This is an API for Bangazon INC. This API will allow user to GET/POST/PUT and (sometimes) DELETE items from the Bangazon Database. Before you can utilize the database, there are a few things you need to make sure you have installed.
brew install sqlite
Visit the SQLite downloads and download the 64-bit DLL (x64) for SQLite version, unzip and install it.
The DB browser for SQLite will let you view, query and manage your databases for this project.
Visual Studio Code is Microsoft's cross-platform editor that you can use to view Python and Django code.
Within the terminal, navigate to the location where you'd like to create the new environment and Bangazon project. Create a folder called BangazonProject and navigate within the new folder. Then, enter this text to create the new environment:
virtualenv ENV
Then activate your environment:
source ENV/bin/activate
Note that you can type "deactivate" to end the new environment at any time.
Within your new BangazonProject folder, download the Django code by typing:
pip install django
Within your new BangazonProject project folder, download the source code by typing:
git clone
After downloading the Banagzon project, you should have a new folder within the BangazonProject folder that you created. The new folder will also be called Bangazon. Navigate within this folder. Start the server by typing:
python runserver
Within your web browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000/workforce/ From here, you should see the main links for the Bangazon workforce application.
While inside the BangazonProject/Bangazon folder, enter this command:
python makemigrations Workforce
Then enter
python migrate
You now have a database named sqlite3.sql within your existing folder. Use the DB Browser for SQLite to open the new database if desired.
Navigate within the BangazonProject/Bangazon project and enter this command:
python test
This will run all of the Unit Testing files created within the BangazonProject/Bangazon/bangazon_1/workforce/tests folder.