The following link is the tutorial we followed to set up authentication via Microsoft. Microsoft Login Tutorial
- React
- React Router
- React Bootstrap
- Recharts
- Google Charts
- axios
- Node
- Express
- MySQL locally
- Azure Database for MySQL in deployed application
Have two terminals open.
In the root directory, run npm start
In the Frontend directory, run npm start
Start/build scripts and dependencies that need to be installed can be found in package.json in the root directory for the backend.
Start/build scripts and dependencies that need to be installed can be found in package.json in the Frontend directory for the frontend.
- Install the correct version of bootstrap for the version of react-bootstrap we are using (will cause some styling issues).
- Use a different Gantt chart than Google charts, or make custom Gantt.
- Send emails out to the users assigned to a project when updates happen.
- Make dashboard tailorable for the user.