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MEX interface


This section gives information on the functions accessible via the KORTEX™ API MEX interface.

The MEX interface allows you to interact with and control the robot from a MATLAB script.

MEX interface function calls must be wrapped in a call to kortexApiMexInterface, which provides an entry point to the MEX interface:

[function_output1, function_output2, ...] = kortexApiMexInterface('function name string', function_input1, ...);

Examples of use of the MEX interface can be seen in the example /mex-wrapper/tests_api_control.m.

Examples can also be seen in the file kortex.m. In that file, a kortex MATLAB System object uses the KORTEX™ API MEX interface.

Note that all scripts should begin with a call to CreateRobotApisWrapper, and end with a call to DestroyRobotApisWrapper.

Functions documentation

Robot initialization, configuration, & de-initialization


This function initializes the KORTEX™ API that operates underneath the MEX interface.

C++ Type Description
char* The IP address of the robot.
char* The username that will initiate a session on the robot.
char* The password linked to the username.
uint32_t The session timeout.
uint32_t The control timeout.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).
uint32_t An handle to the API. This handle will be needed by most of the function of this MEX interface.
uint32_t The device ID of the vision module attached to the robot.


This function closes the connection with the KORTEX™ API cleanly.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Set the robot into admittance mode.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
int32_t The desired AdmittanceMode.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Set the robot servoing mode.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
int32_t The desired ServoingMode.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).

Emergency, troubleshooting, fault handling


Apply the emergency stop on the robot. The robot should stop moving and go to the fault state.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Try to clear the faults on the robot. If the robot is in a fault state, you should see a red LED on the robot's base.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Reboot the robot. Warning: the robot may fall slowly for a short time because during the reboot process, the joints stop the servoing process.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Stop the current trajectory.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Pause the current trajectory.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Resume the current trajectory.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).

Robot information, status, and feedback


Returns the joint count of the robot.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t The handle of the API.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).
uint32_t The joint count.


Returns the status of the robot.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).
int32_t Status of the robot. This value is described here.


It returns the feedback data from the base, the joints and tool.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).
BaseFeedback Feedback data for the base.
ActuatorsFeedback Feedback data for each joint.
InterconnectFeedback Feedback data for the interface module, including gripper.

Robot high-level control


Move the robot to a specific Cartesian pose. The orientation is represented with Euler angles and the convention used is the Tait-Bryan, extrinsic ZYX

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
int32_t The CartesianConstraintType applied on the movement.
double[2] Speed limitation that will be applied on the trajectory if the constraint has been set to CARTESIAN_CONSTRAINT_SPEED. The first value is the translation velocity and the second value is the orientation velocity.
double Not supported for now.
double[3] Translation (X, Y, Z) in meters.
double[3] Orientation. (X(gamma), Y(beta), Z(alpha)) in degrees. (Tait-Bryan, extrinsic ZYX)
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Move the robot to a specific joint pose.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
int32_t The JointConstraintType applied on the movement.
double Speed limitation, in degrees / second, that will be applied on the trajectory if the constrait has been set to JOINT_CONSTRAINT_SPEED.
double Duration of the trajectory that will be applied on the trajectory if the constraint has been set to JOINT_CONSTRAINT_DURATION.
double[7] An angle, in degrees, for each joint of the robot. The first index is the nearest joint to the base and the last index is the nearest joint to the gripper.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Move the robot using a speed command.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
double Duration, in seconds, of the speed command.
double[7] An speed command, in degrees / second, for each joint of the robot. The first index is nearest joint to the base and the last index is the nearest joint to the gripper.
uint32_t Joint count.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Move the robot tool. For now, our gripper is considered as one tool so only one command (first index) is needed to move the tool.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
int32_t The mode used to move the tool.
double Duration constraint, in sec, of the tool command. If set to 0 then no cosntraint is applied.
double[10] A command for each possible tool. Each command is a value between 0 and 1. 0 means fully opened and 1 means fully closed.
uint32_t Tool count.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Send a Precomputed Joint Trajectory to the robot. A Precomputed Joint Trajectory is a set of (timestamp, angular position, angular velocity, angular acceleration) for each joint at each increment of the trajectory. Together, this represents a trajectory. For more information on the Precomputed Joint Trajectories, you can read the documentation on Precomputed Joint Trajectories.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
int32_t The desired TrajectoryContinuityMode.
double[7][30000] A matrix that contains a list of angular positions (degrees) for each joint at each increment.
double[7][30000] A matrix that contains a list of angular velocities (degrees / second) for each joint at each increment.
double[7][30000] A matrix that contains a list of angular accelerations (degrees / second ^ squared) for each joint at each increment.
double[7][30000] A matrix that contains a list of timestamps for each joint at each increment.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).

Vision module configuration


Configure one of the sensors (either 2D or 3D) of the vision module.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
int32_t The sensor ID you want to configure. This value is described here.
int32_t The desired resolution. See Resolution.
int32_t The desired frame rate. See FrameRate.
int32_t The desired bit rate. See BitRate.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Configure a specific option out of the options available on the vision module.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
int32_t The sensor ID you want to configure. See Sensor.
int32_t The desired option. See Option.
double The desired value of the specified option.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Initialize the vision module API.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t The handle of the API.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).


Get the configuration of a specific sensor(2D or 3D) of the vision module.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
uint32_t ID of the desired sensor. See Sensor.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).
uint32_t The resolution of the sensor. See Resolution.
uint32_t The frame rate of the sensor. See FrameRate.
uint32_t The bit rate of the sensor. See BitRate.


Get the value of a specific option from a specific sensor (eitrher 2D or 3D) of the vision module.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
uint32_t The desired sensor. See Sensor.
uint32_t The desired option. See Option.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).
uint32_t The resolution of the sensor. This value is described here.
uint32_t The frame rate of the sensor. This value is described here.
uint32_t The bit rate of the sensor. This value is described here.


Get the intrinsic parameters from a specific sensor (either 2D or 3D) of the vision module.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
uint32_t The desired sensor. This value is described here.
C++ Type Description
bool A flag that tells if the operation was a success (true) or not (false).
ErrorStructMatrix A data structure that contains the error code if the operation was not a success.
IntrinsicParameters Sensor intrinsic parameters.


Get the extrinsic parameters of the vision module.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle
C++ Type Description
bool A flag that tells if the operation was a success (true) or not (false).
ErrorStructMatrix A data structure that contains the error code if the operation was not a success.
ExtrinsicParameters Sensor extrinsic parameters

Errors information


Returns the last error that occurred in the API.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).
uint32_t The error code of the last error triggered by the Kortex API.


Returns a string that describe the error code provided as an input.

C++ Type Description
uint32_t API Handle.
uint32_t The error code that you want a name for.
C++ Type Description
uint32_t An error code (0 for success or non-zero for failure).
char * The name that describe the error code.