Created using Heroku Django Template
Python, pip, and Django should be installed globally, as well as Heroku Toolbelt installed and authenticated. Create a GitHub repo and clone locally, but do not cd into the directory. Run this command in the parent directory (You can replace "projectname" with your desired project name; replace repo-name with the name of the GitHub repo you have cloned locally.):
$ startproject --template= --name=Procfile projectname repo-name
Change directory
$ cd repo-name
At this point, it's strongly recommended that you create and activate a virtualenv of some type. Afterward, install requirements, and run server. (migrate?)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python runserver
Check that the Django welcome page appears
Add and commit files, with message
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Message"
Push to GitHub master branch
$ git push origin master
$ heroku create app-name
$ git push heroku master
Migrate and Open Heroku App in Browser
$ heroku run python migrate (does this need to be run again for forked app?)
$ heroku open
Fork the App
$ heroku fork --from app-name --to app-name-staging
Add Forked Remote
$ heroku info -a app-name-staging
$ git remote add forked [email protected]:app-name-staging.git (or otherwise use Git URL from previous info command)
$ git remote add forked
Heroku Remotes in Repo
heroku (app-name)
forked (app-name-staging)
Open Staging or Production Sites in Browser
$ heroku open --app app-name
$ heroku open --remote forked
Create local development Branch, Push to Staging Site, Create/Push to GitHub development Branch
$ git checkout -b development
$ heroku keys:add (if needed due to publickeys error)
$ git push forked master
$ git push origin development
Two ways to Change URL
$ heroku apps:rename new-name --remote forked
$ heroku apps:rename new-name --app old-name
Merge Changes Between development and master Branches, Push and Pull Between GitHub and Local Branches
Merge changes from development branch into master branch
$ git checkout master
$ git merge development -m "Message" (merge local development branch changes into local master branch)
Add and commit files, with message
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Message"
Push to GitHub master branch and Heroku master branch
$ git push origin master
$ git push heroku master
Merge changes from master branch into development branch
$ git checkout development
$ git merge master -m "Message" (merge local master branch changes into local development branch)
Add and commit files, with message
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Message"
Push to GitHub development branch and Heroku forked master (staging site)
$ git push origin development
$ git push forked master
To Escape Git Message, if needed
$ :wq
Pull changes (checkout as needed)
$ git pull origin master
$ git pull origin development