This is a templated Node Express server. This can be run locall as a dockerized container or natively through your terminal. For some examples we added a Redis service, controller endpoints, and a unit test. This template is using NodeExpress, Javascript ES7, and TypeScript and a collaboration between Devin Frenze and Brian Vogelgesang
Before following the instructions, use [NVM] to make sure you're using the node version specified in the .nvmrc
npm i
npm run local
npm run build:dev
npm run build:prod
Make sure you have docker installed on your local machine.
To run one of the docker environments locally:
npm run docker:dev
npm run docker:prod
To stop the environment:
npm run docker:stop
Once the server is running (in docker or locally), you can do the following to test the endpoints/services
- Check if server is running:
curl http://localhost:3000/
- Set values in Redis:
curl http://localhost:3000/store/my-key\?some\=value\&some-other\=otvalue
- Retrieve values from Redis:
curl http://localhost:my-key
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix
npm test
We're using a package called "Husky" to do linting and testing on git hooks. See the .huskyrc
for more information or to adjust the configuration. Please feel free to add comments or make a PR.