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Data structures


Type Name Description
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] status_flags Status flags
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] jitter_comm Jitter from the communication (in microseconds)
double[MAX_JOINTS] position Position of the actuator (in degrees)
double[MAX_JOINTS] velocity Velocity of the actuator (in degrees per second)
double[MAX_JOINTS] torque Torque of the actuator (in Newton * meters)
double[MAX_JOINTS] current_motor Current of the motor (in Amperes)
double[MAX_JOINTS] voltage Voltage of the main board (in Volts)
double[MAX_JOINTS] temperature_motor Motor temperature (maximum of the three (3) phase temperatures in °C)
double[MAX_JOINTS] temperature_core Microcontroller temperature (in degrees Celsius)
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] fault_bank_a Fault bank A
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] fault_bank_b Fault bank B
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] warning_bank_a Warning bank A
uint32_t[MAX_JOINTS] warning_bank_b Warning bank B


Type Name Description
uint32_t arm_state Active state of the arm
double arm_voltage Arm voltage (in Volts)
double arm_current Arm current (in Amperes)
double temperature_cpu CPU temperature (in degree Celcius)
double temperature_ambient Ambient temperature (in degree Celcius)
double[3] imu_acceleration IMU Measured acceleration (X-Y-Z-Axis) of the base (in meters per second squared)
double[3] imu_angular_velocity IMU Measured angular velocity (X-Y-Z-Axis) of the base (in degrees per second)
double[6] tool_pose Measured Cartesian pose (X-Y-Z-thetaX-thetaY-thetaZ) of the tool (in meters and degrees(Tait-Bryan, extrinsic ZYX))
double[6] tool_twist Measured Cartesian Twist (X-Y-Z-ScrewVector) of the tool (in meters per second)
double[3] tool_external_wrench_force Calculated force in (X-Y-Z) from external wrench (in Newtons)
double[3] tool_external_wrench_torque Calculated torque about (X-Y-Z) from external wrench (in Newton * meters)
uint32_t fault_bank_a The arm fault flags bank A (0 if no fault)
uint32_t fault_bank_b The arm fault flags bank B (0 if no fault)
uint32_t warning_bank_a The arm warning flags bank A (0 if no warning)
uint32_t warning_bank_b The arm warning flags bank B (0 if no warning)


Type Name Description
IntrinsicParameters color_intrinsic Color sensor intrinsic data
IntrinsicParameters depth_intrinsic Depth sensor intrinsic data
ExtrinsicParameters extrinsic Extrinsic data


Type Name Description
double brightness Color image brightness: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0
double contrast Color image contrast: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0
double saturation Color image saturation setting: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.


Type Name Description
uint32_t sensor Sensor
uint32 resolution See Resolution
uint32 frame_rate See FrameRate
uint32 bit_rate See BitRate


Type Name Description
double exposure Controls exposure time of sensor. Setting any value will disable auto exposure: 20.0 to 166000.0, step 20.0
double gain Image gain: 16.0 to 248.0, step 1.0
double visual_preset Provide access to several recommend sets of option presets for the depth camera: 0.0 to 5.0, step 1.0
double frames_queue_size Number of frames the user is allowed to keep per stream. Trying to hold-on to more frames will cause frame-drops: 0.0 to 32.0, step 1.0
double depth_units Number of meters represented by a single depth unit: 0.0001 to 0.0100, step 0.000001
double enable_auto_exposure Enable / disable color image auto-exposure: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0
double error_polling_enable Disable error handling: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0
double output_trigger_enable Enable / disable trigger to be outputed from the camera to any external device on every depth frame: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0


Type Name Description
uint32_t sensor Sensor
uint32 resolution See Resolution
uint32 frame_rate See FrameRate
uint32 bit_rate See BitRate


Type Name Description
RotationMatrix rotation The rotation matrix from depth to color camera
TranslationVector translation The translation vector from depth to color camera


This is a data structure returned by most of the functions of the MEX interface. It consists of an error code and an error sub-code.

Name Type Description
uint32_t code A general error code associated with this error. Most users will not need to work with this value because it does not tell much and is used internally in the Kortex API.
uint32_t sub_code An error sub code that gives more information about the error. Most users will prefer to use this value instead of the general code.


Type Name Description
uint32_t motor_id MessageId
uint32_t status_flags Status flags
uint32_t jitter_comm Jitter from the communication (in microsecond)
double position Position of the gripper motor (in Percentage 0-100%)
double velocity Velocity of the gripper motor (in Percentage 0-100%)
double force Force of the gripper motor
double current_motor Electric current of the gripper motor (in mA)
double voltage Voltage of the gripper motor (in V)
double temperature_core temparature of the core (in Celsius)
double temperature_motor temparature of the gripper motor (in Celsius)


Type Name Description
uint32_t feedback_id MessageId
uint32_t status_flags Status flags (see GripperConfig.RobotiqGripperStatusFlags)
uint32_t fault_bank_a Fault bank A (see GripperConfig.SafetyIdentifier)
uint32_t fault_bank_b Fault bank B (see GripperConfig.SafetyIdentifier)
uint32_t warning_bank_a Warning bank A (see GripperConfig.SafetyIdentifier)
uint32_t warning_bank_b Warning bank B (see GripperConfig.SafetyIdentifier)
uint32_t motor_count Motor count on the gripper.
MotorFeedback[GRIPPER_MAX_MOTOR_COUNT] motor Feedback of all gripper motors


Type Name Description
uint32_t feedback_id MessageId
uint32_t status_flags Status flags
uint32_t jitter_comm Jitter from the communication (in microsecond)
double imu_acceleration_x IMU Measured acceleration (X-Axis) of the interconnect (in meters per second ^ squared)
double imu_acceleration_y IMU Measured acceleration (Y-Axis) of the interconnect (in meters per second ^ squared)
double imu_acceleration_z IMU Measured acceleration (Z-Axis) of the interconnect (in meters per second ^ squared)
double imu_angular_velocity_x IMU Measured angular velocity (X-Axis) of the interconnect (in degrees per second)
double imu_angular_velocity_y IMU Measured angular velocity (Y-Axis) of the interconnect (in degrees per second)
double imu_angular_velocity_z IMU Measured angular velocity (Z-Axis) of the interconnect (in degrees per second)
double voltage Voltage of the main board (in Volt)
double temperature_core Microcontroller temperature (in degrees Celsius)
uint32_t fault_bank_a Fault bank A (see InterconnectConfig.SafetyIdentifier)
uint32_t fault_bank_b Fault bank B (see InterconnectConfig.SafetyIdentifier)
uint32_t warning_bank_a Warning bank A (see InterconnectConfig.SafetyIdentifier)
uint32_t warning_bank_b Warning bank B (see InterconnectConfig.SafetyIdentifier)
double difference_count_a
double difference_count_b
GripperFeedback gripper_feedback Feedback data from gripper (if attached)


Type Name Description
double k1 First radial distortion coefficient
double k2 Second radial distortion coefficient
double k3 Third radial distortion coefficient
double p1 First tangential distortion coefficient
double p2 Second tangential distortion coefficient


Type Name Description
uint32_t sensor The sensor on which to perform the focus action
uint32_t resolution The resolution for which the parameters apply to
double principal_point_x Horizontal coordinate of the principal point of the image, as a pixel offset from the left edge
double principal_point_y Vertical coordinate of the principal point of the image, as a pixel offset from the top edge
double focal_length_x Focal length of the image plane, as a multiple of pixel width
double focal_length_y Focal length of the image plane, as a multiple of pixel height
DistortionCoefficients distortion_coeffs Distortion Coefficients


Type Name Description
RotationMatrixRow row1 First rotation matrix row
RotationMatrixRow row2 Second rotation matrix row
RotationMatrixRow row3 Third rotation matrix row


Type Name Description
float column1 Value between -1.0 and 1.0
float column2 Value between -1.0 and 1.0
float column3 Value between -1.0 and 1.0


Type Name Description
float x Translation in meters in the x axis
float y Translation in meters in the y axis
float z Translation in meter



Value Name Description
0 UNSPECIFIED_ADMITTANCE_MODE Unspecified admittance mode
1 CARTESIAN Cartesian admittance mode
2 JOINT Joint admittance mode
3 NULL_SPACE Null space admittance mode
4 DISABLED No admittance


Value Name Description
0 BITRATE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified bit rate (supported on depth sensor only)
1 BITRATE_10_MBPS 10 Mbps maximum bit rate (supported on color sensor only)
2 BITRATE_15_MBPS 15 Mbps maximum bit rate (supported on color sensor only)
3 BITRATE_20_MBPS 20 Mbps maximum bit rate (supported on color sensor only)
4 BITRATE_25_MBPS 25 Mbps maximum bit rate (supported on color sensor only)


Value Name Description

Error code list

Value Name Description
0 ERROR_NONE No error
1 ERROR_PROTOCOL_SERVER Protocol server error
2 ERROR_PROTOCOL_CLIENT Protocol client error
3 ERROR_DEVICE Device error
4 ERROR_INTERNAL Internal error


Value Name Description
0 FRAMERATE_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified frame rate
1 FRAMERATE_6_FPS 6 frames per second (supported on depth sensor only)
2 FRAMERATE_15_FPS 15 frames per second
3 FRAMERATE_30_FPS 30 frame per second


Value Name Description
0 UNSPECIFIED_JOINT_CONSTRAINT Unspecified joint constraint
1 JOINT_CONSTRAINT_DURATION Duration constraint (in seconds)
2 JOINT_CONSTRAINT_SPEED Speed constraint (in meters per second)


Value Name Description


Value Name Description
0 OPTION_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified Option
1 OPTION_BACKLIGHT_COMPENSATION Enable / disable color backlight compensation (unsupported)
2 OPTION_BRIGHTNESS Color image brightness (supported on color sensor only: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0)
3 OPTION_CONTRAST Color image contrast (supported on color sensor only: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0)
4 OPTION_EXPOSURE Controls exposure time of color camera. Setting any value will disable auto exposure (supported on depth sensor only: 20.0 to 166000.0, step 20.0)
5 OPTION_GAIN Color image gain (supported on depth sensor only: 16.0 to 248.0, step 1.0)
6 OPTION_GAMMA Color image gamma setting (unsupported)
7 OPTION_HUE Color image hue (unsupported)
8 OPTION_SATURATION Color image saturation setting (supported on color sensor only: -4.0 to 4.0, step 1.0)
9 OPTION_SHARPNESS Color image sharpness setting (unsupported)
10 OPTION_WHITE_BALANCE Controls white balance of color image. Setting any value will disable auto white balance (unsupported)
11 OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE Enable / disable color image auto-exposure (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0)
12 OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_WHITE_BALANCE Enable / disable color image auto-white-balance (unsupported)
13 OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET Provide access to several recommend sets of option presets for the depth camera (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 5.0, step 1.0)
14 OPTION_LASER_POWER Power of the projector, with 0 meaning projector off (unsupported)
15 OPTION_ACCURACY Sets the number of patterns projected per frame. The higher the accuracy value the more patterns projected (unsupported)
16 OPTION_MOTION_RANGE Motion vs. Range trade-off, with lower values allowing for better motion sensitivity and higher values allowing for better depth range (unsupported)
17 OPTION_FILTER_OPTION Sets the filter to apply to each depth frame. Each one of the filter is optimized per the application requirements (unsupported)
18 OPTION_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD The confidence level threshold used by the Depth algorithm pipe to set whether a pixel will get a valid range or will be marked with invalid range (unsupported)
19 OPTION_EMITTER_ENABLED Laser Emitter enabled (unsupported)
20 OPTION_FRAMES_QUEUE_SIZE Number of frames the user is allowed to keep per stream. Trying to hold-on to more frames will cause frame-drops (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 32.0, step 1.0)
21 OPTION_TOTAL_FRAME_DROPS Total number of detected frame drops from all streams (unsupported)
22 OPTION_AUTO_EXPOSURE_MODE Auto-Exposure modes: Static, Anti-Flicker and Hybrid (unsupported)
23 OPTION_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY Power Line Frequency control for anti-flickering Off/50Hz/60Hz/Auto (unsupported)
24 OPTION_ASIC_TEMPERATURE Current Asic Temperature (supported on depth sensor only: Read Only -40.0 to 125.0)
25 OPTION_ERROR_POLLING_ENABLED Disable error handling (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0)
26 OPTION_PROJECTOR_TEMPERATURE Current Projector Temperature (unsupported)
27 OPTION_OUTPUT_TRIGGER_ENABLED Enable / disable trigger to be outputed from the camera to any external device on every depth frame (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0 to 1.0, step 1.0)
28 OPTION_MOTION_MODULE_TEMPERATURE Current Motion-Module Temperature (unsupported)
29 OPTION_DEPTH_UNITS Number of meters represented by a single depth unit (supported on depth sensor only: 0.0001 to 0.0100, step 0.000001)
30 OPTION_ENABLE_MOTION_CORRECTION Enable/Disable automatic correction of the motion data (unsupported)
31 OPTION_AUTO_EXPOSURE_PRIORITY Allows sensor to dynamically ajust the frame rate depending on lighting conditions (unsupported)
32 OPTION_COLOR_SCHEME Color scheme for data visualization (unsupported)
33 OPTION_HISTOGRAM_EQUALIZATION_ENABLED Perform histogram equalization post-processing on the depth data (unsupported)
34 OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE Minimal distance to the target (unsupported)
35 OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE Maximum distance to the target (unsupported)
36 OPTION_TEXTURE_SOURCE Texture mapping stream unique ID (unsupported)
37 OPTION_FILTER_MAGNITUDE The 2D-filter effect. The specific interpretation is given within the context of the filter (unsupported)
38 OPTION_FILTER_SMOOTH_ALPHA 2D-filter parameter controls the weight/radius for smoothing (unsupported)
39 OPTION_FILTER_SMOOTH_DELTA 2D-filter range/validity threshold (unsupported)
40 OPTION_HOLES_FILL Enhance depth data post-processing with holes filling where appropriate (unsupported)
41 OPTION_STEREO_BASELINE The distance in mm between the first and the second imagers in stereo-based depth cameras (supported on depth sensor only: 55.241055 to 55.241055, step 0.0)
42 OPTION_AUTO_EXPOSURE_CONVERGE_STEP Allows dynamically ajust the converge step value of the target exposure in Auto-Exposure algorithm (unsupported)


Value Name Description
0 RESOLUTION_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified resolution
1 RESOLUTION_320x240 320 x 240 pixels (supported on color sensor only)
2 RESOLUTION_424x240 424 x 240 pixels (supported on depth sensor only)
3 RESOLUTION_480x270 480 x 270 pixels (supported on depth sensor only)
4 RESOLUTION_640x480 640 x 480 pixels (supported on color sensor only)
5 RESOLUTION_1280x720 1280 x 720 pixels (HD) (supported on color sensor only)
6 RESOLUTION_1920x1080 1920 x 1080 pixels (full HD) (supported on color sensor only)


Value Name Description
0 SENSOR_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified Sensor
1 SENSOR_COLOR Select the Vision module color sensor
2 SENSOR_DEPTH Select the Vision module depth sensor


Value Name Description
0 UNSPECIFIED_SERVOING_MODE Unspecified servoing mode
2 SINGLE_LEVEL_SERVOING Single-level servoing
3 LOW_LEVEL_SERVOING Low-level servoing

Sub error code list

Value Name Description
0 SUB_ERROR_NONE No sub error
1 METHOD_FAILED Method returned a failure status (generic error)
2 UNIMPLEMENTED Unimplemented method
3 INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter
4 UNSUPPORTED_SERVICE Service not recognized
5 UNSUPPORTED_METHOD Method not recognized
6 TOO_LARGE_ENCODED_FRAME_BUFFER Encoded frame bigger than what transport permits
7 FRAME_ENCODING_ERR Unable to encode frame
8 FRAME_DECODING_ERR Unable to decode frame
9 INCOMPATIBLE_HEADER_VERSION Frame header version differs from what is expected and is considered incompatible
10 UNSUPPORTED_FRAME_TYPE Unrecognized frame type
11 UNREGISTERED_NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED Server receiving unregistered notification
12 INVALID_SESSION Session not recognized
13 PAYLOAD_DECODING_ERR Unable to decode payload
14 UNREGISTERED_FRAME_RECEIVED Client received a response for which it did not send an RPC call
15 INVALID_PASSWORD Password does not match specified user
16 USER_NOT_FOUND Unrecognized user
17 ENTITY_NOT_FOUND Cannot find entity
18 ROBOT_MOVEMENT_IN_PROGRESS Robot refuses new control command because robot movement in progress
19 ROBOT_NOT_MOVING Robot refuses stop command because robot is not moving
20 NO_MORE_STORAGE_SPACE Unable to execute because no more storage
21 ROBOT_NOT_READY Robot initialization is not complete
22 ROBOT_IN_FAULT Robot in fault
23 ROBOT_IN_MAINTENANCE Robot in maintenance
24 ROBOT_IN_UPDATE_MODE Robot in update
25 ROBOT_IN_EMERGENCY_STOP Robot in emergency stop state
26 SINGLE_LEVEL_SERVOING Robot is in single-level servoing mode
27 LOW_LEVEL_SERVOING Robot is in low-level servoing mode
28 MAPPING_GROUP_NON_ROOT Trying to add a non-root MapGroup to Mapping
29 MAPPING_INVALID_GROUP Trying to add an invalid or non-existent MapGroup to Mapping
30 MAPPING_INVALID_MAP Trying to add an invalid or non-existent Map to Mapping
31 MAP_GROUP_INVALID_MAP Trying to add an invalid or non-existent Map to MapGroup
32 MAP_GROUP_INVALID_PARENT Trying to add a MapGroup under an invalid parent
33 MAP_GROUP_INVALID_CHILD Trying to add an invalid or non-existent to MapGroup
34 MAP_GROUP_INVALID_MOVE Trying to change a MapGroup's parent: move not supported
35 MAP_IN_USE Deleting a Map used in a Mapping or MapGroup
36 WIFI_CONNECT_ERROR Unable to connect to specified Wifi network
37 UNSUPPORTED_NETWORK_TYPE Unsupported network type
38 TOO_LARGE_ENCODED_PAYLOAD_BUFFER Encoded payload bigger than what transport permits
39 UPDATE_PERMISSION_DENIED Attempting update command on non-updatable entity
40 DELETE_PERMISSION_DENIED Attempting delete command on non-deletable entity
41 DATABASE_ERROR Internal DB error
42 UNSUPPORTED_OPTION Option not supported
43 UNSUPPORTED_RESOLUTION Resolution not supported
44 UNSUPPORTED_FRAME_RATE Frame rate not supported
45 UNSUPPORTED_BIT_RATE Bit rate not supported
46 UNSUPPORTED_ACTION Action not supported (generic, when an action is not supported for a particular item)
47 UNSUPPORTED_FOCUS_ACTION Focus action not supported
48 VALUE_IS_ABOVE_MAXIMUM Specified value is above the supported maximum
49 VALUE_IS_BELOW_MINIMUM Specified value is below the supported minimum
50 DEVICE_DISCONNECTED Device is not connected
51 DEVICE_NOT_READY Device is not ready
52 INVALID_DEVICE Device id is invalid during bridging
53 SAFETY_THRESHOLD_REACHED Safety threshold is reached therefore safety is on
54 INVALID_USER_SESSION_ACCESS Service or function access not allowed: out of session or level access
55 CONTROL_MANUAL_STOP Manually stopped sequence or action
56 CONTROL_OUTSIDE_WORKSPACE Commanded Cartesian position is outside of robot workspace
57 CONTROL_ACTUATOR_COUNT_MISMATCH Number of constraint sent does not correspond to number of actuator (ex: joint speed)
58 CONTROL_INVALID_DURATION Duration constraint is too short. The robot would need out of limit speeds/accelerations to reach this duration.
59 CONTROL_INVALID_SPEED Speed constraint is negative
60 CONTROL_LARGE_SPEED Speed constraint is too high (exceed speed limit of leads to high acceleration)
61 CONTROL_INVALID_ACCELERATION Speed constraint is too high or duration constraint too short and leads to high acceleration
62 CONTROL_INVALID_TIME_STEP Refresh rate is smaller than the duration of the trajectory
63 CONTROL_LARGE_SIZE Duration of the trajectory is more than 100s. The length of the trajectory is limited to 100000 points to avoid saturating the base memory.
64 CONTROL_WRONG_MODE Control mode is not a trajectory mode
65 CONTROL_JOINT_POSITION_LIMIT Commanded configuration contains at least one actuator which is out of its physical limits
66 CONTROL_NO_FILE_IN_MEMORY Trajectory is not computed and try to be started
67 CONTROL_INDEX_OUT_OF_TRAJECTORY Attempting to read a point of the trajectory with an index higher than the number of point in trajectory point list.
68 CONTROL_ALREADY_RUNNING Trajectory is already running
69 CONTROL_WRONG_STARTING_POINT Robot is not on the first point of the trajectory when we try to start the trajectory. This can happen if there is a motion between the moment when trajectory is computed and when it is started.
71 CONTROL_UNDEFINED_CONSTRAINT Kontrol library is not initialized
72 CONTROL_UNINITIALIZED Contraint sent is not defined
73 CONTROL_NO_ACTION Action does not exist
74 CONTROL_UNDEFINED Undefined error
75 WRONG_SERVOING_MODE Robot is in not in the right servoing mode
76 CONTROL_WRONG_STARTING_SPEED Robot is not at the right speed when starting a new trajectory.
100 USERNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED User profile username length exceeds maximum allowed length
101 FIRSTNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED User profile first name length exceeds maximum allowed length
102 LASTNAME_LENGTH_EXCEEDED User profile last name length exceeds maximum allowed length
103 PASSWORD_LENGTH_EXCEEDED User profile password length exceeds maximum allowed length
104 USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS User profile username already in use by another profile
105 USERNAME_EMPTY User profile empty username not allowed
106 PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED Change password both passwords are the same
107 MAXIMUM_USER_PROFILES_USED Maximum number of user profiles in use
108 ROUTER_UNVAILABLE The client router is currently unavailable. This can happen if an API method is called after the router has been deactivated via the method SetActivationStatus.
120 ADDRESS_NOT_IN_VALID_RANGE IP Address not valid against netmask
130 SESSION_NOT_IN_CONTROL Trying to perform command from a non-controlling session in single-level mode
131 METHOD_TIMEOUT Timeout occured during method execution
132 UNSUPPORTED_ROBOT_CONFIGURATION Product Configuration setter method failed because changing this parameter is unsupported on your robot model
133 NVRAM_READ_FAIL Failed to read in NVRAM.
134 NVRAM_WRITE_FAIL Failed to write in NVRAM.


Value Name Description
0 UNSPECIFIED_GRIPPER_MODE Unspecified gripper mode
1 GRIPPER_FORCE Force control (in Newton) (not implemented yet)
2 GRIPPER_SPEED Speed control (in meters per second)
3 GRIPPER_POSITION Position control (in meters)


Value Name Description
2 TRAJECTORY_CONTINUITY_MODE_SPEED Position and speed continuity
3 TRAJECTORY_CONTINUITY_MODE_ACCELERATION Position, speed and acceleration continuity