This project is a booking system for football playgrounds. It serves the players and playground owners as well as an administrator who oversees the overall operations of the system. The project is developed as part of a software engineering course.
- Users can register themselves on the system and create a profile with their name, ID, password, email, phone and default location.
- Users can see the playgrounds near to them or in a specific area or all of them.
- Playground owners can register their playgrounds and add their name, location, size, available hours, price per hour and cancellation period. They can also set and change the hours available for booking for their playgrounds, view their bookings and check the money in their eWallet.
- Players can display the playgrounds near to them or in a specific location on specific dates. They can filter them by the hours and date they select. They can book a time slot of 1 or more hours if available and not booked. They can also cancel a booking if within the cancellation period. They can pay for the bookings from their eWallet to the eWallet of the owner. They can also send invitations to their team members via email. To make this step easy, they can create their favorite team and store their names and emails.
- An administrator can approve or reject the registration requests of playground owners. He can also delete or suspend a playground or activate it again. He can monitor the overall operations of the system and ensure that no fraud takes place.
- The system uses an external eWallet service to allow users to add money to their eWallets and transfer money to other eWallets.
To install this project, you need to have Java 11 or higher installed on your machine.
- Clone this repository to your local machine using
git clone
- Open the project folder in your preferred IDE (such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA).
- Compile the
file as a Java application.
To use this project, you need to interact with the console interface that provides menus and prompts for different actions.
- Run the
file as a Java application. - You will see the main menu of the system where you can choose to sign up or log in as a user, a playground owner or an administrator.
- Follow the instructions on each menu to perform different actions such as creating a profile, registering a playground, displaying playgrounds, booking a time slot, sending invitations, etc.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
This project is developed by:
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.