Beginner Friendly repository for hacktoberfest. Contribute as much as you can by bindind to the below mentioned rules.
Make sure you add your source code in appropriate topic folder. If their isn't a folder already for you topic, Make one .
If the source code contains single file like DS and algorithms implementation, add them as it is else wrap the content in a folder with the name of project .
Happy Hacking and keep implementing your leanings in real life.
Collection of Useful Algorithms in multiple programming languages and some awesome cheat-sheet and resources for learning geeky stuffs.
Please Star The Repo If You Liked
- A ridiculous collection of cheatsheets
- Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools
- 📓 UI component dev & test: React, Vue, Angular, React Native, Ember, Web Components & more!
- Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- List of Development YouTube Channels
- 📝 A curated list of Web Performance Optimization
- 💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws
- A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here)
- Google's Engineering Practices documentation
- A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally
- Real-time performance monitoring, done right!
- 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- 📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
- Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster
- Git Commands
- Simple terminal UI for git commands
- A gitmoji interactive command line tool for using emojis on commits 💻
- Must-watch videos about javascript
- A curated list of javascript fundamentals and algorithms
- This is about useful JS tips!
- A book about JavaScript, programming, and the wonders of the digital
- 🐢 A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things
- LazyLoad is a fast, lightweight and flexible script that speeds up your web application by loading your content images, videos and iframes only as they enter the viewport
- A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter
- A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
- jQuery — New Wave JavaScript
- React.js
- lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras
- Underscore.js - A utility-belt library for JavaScript
- Knockout - A JavaScript MVVM (a modern variant of MVC) library
- Polymer - library which enables cross-browser support for HTML5 web components
- Textures.js is a JavaScript library for creating SVG patterns
- Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript
- A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers
- A table library that works everywhere
- Angular.js
- Vue.js
- Ext JS
- Backbone.js
- Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
- Fastify - Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
- Alpine - A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup
- 📊 Cube.js - Open Source Analytics Framework
- Cool Python features for machine learning
- A collection of Python Scripts made for fun, while exploring Python 🐍
- Cheatsheet
- Momentum
- Adblock Plus
- Wappalyzer
- GitHub Repository Size
- Grammarly
- Isometric Contributions
- WhatFont
- React Developer Tools
- Octotree
- Refined GitHub
- React-Typescript Cheatsheet
- Lint rules related to React & JSX for TSLint
- 🐐 Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices
- React Native Awesome Button
- React Native Awesome Slider
- Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities
- Jest utilities for Styled Components
- Collection of useful React components
- Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
- High performance
rendering for React components - 🌊 A flexible and fun JavaScript file upload library
- A React-Native datetime-picker for Android and iOS
- Galio is a beautifully designed, Free and Open Source React Native Framework
- A description of the conceptual model of React without implementation burden
- Recoil - An experimental state management library for React apps
- The recommended Code Splitting library for React ✂️✨
- A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React
- A collection of beautiful and useful React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development
- Tech interview prep list
A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
- 101+ coding interview problems
- 🕸 Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
- JavaScript interview Questions
- Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript
- Pramp - Practice live interviews with peers
- Coding Interview University
Can't see your favorite algorithm script or cheat-sheet? Send a PR for adding your favorite algorithm in any programming language.
This repository is available under the [MIT License]