Vulkan is an Explicit API, enabling direct control over how GPUs actually work. By design, minimal error
checking is done inside a Vulkan driver - applications have full control and responsibility for correct operation.
Any errors in Vulkan usage can result in unexpected behavior or even a crash. The VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation
can be used to to assist developers in isolating incorrect usage, and in verifying that applications
correctly use the API.
There are 4 ways to configure the settings: vkconfig
, application defined
, vk_layer_settings.txt
, environment variables
We suggest people to use VkConfig.
The GUI comes with the SDK, and takes the VkLayer_khronos_validation.json
file and does everything for you!
The application can now use the VK_EXT_layer_settings
extension to do everything at vkCreateInstance
time. (Don't worry, we implement the extension, so it will be supported 100% of the time!).
// Example how to turn on verbose mode for DebugPrintf
const VkBool32 verbose_value = true;
const VkLayerSettingEXT layer_setting = {"VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation", "printf_verbose", VK_LAYER_SETTING_TYPE_BOOL32_EXT, 1, &verbose_value};
VkLayerSettingsCreateInfoEXT layer_settings_create_info = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_LAYER_SETTINGS_CREATE_INFO_EXT, nullptr, 1, &layer_setting};
VkInstanceCreateInfo instance_ci = GetYourCreateInfo();
instance_ci.pNext = &layer_settings_create_info;
There is info elsewhere to describe this file, but the short answer is to set the VK_LAYER_SETTINGS_PATH
like the following:
# windows
set VK_LAYER_SETTINGS_PATH=C:\path\to\vk_layer_settings.txt
# linux
export VK_LAYER_SETTINGS_PATH=/path/to/vk_layer_settings.txt
and it will set things for you in that file. We have a default example file you can start with.
This is done for us via the vkuCreateLayerSettingSet
call in the Vulkan-Utility-Libraries.
As an example, in our VkLayer_khronos_validation.json
file you will find something like "key": "message_id_filter",
From here you just need to adjust it the naming and prefix depending on your platform:
# Windows
set VK_LAYER_MESSAGE_ID_FILTER=VUID-VkInstanceCreateInfo-pNext-pNext
# Linux
export VK_LAYER_MESSAGE_ID_FILTER=VUID-VkInstanceCreateInfo-pNext-pNext
# Android
adb setprop debug.vulkan.khronos_validation.message_id_filter=VUID-VkInstanceCreateInfo-pNext-pNext
We suggest using
to discover the options, but the following is generated per SDK version
The options for this layer are specified in VkLayer_khronos_validation.json. The option details are in khronos_validation_layer.html.