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This repo holds scripts that can be used to configure the SSH Deamon on a Linux instance to look for public keys in DynamoDB before the .ssh/.authorized_keys file in users homedir.


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SSH Access controlled from DynamoDB

This repo holds scripts that can be used to configure the SSH Deamon on a Linux instance to look for public keys in DynamoDB before the .ssh/.authorized_keys file in users homedir.


DynamoDB Table

The current version of the scripts assume a table with the name ssh-access is created in eu-west-1

  • The table must be readable by the EC2 instances using the solution
  • The table should not be writable from said instances

Table structure

  • The table must have primary key string named userid
  • Public keys must be stored in a String Array attribute named public_keys
  • Public key entries must be in OpenSSH format (ie. just like they are in an authorized_keys file)

Example item:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "Christian Petersen",
  "public-keys": [
    "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtz0Ltu6BS+qVF0kygolgix++vR3R/ll+H07iYkpsIdOA4ByVDQdQ8Gvt7xqzZMAjo1UVP0g4g+i7bq5QbdzHcauHS0nISqr2pyrEkjkvJG3byZ1JINUW6AjZKVQSBNgArVFpmMFsQjN5MEAXSfaK9ZeiA57QO+DGvcC4Wm1JSBJnK+rqsloaLt3ucFE3Kxs65H5WWAAxTCrQHvL/siGQNkpO/F8zoFBIkyyvlt6eQC3CPPId4dPWswranneQopBlH07j19HOZcpqrWF+uuaRi1FODikAoL2O6/PuyHnW985SBcFO/GPU8pCUhMEt5Z7Cxhc80nmoOpMgDJqcRkged imported-openssh-key"
  "userid": "cp"


  • email attributes is NOT used by current version of scripts - and thus pretty optional

General installation

To install run the script - which performs these steps:


  • assumes remaining files from this repo is present
  • executes all commands with sudo

Setup steps

  1. Create folder /opt/ssh-dynanmo/
  2. Move script files to /opt/ssh-dynamo/
  3. Create symlinks to scripts in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin/
  4. Grant execution rights to scripts chmod a+x ...
  5. Make a backup of the existing sshd config /etc/ssh/sshd_config (this backup is used for uninstallation)
  6. Run the script which replaces 2 lines inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  7. Run the script which reads all items from the dynamodb table and creates local users

Note: SSH service will be restarted for changes to take effect - this is done by


Used to change configuration of SSH Deamon to call our scripts on login.

Changes SSH configuration by setting 2 options

Restarts SSH Service after changing config

Note: From the SSH manual:

"If the AuthorizedKeysCommand does not successfully authorize the user, authorization falls through to the AuthorizedKeysFile."

Installation on AWS

The scripts can be installed using AWS EC2 Simple System Manager by following theese steps:

  1. Create a SSM Document using the json files in the ec2_ssm folder
  2. Execute a SSM Run Command
    • A Run Command is executed on a selection of EC2 instances (could be all with a specific tag value)

The ec2_ssm folder contains ready made document definitions to install and uninstall the scripts

TODO: Insert aws cli command to create document and run command here

Authorizing users during login

During the login process the following scripts are used

Overview of scripts

The solution is comprised for 6 different scripts (each just a few lines)

This is the main script executed by SSH Deamon for each login - it has two basic steps:

  • Input validation and sanitation of usernames (ssh is more picky than others)
  • Call the list-ssh-keys-for-user command and loop through each line of response to echo it

Called by the authorized_keys_command script for each login - has only one step:

  • Use AWS CLI to call dynamodb get-item for given userid
    • Fetch only attribute named public-keys
    • Print each array entry on a separate line using pipe / awk


  • This script is hardcoded to use eu_west_1 - change if needed
  • This script is hardcoded to use a table named: ssh-access - future versions might move this to tag or something similar. For now - change if needed

Creating local users based on DynamoDB content

During installation this is done once - but based on you user change frequency this should be done regularly - suggested methods:

  • Schedule a call to using CRON at whatever schedule seems right to you
  • Use AWS SSM to schedule a recurrent task

Note: Future versions might allow for auto-creation of users at login time - but currently this is not supported!

Called without parameters and will use list-ssh-keys-for-user script to loop through all users in DynamoDB and create local users where needed


  • Currently this script calls grant-sudo-to-user for each created user - this will be more configurable in the future

Called by script - has just one step:

  • Use AWS CLI to scan DynamoDB table for userid's and output each result on separate line using pipe / awk


  • This script is hardcoded to use eu_west_1 - change if needed
  • This script is hardcoded to use a table named: ssh-access - future versions might move this to tag or something similar. For now - change if needed

File: grant-sudo-to-user

Called by script - has just one step:

  • Update /etc/sudoers.d/ with a new entry for specified user

Currently unhandled use-cases

  • User deletion
  • Automatic user creation on login
  • Configurable group membership / sudo access


This repo holds scripts that can be used to configure the SSH Deamon on a Linux instance to look for public keys in DynamoDB before the .ssh/.authorized_keys file in users homedir.







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