This repo holds scripts that can be used to configure the SSH Deamon on a Linux instance to look for public keys in DynamoDB before the .ssh/.authorized_keys file in users homedir.
The current version of the scripts assume a table with the name ssh-access is created in eu-west-1
- The table must be readable by the EC2 instances using the solution
- The table should not be writable from said instances
- The table must have primary key string named userid
- Public keys must be stored in a String Array attribute named public_keys
- Public key entries must be in OpenSSH format (ie. just like they are in an authorized_keys file)
Example item:
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Christian Petersen",
"public-keys": [
"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtz0Ltu6BS+qVF0kygolgix++vR3R/ll+H07iYkpsIdOA4ByVDQdQ8Gvt7xqzZMAjo1UVP0g4g+i7bq5QbdzHcauHS0nISqr2pyrEkjkvJG3byZ1JINUW6AjZKVQSBNgArVFpmMFsQjN5MEAXSfaK9ZeiA57QO+DGvcC4Wm1JSBJnK+rqsloaLt3ucFE3Kxs65H5WWAAxTCrQHvL/siGQNkpO/F8zoFBIkyyvlt6eQC3CPPId4dPWswranneQopBlH07j19HOZcpqrWF+uuaRi1FODikAoL2O6/PuyHnW985SBcFO/GPU8pCUhMEt5Z7Cxhc80nmoOpMgDJqcRkged imported-openssh-key"
"userid": "cp"
- email attributes is NOT used by current version of scripts - and thus pretty optional
To install run the script - which performs these steps:
- Create folder /opt/ssh-dynanmo/
- Move script files to /opt/ssh-dynamo/
- Create symlinks to scripts in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin/
- Grant execution rights to scripts chmod a+x ...
- Make a backup of the existing sshd config /etc/ssh/sshd_config (this backup is used for uninstallation)
- Run the script which replaces 2 lines inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Run the script which reads all items from the dynamodb table and creates local users
Note: SSH service will be restarted for changes to take effect - this is done by
Used to change configuration of SSH Deamon to call our scripts on login.
Changes SSH configuration by setting 2 options
Restarts SSH Service after changing config
Note: From the SSH manual:
"If the AuthorizedKeysCommand does not successfully authorize the user, authorization falls through to the AuthorizedKeysFile."
The scripts can be installed using AWS EC2 Simple System Manager by following theese steps:
- Create a SSM Document using the json files in the ec2_ssm folder
- Execute a SSM Run Command
- A Run Command is executed on a selection of EC2 instances (could be all with a specific tag value)
The ec2_ssm folder contains ready made document definitions to install and uninstall the scripts
TODO: Insert aws cli command to create document and run command here
During the login process the following scripts are used
The solution is comprised for 6 different scripts (each just a few lines)
File: authorized_keys_command
This is the main script executed by SSH Deamon for each login - it has two basic steps:
- Input validation and sanitation of usernames (ssh is more picky than others)
- Call the list-ssh-keys-for-user command and loop through each line of response to echo it
File: list-ssh-keys-for-user
Called by the authorized_keys_command script for each login - has only one step:
- Use AWS CLI to call dynamodb get-item for given userid
- Fetch only attribute named public-keys
- Print each array entry on a separate line using pipe / awk
- This script is hardcoded to use eu_west_1 - change if needed
- This script is hardcoded to use a table named: ssh-access - future versions might move this to tag or something similar. For now - change if needed
During installation this is done once - but based on you user change frequency this should be done regularly - suggested methods:
- Schedule a call to using CRON at whatever schedule seems right to you
- Use AWS SSM to schedule a recurrent task
Note: Future versions might allow for auto-creation of users at login time - but currently this is not supported!
Called without parameters and will use list-ssh-keys-for-user script to loop through all users in DynamoDB and create local users where needed
- Currently this script calls grant-sudo-to-user for each created user - this will be more configurable in the future
File: list-ssh-keys-for-user
Called by script - has just one step:
- Use AWS CLI to scan DynamoDB table for userid's and output each result on separate line using pipe / awk
- This script is hardcoded to use eu_west_1 - change if needed
- This script is hardcoded to use a table named: ssh-access - future versions might move this to tag or something similar. For now - change if needed
Called by script - has just one step:
- Update /etc/sudoers.d/ with a new entry for specified user
- User deletion
- Automatic user creation on login
- Configurable group membership / sudo access