Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] | status_flags | Status flags |
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] | jitter_comm | Jitter from the communication (in microseconds) |
double[MAX_JOINTS] | position | Position of the actuator (in degrees) |
double[MAX_JOINTS] | velocity | Velocity of the actuator (in degrees per second) |
double[MAX_JOINTS] | torque | Torque of the actuator (in Newton * meters) |
double[MAX_JOINTS] | current_motor | Current of the motor (in Amperes) |
double[MAX_JOINTS] | voltage | Voltage of the main board (in Volts) |
double[MAX_JOINTS] | temperature_motor | Motor temperature (maximum of the three (3) phase temperatures in °C) |
double[MAX_JOINTS] | temperature_core | Microcontroller temperature (in degrees Celsius) |
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] | fault_bank_a | Fault bank A |
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] | fault_bank_b | Fault bank B |
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] | warning_bank_a | Warning bank A |
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] | warning_bank_b | Warning bank B |
Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t | arm_state | Active state of the arm |
double | arm_voltage | Arm voltage (in Volts) |
double | arm_current | Arm current (in Amperes) |
double | temperature_cpu | CPU temperature (in degree Celcius) |
double | temperature_ambient | Ambient temperature (in degree Celcius) |
double[3] | imu_acceleration | IMU Measured acceleration (X-Y-Z-Axis) of the base (in meters per second squared) |
double[3] | imu_angular_velocity | IMU Measured angular velocity (X-Y-Z-Axis) of the base (in degrees per second) |
double[6] | tool_pose | Measured Cartesian pose (X-Y-Z-thetaX-thetaY-thetaZ) of the tool (in meters and degrees(Tait-Bryan, extrinsic ZYX)) |
double[6] | tool_twist | Measured Cartesian Twist (X-Y-Z-ScrewVector) of the tool (in meters per second) |
double[3] | tool_external_wrench_force | Calculated force in (X-Y-Z) from external wrench (in Newtons) |
double[3] | tool_external_wrench_torque | Calculated torque about (X-Y-Z) from external wrench (in Newton * meters) |
uint32_t | fault_bank_a | The arm fault flags bank A (0 if no fault) |
uint32_t | fault_bank_b | The arm fault flags bank B (0 if no fault) |
uint32_t | warning_bank_a | The arm warning flags bank A (0 if no warning) |
uint32_t | warning_bank_b | The arm warning flags bank B (0 if no warning) |
Type | Name | Description |
IntrinsicParameters | color_intrinsic | Color sensor intrinsic data |
IntrinsicParameters | depth_intrinsic | Depth sensor intrinsic data |
ExtrinsicParameters | extrinsic | Extrinsic data |
Type | Name | Description |
double | brightness | Color image brightness: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0 |
double | contrast | Color image contrast: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0 |
double | saturation | Color image saturation setting: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1. |
Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t | sensor | Sensor |
uint32 | resolution | See Resolution |
uint32 | frame_rate | See FrameRate |
uint32 | bit_rate | See BitRate |
Type | Name | Description |
double | exposure | Controls exposure time of sensor. Setting any value will disable auto exposure: 20.0 to 166000.0, step 20.0 |
double | gain | Image gain: 16.0 to 248.0, step 1.0 |
double | visual_preset | Provide access to several recommend sets of option presets for the depth camera: 0.0 to 5.0, step 1.0 |
double | frames_queue_size | Number of frames the user is allowed to keep per stream. Trying to hold-on to more frames will cause frame-drops: 0.0 to 32.0, step 1.0 |
double | depth_units | Number of meters represented by a single depth unit: 0.0001 to 0.0100, step 0.000001 |
double | enable_auto_exposure | Enable / disable color image auto-exposure: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0 |
double | error_polling_enable | Disable error handling: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0 |
double | output_trigger_enable | Enable / disable trigger to be outputed from the camera to any external device on every depth frame: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0 |
Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t | sensor | Sensor |
uint32 | resolution | See Resolution |
uint32 | frame_rate | See FrameRate |
uint32 | bit_rate | See BitRate |
Type | Name | Description |
RotationMatrix | rotation | The rotation matrix from depth to color camera |
TranslationVector | translation | The translation vector from depth to color camera |
This is a data structure returned by most of the functions of the MEX interface. It consists of an error code and an error sub-code.
Name | Type | Description |
uint32_t | code | A general error code associated with this error. Most users will not need to work with this value because it does not tell much and is used internally in the Kortex API. |
uint32_t | sub_code | An error sub code that gives more information about the error. Most users will prefer to use this value instead of the general code. |
Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t | motor_id | MessageId |
uint32_t | status_flags | Status flags |
uint32_t | jitter_comm | Jitter from the communication (in microsecond) |
double | position | Position of the gripper motor (in Percentage 0-100%) |
double | velocity | Velocity of the gripper motor (in Percentage 0-100%) |
double | force | Force of the gripper motor |
double | current_motor | Electric current of the gripper motor (in mA) |
double | voltage | Voltage of the gripper motor (in V) |
double | temperature_core | temparature of the core (in Celsius) |
double | temperature_motor | temparature of the gripper motor (in Celsius) |
Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t | feedback_id | MessageId |
uint32_t | status_flags | Status flags (see GripperConfig.RobotiqGripperStatusFlags ) |
uint32_t | fault_bank_a | Fault bank A (see GripperConfig.SafetyIdentifier ) |
uint32_t | fault_bank_b | Fault bank B (see GripperConfig.SafetyIdentifier ) |
uint32_t | warning_bank_a | Warning bank A (see GripperConfig.SafetyIdentifier ) |
uint32_t | warning_bank_b | Warning bank B (see GripperConfig.SafetyIdentifier ) |
uint32_t | motor_count | Motor count on the gripper. |
MotorFeedback[GRIPPER_MAX_MOTOR_COUNT] | motor | Feedback of all gripper motors |
Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t | feedback_id | MessageId |
uint32_t | status_flags | Status flags |
uint32_t | jitter_comm | Jitter from the communication (in microsecond) |
double | imu_acceleration_x | IMU Measured acceleration (X-Axis) of the interconnect (in meters per second ^ squared) |
double | imu_acceleration_y | IMU Measured acceleration (Y-Axis) of the interconnect (in meters per second ^ squared) |
double | imu_acceleration_z | IMU Measured acceleration (Z-Axis) of the interconnect (in meters per second ^ squared) |
double | imu_angular_velocity_x | IMU Measured angular velocity (X-Axis) of the interconnect (in degrees per second) |
double | imu_angular_velocity_y | IMU Measured angular velocity (Y-Axis) of the interconnect (in degrees per second) |
double | imu_angular_velocity_z | IMU Measured angular velocity (Z-Axis) of the interconnect (in degrees per second) |
double | voltage | Voltage of the main board (in Volt) |
double | temperature_core | Microcontroller temperature (in degrees Celsius) |
uint32_t | fault_bank_a | Fault bank A (see InterconnectConfig.SafetyIdentifier ) |
uint32_t | fault_bank_b | Fault bank B (see InterconnectConfig.SafetyIdentifier ) |
uint32_t | warning_bank_a | Warning bank A (see InterconnectConfig.SafetyIdentifier ) |
uint32_t | warning_bank_b | Warning bank B (see InterconnectConfig.SafetyIdentifier ) |
double | difference_count_a | |
double | difference_count_b | |
GripperFeedback | gripper_feedback | Feedback data from gripper (if attached) |
Type | Name | Description |
double | k1 | First radial distortion coefficient |
double | k2 | Second radial distortion coefficient |
double | k3 | Third radial distortion coefficient |
double | p1 | First tangential distortion coefficient |
double | p2 | Second tangential distortion coefficient |
Type | Name | Description |
uint32_t | sensor | The sensor on which to perform the focus action |
uint32_t | resolution | The resolution for which the parameters apply to |
double | principal_point_x | Horizontal coordinate of the principal point of the image, as a pixel offset from the left edge |
double | principal_point_y | Vertical coordinate of the principal point of the image, as a pixel offset from the top edge |
double | focal_length_x | Focal length of the image plane, as a multiple of pixel width |
double | focal_length_y | Focal length of the image plane, as a multiple of pixel height |
DistortionCoefficients | distortion_coeffs | Distortion Coefficients |
Type | Name | Description |
RotationMatrixRow | row1 | First rotation matrix row |
RotationMatrixRow | row2 | Second rotation matrix row |
RotationMatrixRow | row3 | Third rotation matrix row |
Type | Name | Description |
float | column1 | Value between -1.0 and 1.0 |
float | column2 | Value between -1.0 and 1.0 |
float | column3 | Value between -1.0 and 1.0 |
Type | Name | Description |
float | x | Translation in meters in the x axis |
float | y | Translation in meters in the y axis |
float | z | Translation in meter |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | UNSPECIFIED_ADMITTANCE_MODE | Unspecified admittance mode |
1 | CARTESIAN | Cartesian admittance mode |
2 | JOINT | Joint admittance mode |
3 | NULL_SPACE | Null space admittance mode |
4 | DISABLED | No admittance |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | BITRATE_UNSPECIFIED | Unspecified bit rate (supported on depth sensor only) |
1 | BITRATE_10_MBPS | 10 Mbps maximum bit rate (supported on color sensor only) |
2 | BITRATE_15_MBPS | 15 Mbps maximum bit rate (supported on color sensor only) |
3 | BITRATE_20_MBPS | 20 Mbps maximum bit rate (supported on color sensor only) |
4 | BITRATE_25_MBPS | 25 Mbps maximum bit rate (supported on color sensor only) |
Value | Name | Description |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | ERROR_NONE | No error |
1 | ERROR_PROTOCOL_SERVER | Protocol server error |
2 | ERROR_PROTOCOL_CLIENT | Protocol client error |
3 | ERROR_DEVICE | Device error |
4 | ERROR_INTERNAL | Internal error |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | FRAMERATE_UNSPECIFIED | Unspecified frame rate |
1 | FRAMERATE_6_FPS | 6 frames per second (supported on depth sensor only) |
2 | FRAMERATE_15_FPS | 15 frames per second |
3 | FRAMERATE_30_FPS | 30 frame per second |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | UNSPECIFIED_JOINT_CONSTRAINT | Unspecified joint constraint |
1 | JOINT_CONSTRAINT_DURATION | Duration constraint (in seconds) |
2 | JOINT_CONSTRAINT_SPEED | Speed constraint (in meters per second) |
Value | Name | Description |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | OPTION_UNSPECIFIED | Unspecified Option |
1 | OPTION_BACKLIGHT_COMPENSATION | Enable / disable color backlight compensation (unsupported) |
2 | OPTION_BRIGHTNESS | Color image brightness (supported on color sensor only: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0) |
3 | OPTION_CONTRAST | Color image contrast (supported on color sensor only: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0) |
4 | OPTION_EXPOSURE | Controls exposure time of color camera. Setting any value will disable auto exposure (supported on depth sensor only: 20.0 to 166000.0, step 20.0) |
5 | OPTION_GAIN | Color image gain (supported on depth sensor only: 16.0 to 248.0, step 1.0) |
6 | OPTION_GAMMA | Color image gamma setting (unsupported) |
7 | OPTION_HUE | Color image hue (unsupported) |
8 | OPTION_SATURATION | Color image saturation setting (supported on color sensor only: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0) |
9 | OPTION_SHARPNESS | Color image sharpness setting (unsupported) |
10 | OPTION_WHITE_BALANCE | Controls white balance of color image. Setting any value will disable auto white balance (unsupported) |
11 | OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE | Enable / disable color image auto-exposure (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0) |
12 | OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_WHITE_BALANCE | Enable / disable color image auto-white-balance (unsupported) |
13 | OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET | Provide access to several recommend sets of option presets for the depth camera (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 5.0, step 1.0) |
14 | OPTION_LASER_POWER | Power of the projector, with 0 meaning projector off (unsupported) |
15 | OPTION_ACCURACY | Sets the number of patterns projected per frame. The higher the accuracy value the more patterns projected (unsupported) |
16 | OPTION_MOTION_RANGE | Motion vs. Range trade-off, with lower values allowing for better motion sensitivity and higher values allowing for better depth range (unsupported) |
17 | OPTION_FILTER_OPTION | Sets the filter to apply to each depth frame. Each one of the filter is optimized per the application requirements (unsupported) |
18 | OPTION_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD | The confidence level threshold used by the Depth algorithm pipe to set whether a pixel will get a valid range or will be marked with invalid range (unsupported) |
19 | OPTION_EMITTER_ENABLED | Laser Emitter enabled (unsupported) |
20 | OPTION_FRAMES_QUEUE_SIZE | Number of frames the user is allowed to keep per stream. Trying to hold-on to more frames will cause frame-drops (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 32.0, step 1.0) |
21 | OPTION_TOTAL_FRAME_DROPS | Total number of detected frame drops from all streams (unsupported) |
22 | OPTION_AUTO_EXPOSURE_MODE | Auto-Exposure modes: Static, Anti-Flicker and Hybrid (unsupported) |
23 | OPTION_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY | Power Line Frequency control for anti-flickering Off/50Hz/60Hz/Auto (unsupported) |
24 | OPTION_ASIC_TEMPERATURE | Current Asic Temperature (supported on depth sensor only: Read Only -40.0 to 125.0) |
25 | OPTION_ERROR_POLLING_ENABLED | Disable error handling (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0) |
26 | OPTION_PROJECTOR_TEMPERATURE | Current Projector Temperature (unsupported) |
27 | OPTION_OUTPUT_TRIGGER_ENABLED | Enable / disable trigger to be outputed from the camera to any external device on every depth frame (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0) |
28 | OPTION_MOTION_MODULE_TEMPERATURE | Current Motion-Module Temperature (unsupported) |
29 | OPTION_DEPTH_UNITS | Number of meters represented by a single depth unit (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0001 to 0.0100, step 0.000001) |
30 | OPTION_ENABLE_MOTION_CORRECTION | Enable/Disable automatic correction of the motion data (unsupported) |
31 | OPTION_AUTO_EXPOSURE_PRIORITY | Allows sensor to dynamically ajust the frame rate depending on lighting conditions (unsupported) |
32 | OPTION_COLOR_SCHEME | Color scheme for data visualization (unsupported) |
33 | OPTION_HISTOGRAM_EQUALIZATION_ENABLED | Perform histogram equalization post-processing on the depth data (unsupported) |
34 | OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE | Minimal distance to the target (unsupported) |
35 | OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE | Maximum distance to the target (unsupported) |
36 | OPTION_TEXTURE_SOURCE | Texture mapping stream unique ID (unsupported) |
37 | OPTION_FILTER_MAGNITUDE | The 2D-filter effect. The specific interpretation is given within the context of the filter (unsupported) |
38 | OPTION_FILTER_SMOOTH_ALPHA | 2D-filter parameter controls the weight/radius for smoothing (unsupported) |
39 | OPTION_FILTER_SMOOTH_DELTA | 2D-filter range/validity threshold (unsupported) |
40 | OPTION_HOLES_FILL | Enhance depth data post-processing with holes filling where appropriate (unsupported) |
41 | OPTION_STEREO_BASELINE | The distance in mm between the first and the second imagers in stereo-based depth cameras (supported on depth sensor only: 55.241055 to 55.241055, step 0.0) |
42 | OPTION_AUTO_EXPOSURE_CONVERGE_STEP | Allows dynamically ajust the converge step value of the target exposure in Auto-Exposure algorithm (unsupported) |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | RESOLUTION_UNSPECIFIED | Unspecified resolution |
1 | RESOLUTION_320x240 | 320 x 240 pixels (supported on color sensor only) |
2 | RESOLUTION_424x240 | 424 x 240 pixels (supported on depth sensor only) |
3 | RESOLUTION_480x270 | 480 x 270 pixels (supported on depth sensor only) |
4 | RESOLUTION_640x480 | 640 x 480 pixels (supported on color sensor only) |
5 | RESOLUTION_1280x720 | 1280 x 720 pixels (HD) (supported on color sensor only) |
6 | RESOLUTION_1920x1080 | 1920 x 1080 pixels (full HD) (supported on color sensor only) |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | SENSOR_UNSPECIFIED | Unspecified Sensor |
1 | SENSOR_COLOR | Select the Vision module color sensor |
2 | SENSOR_DEPTH | Select the Vision module depth sensor |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | UNSPECIFIED_SERVOING_MODE | Unspecified servoing mode |
2 | SINGLE_LEVEL_SERVOING | Single-level servoing |
3 | LOW_LEVEL_SERVOING | Low-level servoing |
4 | BYPASS_SERVOING | Bypass mode |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | SUB_ERROR_NONE | No sub error |
1 | METHOD_FAILED | Method returned a failure status (generic error) |
2 | UNIMPLEMENTED | Unimplemented method |
3 | INVALID_PARAM | Invalid parameter |
4 | UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE | Service not recognized |
5 | UNSUPPORTED_METHOD | Method not recognized |
6 | TOO_LARGE_ENCODED_FRAME_BUFFER | Encoded frame bigger than what transport permits |
7 | FRAME_ENCODING_ERR | Unable to encode frame |
8 | FRAME_DECODING_ERR | Unable to decode frame |
9 | INCOMPATIBLE_HEADER_VERSION | Frame header version differs from what is expected and is considered incompatible |
10 | UNSUPPORTED_FRAME_TYPE | Unrecognized frame type |
11 | UNREGISTERED_NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED | Server receiving unregistered notification |
12 | INVALID_SESSION | Session not recognized |
13 | PAYLOAD_DECODING_ERR | Unable to decode payload |
14 | UNREGISTERED_FRAME_RECEIVED | Client received a response for which it did not send an RPC call |
15 | INVALID_PASSWORD | Password does not match specified user |
16 | USER_NOT_FOUND | Unrecognized user |
17 | ENTITY_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find entity |
18 | ROBOT_MOVEMENT_IN_PROGRESS | Robot refuses new control command because robot movement in progress |
19 | ROBOT_NOT_MOVING | Robot refuses stop command because robot is not moving |
20 | NO_MORE_STORAGE_SPACE | Unable to execute because no more storage |
21 | ROBOT_NOT_READY | Robot initialization is not complete |
22 | ROBOT_IN_FAULT | Robot in fault |
23 | ROBOT_IN_MAINTENANCE | Robot in maintenance |
24 | ROBOT_IN_UPDATE_MODE | Robot in update |
25 | ROBOT_IN_EMERGENCY_STOP | Robot in emergency stop state |
26 | SINGLE_LEVEL_SERVOING | Robot is in single-level servoing mode |
27 | LOW_LEVEL_SERVOING | Robot is in low-level servoing mode |
28 | MAPPING_GROUP_NON_ROOT | Trying to add a non-root MapGroup to Mapping |
29 | MAPPING_INVALID_GROUP | Trying to add an invalid or non-existent MapGroup to Mapping |
30 | MAPPING_INVALID_MAP | Trying to add an invalid or non-existent Map to Mapping |
31 | MAP_GROUP_INVALID_MAP | Trying to add an invalid or non-existent Map to MapGroup |
32 | MAP_GROUP_INVALID_PARENT | Trying to add a MapGroup under an invalid parent |
33 | MAP_GROUP_INVALID_CHILD | Trying to add an invalid or non-existent to MapGroup |
34 | MAP_GROUP_INVALID_MOVE | Trying to change a MapGroup's parent: move not supported |
35 | MAP_IN_USE | Deleting a Map used in a Mapping or MapGroup |
36 | WIFI_CONNECT_ERROR | Unable to connect to specified Wifi network |
37 | UNSUPPORTED_NETWORK_TYPE | Unsupported network type |
38 | TOO_LARGE_ENCODED_PAYLOAD_BUFFER | Encoded payload bigger than what transport permits |
39 | UPDATE_PERMISSION_DENIED | Attempting update command on non-updatable entity |
40 | DELETE_PERMISSION_DENIED | Attempting delete command on non-deletable entity |
41 | DATABASE_ERROR | Internal DB error |
42 | UNSUPPORTED_OPTION | Option not supported |
43 | UNSUPPORTED_RESOLUTION | Resolution not supported |
44 | UNSUPPORTED_FRAME_RATE | Frame rate not supported |
45 | UNSUPPORTED_BIT_RATE | Bit rate not supported |
46 | UNSUPPORTED_ACTION | Action not supported (generic, when an action is not supported for a particular item) |
47 | UNSUPPORTED_FOCUS_ACTION | Focus action not supported |
48 | VALUE_IS_ABOVE_MAXIMUM | Specified value is above the supported maximum |
49 | VALUE_IS_BELOW_MINIMUM | Specified value is below the supported minimum |
50 | DEVICE_DISCONNECTED | Device is not connected |
51 | DEVICE_NOT_READY | Device is not ready |
52 | INVALID_DEVICE | Device id is invalid during bridging |
53 | SAFETY_THRESHOLD_REACHED | Safety threshold is reached therefore safety is on |
54 | INVALID_USER_SESSION_ACCESS | Service or function access not allowed: out of session or level access |
55 | CONTROL_MANUAL_STOP | Manually stopped sequence or action |
56 | CONTROL_OUTSIDE_WORKSPACE | Commanded Cartesian position is outside of robot workspace |
57 | CONTROL_ACTUATOR_COUNT_MISMATCH | Number of constraint sent does not correspond to number of actuator (ex: joint speed) |
58 | CONTROL_INVALID_DURATION | Duration constraint is too short. The robot would need out of limit speeds/accelerations to reach this duration. |
59 | CONTROL_INVALID_SPEED | Speed constraint is negative |
60 | CONTROL_LARGE_SPEED | Speed constraint is too high (exceed speed limit of leads to high acceleration) |
61 | CONTROL_INVALID_ACCELERATION | Speed constraint is too high or duration constraint too short and leads to high acceleration |
62 | CONTROL_INVALID_TIME_STEP | Refresh rate is smaller than the duration of the trajectory |
63 | CONTROL_LARGE_SIZE | Duration of the trajectory is more than 100s. The length of the trajectory is limited to 100000 points to avoid saturating the base memory. |
64 | CONTROL_WRONG_MODE | Control mode is not a trajectory mode |
65 | CONTROL_JOINT_POSITION_LIMIT | Commanded configuration contains at least one actuator which is out of its physical limits |
66 | CONTROL_NO_FILE_IN_MEMORY | Trajectory is not computed and try to be started |
67 | CONTROL_INDEX_OUT_OF_TRAJECTORY | Attempting to read a point of the trajectory with an index higher than the number of point in trajectory point list. |
68 | CONTROL_ALREADY_RUNNING | Trajectory is already running |
69 | CONTROL_WRONG_STARTING_POINT | Robot is not on the first point of the trajectory when we try to start the trajectory. This can happen if there is a motion between the moment when trajectory is computed and when it is started. |
71 | CONTROL_UNDEFINED_CONSTRAINT | Kontrol library is not initialized |
72 | CONTROL_UNINITIALIZED | Contraint sent is not defined |
73 | CONTROL_NO_ACTION | Action does not exist |
74 | CONTROL_UNDEFINED | Undefined error |
75 | WRONG_SERVOING_MODE | Robot is in not in the right servoing mode |
76 | CONTROL_WRONG_STARTING_SPEED | Robot is not at the right speed when starting a new trajectory. |
100 | USERNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED | User profile username length exceeds maximum allowed length |
101 | FIRSTNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED | User profile first name length exceeds maximum allowed length |
102 | LASTNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED | User profile last name length exceeds maximum allowed length |
103 | PASSWORD_LENGTH_EXCEEDED | User profile password length exceeds maximum allowed length |
104 | USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS | User profile username already in use by another profile |
105 | USERNAME_EMPTY | User profile empty username not allowed |
106 | PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED | Change password both passwords are the same |
107 | MAXIMUM_USER_PROFILES_USED | Maximum number of user profiles in use |
108 | ROUTER_UNVAILABLE | The client router is currently unavailable. This can happen if an API method is called after the router has been deactivated via the method SetActivationStatus. |
120 | ADDRESS_NOT_IN_VALID_RANGE | IP Address not valid against netmask |
130 | SESSION_NOT_IN_CONTROL | Trying to perform command from a non-controlling session in single-level mode |
131 | METHOD_TIMEOUT | Timeout occured during method execution |
132 | UNSUPPORTED_ROBOT_CONFIGURATION | Product Configuration setter method failed because changing this parameter is unsupported on your robot model |
133 | NVRAM_READ_FAIL | Failed to read in NVRAM. |
134 | NVRAM_WRITE_FAIL | Failed to write in NVRAM. |
Value | Name | Description |
0 | UNSPECIFIED_GRIPPER_MODE | Unspecified gripper mode |
1 | GRIPPER_FORCE | Force control (in Newton) (not implemented yet) |
2 | GRIPPER_SPEED | Speed control (in meters per second) |
3 | GRIPPER_POSITION | Position control (in meters) |
Value | Name | Description |
1 | TRAJECTORY_CONTINUITY_MODE_POSITION | Position continuity only |
2 | TRAJECTORY_CONTINUITY_MODE_SPEED | Position and speed continuity |
3 | TRAJECTORY_CONTINUITY_MODE_ACCELERATION | Position, speed and acceleration continuity |