return` statement.

The `PyArray_ImportNumPyAPI()` function is included in `npy_2_compat.h`
for simpler backporting.


##### Structured dtype information access through functions

The dtype structures fields `c_metadata`, `names`, `fields`, and
`subarray` must now be accessed through new functions following the same
names, such as `PyDataType_NAMES`. Direct access of the fields is not
valid as they do not exist for all `PyArray_Descr` instances. The
`metadata` field is kept, but the macro version should also be


##### Descriptor `elsize` and `alignment` access

Unless compiling only with NumPy 2 support, the `elsize` and `aligment`
fields must now be accessed via `PyDataType_ELSIZE`,
`PyDataType_SET_ELSIZE`, and `PyDataType_ALIGNMENT`. In cases where the
descriptor is attached to an array, we advise using `PyArray_ITEMSIZE`
as it exists on all NumPy versions. Please see
`migration_c_descr` for more information.


#### NumPy 2.0 C API removals

-   `npy_interrupt.h` and the corresponding macros like `NPY_SIGINT_ON`
    have been removed. We recommend querying `PyErr_CheckSignals()` or
    `PyOS_InterruptOccurred()` periodically (these do currently require
    holding the GIL though).

-   The `noprefix.h` header has been removed. Replace missing symbols
    with their prefixed counterparts (usually an added `NPY_` or


-   `PyUFunc_GetPyVals`, `PyUFunc_handlefperr`, and `PyUFunc_checkfperr`
    have been removed. If needed, a new backwards compatible function to
    raise floating point errors could be restored. Reason for removal:
    there are no known users and the functions would have made
    `with np.errstate()` fixes much more difficult).


-   The `numpy/old_defines.h` which was part of the API deprecated since
    NumPy 1.7 has been removed. This removes macros of the form
    `PyArray_CONSTANT`. The

    script may be useful to convert them to the `NPY_CONSTANT` version.


-   The `legacy_inner_loop_selector` member of the ufunc struct is
    removed to simplify improvements to the dispatching system. There
    are no known users overriding or directly accessing this member.


-   `NPY_INTPLTR` has been removed to avoid confusion (see `intp`


-   The advanced indexing `MapIter` and related API has been removed.
    The (truly) public part of it was not well tested and had only one
    known user (Theano). Making it private will simplify improvements to
    speed up ``, make advanced indexing more maintainable, and
    was important for increasing the maximum number of dimensions of
    arrays to 64. Please let us know if this API is important to you so
    we can find a solution together.


-   The `NPY_MAX_ELSIZE` macro has been removed, as it only ever
    reflected builtin numeric types and served no internal purpose.


-   `PyArray_REFCNT` and `NPY_REFCOUNT` are removed. Use `Py_REFCNT`


-   `PyArrayFlags_Type` and `PyArray_NewFlagsObject` as well as
    `PyArrayFlagsObject` are private now. There is no known use-case;
    use the Python API if needed.

-   `PyArray_MoveInto`, `PyArray_CastTo`, `PyArray_CastAnyTo` are
    removed use `PyArray_CopyInto` and if absolutely needed
    `PyArray_CopyAnyInto` (the latter does a flat copy).

-   `PyArray_FillObjectArray` is removed, its only true use was for
    implementing `np.empty`. Create a new empty array or use
    `PyArray_FillWithScalar()` (decrefs existing objects).

-   `PyArray_CompareUCS4` and `PyArray_CompareString` are removed. Use
    the standard C string comparison functions.

-   `PyArray_ISPYTHON` is removed as it is misleading, has no known
    use-cases, and is easy to replace.

-   `PyArray_FieldNames` is removed, as it is unclear what it would be
    useful for. It also has incorrect semantics in some possible

-   `PyArray_TypestrConvert` is removed, since it seems a misnomer and
    unlikely to be used by anyone. If you know the size or are limited
    to few types, just use it explicitly, otherwise go via Python


-   `PyDataType_GetDatetimeMetaData` is removed, it did not actually do
    anything since at least NumPy 1.7.


-   `PyArray_GetCastFunc` is removed. Note that custom legacy user
    dtypes can still provide a castfunc as their implementation, but any
    access to them is now removed. The reason for this is that NumPy
    never used these internally for many years. If you use simple
    numeric types, please just use C casts directly. In case you require
    an alternative, please let us know so we can create new API such as
    `PyArray_CastBuffer()` which could use old or new cast functions
    depending on the NumPy version.


#### New Features

##### `np.add` was extended to work with `unicode` and `bytes` dtypes.

> ([gh-24858](

##### A new `bitwise_count` function

This new function counts the number of 1-bits in a number.
`numpy.bitwise_count` works on all the numpy integer types
and integer-like objects.

>>> a = np.array([2**i - 1 for i in range(16)])
>>> np.bitwise_count(a)
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],


##### macOS Accelerate support, including the ILP64

Support for the updated Accelerate BLAS/LAPACK library, including ILP64
(64-bit integer) support, in macOS 13.3 has been added. This brings
arm64 support, and significant performance improvements of up to 10x for
commonly used linear algebra operations. When Accelerate is selected at
build time, or if no explicit BLAS library selection is done, the 13.3+
version will automatically be used if available.


Binary wheels are also available. On macOS >=14.0, users who install
NumPy from PyPI will get wheels built against Accelerate rather than


##### Option to use weights for quantile and percentile functions

A `weights` keyword is now available for `numpy.quantile`,
`numpy.nanquantile` and `numpy.nanpercentile`. Only
supports weights.


##### Improved CPU optimization tracking

A new tracer mechanism is available which enables tracking of the
enabled targets for each optimized function (i.e., that uses
hardware-specific SIMD instructions) in the NumPy library. With this
enhancement, it becomes possible to precisely monitor the enabled CPU
dispatch targets for the dispatched functions.

A new function named `opt_func_info` has been added to the new namespace
`numpy.lib.introspect`, offering this tracing capability. This function
you to retrieve information about the enabled targets based on function
and data type signatures.


##### A new Meson backend for `f2py`

`f2py` in compile mode (i.e. `f2py -c`) now accepts the
`--backend meson` option. This is the default option for Python >=3.12.
For older Python versions, `f2py` will still default to
`--backend distutils`.

To support this in realistic use-cases, in compile mode `f2py` takes a
`--dep` flag one or many times which maps to `dependency()` calls in the
`meson` backend, and does nothing in the `distutils` backend.

There are no changes for users of `f2py` only as a code generator, i.e.
without `-c`.


##### `bind(c)` support for `f2py`

Both functions and subroutines can be annotated with `bind(c)`. `f2py`
will handle both the correct type mapping, and preserve the unique label
for other C interfaces.

**Note:** `bind(c, name = 'routine_name_other_than_fortran_routine')` is
not honored by the `f2py` bindings by design, since `bind(c)` with the
`name` is meant to guarantee only the same name in C and Fortran, not in
Python and Fortran.


##### A new `strict` option for several testing functions

The `strict` keyword is now available for
`numpy.testing.assert_equal`, and `numpy.testing.assert_array_less`.
`strict=True` will disable the broadcasting behaviour for scalars and
that input arrays have the same data type.


##### Add `np.core.umath.find` and `np.core.umath.rfind` UFuncs

Add two `find` and `rfind` UFuncs that operate on unicode or byte
strings and are used in `np.char`. They operate similar to `str.find`
and `str.rfind`.


##### `diagonal` and `trace` for `numpy.linalg`

`numpy.linalg.diagonal` and `numpy.linalg.trace` have been added, which
array API standard-compatible variants of `numpy.diagonal` and
They differ in the default axis selection which define 2-D sub-arrays.


##### New `long` and `ulong` dtypes

`numpy.long` and `numpy.ulong` have been added as NumPy integers mapping
C's `long` and `unsigned long`. Prior to NumPy 1.24, `numpy.long` was an
to Python's `int`.


##### `svdvals` for `numpy.linalg`

`numpy.linalg.svdvals` has been added. It computes singular values for
(a stack
of) matrices. Executing `np.svdvals(x)` is the same as calling
compute_uv=False, hermitian=False)`. This function is compatible with
the array
API standard.


##### A new `isdtype` function

`numpy.isdtype` was added to provide a canonical way to classify NumPy's
dtypes in compliance with the array API standard.


##### A new `astype` function

`numpy.astype` was added to provide an array API standard-compatible
alternative to the `numpy.ndarray.astype` method.


##### Array API compatible functions' aliases

13 aliases for existing functions were added to improve compatibility
with the array API standard:

-   Trigonometry: `acos`, `acosh`, `asin`, `asinh`, `atan`, `atanh`,
-   Bitwise: `bitwise_left_shift`, `bitwise_invert`,
-   Misc: `concat`, `permute_dims`, `pow`.
-   In `numpy.linalg`: `tensordot`, `matmul`.


##### New `unique_*` functions

The `numpy.unique_all`, `numpy.unique_counts`, `numpy.unique_inverse`,
`numpy.unique_values` functions have been added. They provide
functionality of
`numpy.unique` with different sets of flags. They are array API
standard-compatible, and because the number of arrays they return does
depend on the values of input arguments, they are easier to target for


##### Matrix transpose support for ndarrays

NumPy now offers support for calculating the matrix transpose of an
array (or stack of arrays). The matrix transpose is equivalent to
swapping the last two axes of an array. Both `np.ndarray` and
`` now expose a `.mT` attribute, and there is a
matching new `numpy.matrix_transpose` function.


##### Array API compatible functions for `numpy.linalg`

Six new functions and two aliases were added to improve compatibility
with the Array API standard for \`numpy.linalg\`:

-   `numpy.linalg.matrix_norm` - Computes the matrix norm of
    a matrix (or a stack of matrices).

-   `numpy.linalg.vector_norm` - Computes the vector norm of
    a vector (or batch of vectors).

-   `numpy.vecdot` - Computes the (vector) dot product of
    two arrays.

-   `numpy.linalg.vecdot` - An alias for

-   `numpy.linalg.matrix_transpose` - An alias for


-   `numpy.linalg.outer` has been added. It computes the
    outer product of two vectors. It differs from
    `numpy.outer` by accepting one-dimensional arrays only.
    This function is compatible with the array API standard.


-   `numpy.linalg.cross` has been added. It computes the
    cross product of two (arrays of) 3-dimensional vectors. It differs
    from `numpy.cross` by accepting three-dimensional
    vectors only. This function is compatible with the array API


##### A `correction` argument for `var` and `std`

A `correction` argument was added to `numpy.var` and `numpy.std`, which
is an
array API standard compatible alternative to `ddof`. As both arguments
serve a
similar purpose, only one of them can be provided at the same time.


##### `ndarray.device` and `ndarray.to_device`

An `ndarray.device` attribute and `ndarray.to_device` method were added
to `numpy.ndarray` for array API standard compatibility.

Additionally, `device` keyword-only arguments were added to:
`numpy.asarray`, `numpy.arange`, `numpy.empty`, `numpy.empty_like`,
`numpy.eye`, `numpy.full`, `numpy.full_like`, `numpy.linspace`,
`numpy.ones_like`, `numpy.zeros`, and `numpy.zeros_like`.

For all these new arguments, only `device="cpu"` is supported.


##### StringDType has been added to NumPy

We have added a new variable-width UTF-8 encoded string data type,
a "NumPy array of Python strings", including support for a user-provided
missing data sentinel. It is intended as a drop-in replacement for
arrays of
Python strings and missing data sentinels using the object dtype. See
[NEP 55]( and the
of stringdtype for more details.


##### New keywords for `cholesky` and `pinv`

The `upper` and `rtol` keywords were added to
`numpy.linalg.cholesky` and `numpy.linalg.pinv`,
respectively, to improve array API standard compatibility.

For `numpy.linalg.pinv`, if neither `rcond` nor `rtol` is
specified, the `rcond`'s default is used. We plan to deprecate and
remove `rcond` in the future.


##### New keywords for `sort`, `argsort` and `linalg.matrix_rank`

New keyword parameters were added to improve array API standard

-   `rtol` was added to `numpy.linalg.matrix_rank`.
-   `stable` was added to `numpy.sort` and


##### New `numpy.strings` namespace for string ufuncs

NumPy now implements some string operations as ufuncs. The old `np.char`
namespace is still available, and where possible the string manipulation
functions in that namespace have been updated to use the new ufuncs,
substantially improving their performance.

Where possible, we suggest updating code to use functions in
`np.strings` instead of `np.char`. In the future we may deprecate
`np.char` in favor of `np.strings`.


##### `numpy.fft` support for different precisions and in-place

The various FFT routines in `numpy.fft` now do their
calculations natively in float, double, or long double precision,
depending on the input precision, instead of always calculating in
double precision. Hence, the calculation will now be less precise for
single and more precise for long double precision. The data type of the
output array will now be adjusted accordingly.

Furthermore, all FFT routines have gained an `out` argument that can be
used for in-place calculations.


##### configtool and pkg-config support

A new `numpy-config` CLI script is available that can be queried for the
NumPy version and for compile flags needed to use the NumPy C API. This
will allow build systems to better support the use of NumPy as a
dependency. Also, a `numpy.pc` pkg-config file is now included with
Numpy. In order to find its location for use with `PKG_CONFIG_PATH`, use
`numpy-config --pkgconfigdir`.


##### Array API standard support in the main namespace

The main `numpy` namespace now supports the array API standard. See
`array-api-standard-compatibility` for




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Kislovskiy authored Sep 22, 2024
2 parents 650adea + c7ff3b7 commit 6663cce
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2023_PyData_Berlin/requirements.txt
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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