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KessieSHEN committed Oct 11, 2024
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title: "Assignment02-Data Viz and Wrangling"
format: html
editor: visual
author: Kessie SHEN
embed-resources: true


## Data Wrangling

CHSindividual <- fread("/Users/ckkkkkkkj/Desktop/chs_individual.csv")
CHSregional <- fread("/Users/ckkkkkkkj/Desktop/chs_regional.csv")
# Merge data
CHS_Merge <- merge(
x = CHSindividual,
y = CHSregional,
by.x = "townname",
by.y = "townname",
all.x = TRUE,
all.y = TRUE
# Count rows in individual and regional datasets
n_individual <- nrow(CHSindividual)
n_regional <- nrow(CHSregional)
n_merged <- nrow(CHS_Merge)
cat("Rows in Individual Dataset:", n_individual, "\n")
cat("Rows in Regional Dataset:", n_regional, "\n")
cat("Rows in Merged Dataset:", n_merged, "\n")

#Impute Missing Values

CHS_Merge <- CHS_Merge %>%
group_by(male, hispanic) %>%
mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ ifelse(, mean(., na.rm = TRUE), .)))
# Categorical: Impute with mode
impute_mode <- function(x) {
ux <- unique(x)
ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]
CHS_Merge <- CHS_Merge %>%
mutate(across(where(is.character), ~ ifelse(, impute_mode(.), .)))

#Create a new categorical variable named “obesity_level”

CHS_Merge <- CHS_Merge %>%
mutate(obesity_level = case_when(
bmi < 14 ~ "Underweight",
bmi >= 14 & bmi < 22 ~ "Normal",
bmi >= 22 & bmi < 24 ~ "Overweight",
bmi >= 24 ~ "Obese"
# Generate a summary table for 'obesity_level'
bmi_summary <- CHS_Merge %>%
group_by(obesity_level) %>%
min_bmi = min(bmi, na.rm = TRUE),
max_bmi = max(bmi, na.rm = TRUE),
total_obs = n()
# Create 'smoke_gas_exposure' variable
CHS_Merge <- CHS_Merge %>%
mutate(smoke_gas_exposure = case_when(
smoke == 1 & gasstove == 1 ~ "Both",
smoke == 1 & gasstove == 0 ~ "Only Smoke",
smoke == 0 & gasstove == 1 ~ "Only Gas",
smoke == 0 & gasstove == 0 ~ "Neither"
FEV_summary <- CHS_Merge %>%
group_by(townname, male, obesity_level, smoke_gas_exposure) %>%
avg_FEV1 = mean(fev, na.rm = TRUE),
sd_FEV1 = sd(fev, na.rm = TRUE)

## Looking at the Data (EDA)

#Cheaking data
# Size of the data
# Variable types
#Look at the top and bottom of the data
# Frequency
# Univariate summary statistics
#Bivariate Summary
#What is the association between BMI and FEV (forced expiratory volume)?
cor(CHS_Merge$bmi, CHS_Merge$fev, use = "complete.obs")
ggplot(CHS_Merge, aes(x = bmi, y = fev)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
facet_wrap(~ townname) +
labs(x = "BMI", y = "FEV (ml)", title = "BMI vs FEV by Town")
#What is the association between smoke and gas exposure and FEV?
correlation_data <- CHS_Merge %>%
select(smoke, fev, gasstove)
correlation_matrix <- cor(correlation_data, use = "complete.obs")
# What is the association between PM2.5 exposure and FEV?
cor_pm25_fev <- cor(CHS_Merge$pm25_mass, CHS_Merge$fev, use = "complete.obs")
print(paste("Correlation between PM2.5 and FEV:", cor_pm25_fev))

## Visualization

#Facet plot showing scatterplots with regression lines of BMI vs FEV by “townname”
ggplot(CHS_Merge, aes(x = bmi, y = fev)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
facet_wrap(~ townname) +
labs(title = "bmi vs fev by Town", x = "bmi", y = "fev")
#Stacked histograms of FEV by BMI category and FEV by smoke/gas exposure. Use different color schemes than the ggplot default.
CHS_Merge <- CHS_Merge %>%
mutate(obesity_level = case_when(
bmi < 14 ~ "Underweight",
bmi >= 14 & bmi <= 22 ~ "Normal",
bmi > 22 & bmi <= 24 ~ "Overweight",
bmi > 24 ~ "Obese",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
ggplot(CHS_Merge, aes(x = fev, fill = obesity_level)) +
geom_histogram(position = "stack", bins = 30, alpha = 0.7) + # Change bins as needed
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Underweight" = "blue",
"Normal" = "lightgreen",
"Overweight" = "orange",
"Obese" = "red")) + # Custom colors
labs(title = "Stacked Histogram of FEV by BMI Category",
x = "FEV (ml)",
y = "Count") +
CHS_Merge <- CHS_Merge %>%
mutate(smoke_gas_exposure = case_when(
smoke == 1 & gasstove == 1 ~ "Both",
smoke == 1 & gasstove == 0 ~ "Smoke Only",
smoke == 0 & gasstove == 1 ~ "Gas Stove Only",
smoke == 0 & gasstove == 0 ~ "Neither",
TRUE ~ NA_character_
# Stacked histogram of FEV by smoke/gas exposure
ggplot(CHS_Merge, aes(x = fev, fill = smoke_gas_exposure)) +
geom_histogram(position = "stack", bins = 30, alpha = 0.7) + # Change bins as needed
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Both" = "purple",
"Smoke Only" = "pink",
"Gas Stove Only" = "yellow",
"Neither" = "green")) + # Custom colors
labs(title = "Stacked Histogram of FEV by Smoke/Gas Exposure",
x = "FEV (ml)",
y = "Count") +
#Barchart of BMI by smoke/gas exposure.
# Check how many missing BMI values exist
# Check how many missing smoke/gas exposure values exist
# Filter out rows with NA values for BMI or smoke/gas exposure
CHS_Merge_clean <- CHS_Merge %>%
filter(!, !
ggplot(CHS_Merge_clean, aes(x = smoke_gas_exposure, y = bmi, fill = smoke_gas_exposure)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
labs(title = "Bar Chart of BMI by Smoke/Gas Exposure", x = "Smoke/Gas Exposure", y = "Average BMI") +
# Impute missing BMI values with the mean BMI (for demonstration)
CHS_Merge$bmi[$bmi)] <- mean(CHS_Merge$bmi, na.rm = TRUE)
# Or impute using grouped means based on other variables (e.g., sex, town)
CHS_Merge <- CHS_Merge %>%
group_by(male, townname) %>%
mutate(bmi = ifelse(, mean(bmi, na.rm = TRUE), bmi))

Higher average BMIs in certain exposure groups could lead to increased health risks, such as obesity-related diseases, respiratory issues.

##Statistical summary graphs of FEV by BMI and FEV by smoke/gas exposure category.
# Summary of FEV by BMI category
fev_bmi_summary <- CHS_Merge %>%
group_by(obesity_level) %>%
summarise(mean_fev = mean(fev, na.rm = TRUE),
sd_fev = sd(fev, na.rm = TRUE))
# Summary of FEV by smoke/gas exposure category
fev_smoke_summary <- CHS_Merge %>%
group_by(smoke_gas_exposure) %>%
summarise(mean_fev = mean(fev, na.rm = TRUE),
sd_fev = sd(fev, na.rm = TRUE))
ggplot(CHS_Merge, aes(x = obesity_level, y = fev, fill = obesity_level)) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = "red", outlier.shape = 1, outlier.size = 2) + # Outliers in red
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Underweight" = "lightblue",
"Normal" = "lightgreen",
"Overweight" = "orange",
"Obese" = "red")) + # Custom colors
labs(title = "Boxplot of FEV by BMI Category",
x = "BMI Category",
y = "FEV (ml)") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

#Boxplot of FEV by Smoke/Gas Exposure

CHS_Merge_clean <- CHS_Merge %>%
filter(!, !
ggplot(CHS_Merge_clean, aes(x = smoke_gas_exposure, y = fev, fill = smoke_gas_exposure)) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(title = "Boxplot of FEV by Smoke/Gas Exposure", x = "Smoke/Gas Exposure", y = "FEV") +

ggplot(CHS_Merge, aes(x = obesity_level, y = fev, fill = obesity_level)) +
geom_violin(trim = FALSE) + # Full distribution without trimming tails
scale_fill_manual(values = c("Underweight" = "lightblue",
"Normal" = "lightgreen",
"Overweight" = "orange",
"Obese" = "red")) + # Custom colors
labs(title = "Violin Plot of FEV by BMI Category",
x = "BMI Category",
y = "FEV (ml)") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

## A leaflet map showing the concentrations of PM2.5 mass in each of the CHS communities.

leaflet(CHS_Merge) %>%
addTiles() %>% # Add default map tiles
lng = ~lon, # Longitude
lat = ~lat, # Latitude
color = ~ifelse(pm25_mass > 15, "red", ifelse(pm25_mass > 10, "orange", "green")), # Color based on PM2.5 concentration
radius = ~pm25_mass / 2, # Scale the marker size by PM2.5 concentration
label = ~paste0(townname, ": ", pm25_mass, " µg/m³"), # Labels showing PM2.5 values
fillOpacity = 0.7
) %>%
position = "bottomright",
pal = colorNumeric(c("green", "orange", "red"), domain = CHS_Merge$pm25_mass),
values = ~pm25_mass,
title = "PM2.5 Concentration (µg/m³)",
opacity = 1

##Choose a visualization to examine whether PM2.5 mass is associated with FEV.

#a scatter plot with a regression line
CHS_Merge_clean <- CHS_Merge %>%
filter(!, !
ggplot(CHS_Merge_clean, aes(x = pm25_mass, y = fev)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.6, color = "blue") + # Scatter points
geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "red", se = FALSE) + # Regression line
labs(title = "Association Between PM2.5 Mass and FEV",
x = "PM2.5 Mass (µg/m³)",
y = "FEV (ml)") +

a negative slope, it indicates that as PM2.5 mass increases, FEV decreases, suggesting a potential negative impact of air pollution on lung function.

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