Licensed under MIT
TCP blocking/non-blocking socket
UDP socket, broadcast
Seamless IPv4 and IPv6 support
select() support on all platform.
IOCP (Windows only)
Epoll (Linux only)
(Optional) SSL/TLS socket
is not defined, GSock requires OpenSSL library to build.
libreSSL is recommended on Windows platform. Please configure libreSSL with cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
and add crypto
, ssl
, tls
libs and dlls to your linker after build.
On linux systems like Ubuntu, simply use apt install libssl-dev
Download CA certificates extracted from Mozilla
GSock v1 is quite stable and has been used in a bunch of projects. However its code is not very intutive and a lot of advanced features are missing in the previous version. Thus we strongly recommend upgrade to GSock v2.
Disclaimer: These are just lines of fancy code, don't use it in production environment
int main()
sock s;
cout << "connect: " << s.connect("", 8082) << endl;
cout << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
string buffer = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
s.send(, buffer.size());
char buf[1024];
while (1)
if (int ret = s.recv(buf, 1024); ret > 0)
cout << string(buf, ret);
else break;
cout << endl;
return 0;
int main()
int ret;
sslsock s;
ret = s.loadVerifyLocation("cacert.pem");
cout << "sslsock loadVerifyLocation " << ret << endl;
ret = s.connect("", 443);
cout << "sslsock connect " << ret << endl;
string str = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
ret = s.send(str.c_str(), str.size());
cout << "sslsock send: " << ret << endl;
char buffer[10240] = { 0 };
ret = s.recv(buffer, 10240);
cout << buffer << endl;
cout << "sslsock recv: " << ret << endl;
return 0;
class my_iocp : public iocp_connection
string str;
void onData(const char* buffer, int size)
str += string(buffer, size);
if (str.find("\r\n\r\n") != string::npos)
cout << "got full request: " << str << endl;
cout << "sending response " << endl;
string buffer = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nHi";
send(buffer.c_str(), buffer.size());
void onClose()
cout << this << " onClose" << endl;
void onError()
cout << this << " onError " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
int main()
iocp looper;
serversock ss = looper.newTCPServer();
cout << "bind: " << ss.bind(12345) << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
cout << "listen: " << ss.listen(10) << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
auto fn = [](iocp*) {
return new my_iocp;
int ret =, fn);
cout << " " << ret << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
return ret;
int main()
serversock ss;
cout << "setReuse: " << ss.setReuse() << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
cout << "bind: " << ss.bind(12345) << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
cout << "listen: " << ss.listen(10) << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
epoll ep(1024);
ep.add(ss, EPOLLIN);
vector<sock> vec;
while (1)
cout << "wait: " << ep.wait(-1) << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
for (auto& ev : ep)
if (ev.s == ss)
sock s;
cout << "accept: " << ss.accept(s) << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
ep.add(s, EPOLLIN);
for (auto iter = vec.begin(); iter != vec.end(); iter++)
if (ev.s == *iter)
char buff[1024] = { 0 };
int ret = iter->recv(buff, 1024);
if (ret <= 0)
cout << "recv: " << ret << " error: " << GetLastNativeError() << endl;
cout << string(buff, ret);