Releases: KasperskyLab/Kaspresso
Release 1.6.0
What's Changed
- TECH: deleted target 17 by @AzamatCherchesov in #637
- TECH: fix flaky test by @Nikitae57 in #626
- Issue 630 bump UI automator by @Nikitae57 in #641
- TECH: pass SystemLanguage instance through Device class by @Nikitae57 in #643
- ISSUE-652: define ALLOW_ALL & ALLOW_SELECTED on Permissions.Button by @TTC1018 in #653
- TECH: Try to fix tests by @Nikitae57 in #659
- TECH: removed java code by @Nikitae57 in #660
- TECH: added new code owner by @CherchesovAzamat in #662
- ISSUE-639: Attach original exception as a suppressed one by @Nikitae57 in #661
- TECH: Set jvm toolchain version by @Nikitae57 in #658
- TECH: Update adb-server by @Nikitae57 in #663
- ISSUE-639: Don't set stack trace by @Nikitae57 in #666
- TECH: adbserver's backward compatibility was fixed by @ersanin in #672
- Update ActivityMetadata.kt by @GeorgCantor in #677
- ISSUE-638: Can't take screenshot in compose project tests by @devapro in #673
- ISSUE-648: Don't restore flaky safety interceptors in the nested flakโฆ by @Nikitae57 in #671
- ISSUE-649: Pass the button to the allowViaDialog by @Nikitae57 in #667
- ISSUE-656: add flag to remove PermissionController by @OvsyannikovMaksim in #657
- ISSUE-675: sanitize filename in video recorder by @ersanin in #683
- TECH: Consider a RootViewWithoutFocusException in a flaky safety by @Nikitae57 in #686
- TECH: Make language features customization easier by @Nikitae57 in #681
- TECH: Screenshot comparison tests by @Nikitae57 in #655
- ISSUE-405: init commit with simple code gen by @AzamatCherchesov in #584
- ISSUE-646: Clean semantics flaky safety interceptor by @Nikitae57 in #670
- ISSUE-678: Close crash dialogs by @Nikitae57 in #679
- ISSUE-555: Add compose support by @Areyana in #610
- TECH: Fix compilation by @Nikitae57 in #689
- TECH: Fix code gen test by @Nikitae57 in #692
- Tech release 1.6.0 by @AzamatCherchesov in #693
New Contributors
- @TTC1018 made their first contribution in #653
- @CherchesovAzamat made their first contribution in #662
- @ersanin made their first contribution in #672
- @devapro made their first contribution in #673
- @OvsyannikovMaksim made their first contribution in #657
Full Changelog: v.1.5.4...v.1.6.0
Release 1.5.4
What's Changed
- ISSUE-567: Added more logs by @Nikitae57 in #568
- ISSUE-561: setup Kakao and Kautomator settings before each test by @sumin93 in #569
- Edit examples for screenshot test lesson by @sumin93 in #566
- Tech fixes by @Nikitae57 in #560
- TECH: Fix artifacts pulling docs by @Nikitae57 in #572
- TECH: fix source sets by @Nikitae57 in #573
- Issue 579 profile fixes by @AzamatCherchesov in #585
- TECH: hardcode plugin version by @sumin93 in #565
- Issue #574: Use correct selector in withChild by @grassydragon in #575
- Screenshot tests edited by @sumin93 in #564
- TECH: fixed mkdocs.yaml structure by @AzamatCherchesov in #586
- Fix tutorial.yml by @sumin93 in #588
- Update by @AzamatCherchesov in #591
- Update by @AzamatCherchesov in #590
- Update by @AzamatCherchesov in #589
- ISSUE-593: Fix typo in by @pisanyialeksei in #594
- ISSUE-592: switch to the main thread to change language on 33+ by @Nikitae57 in #596
- Update KeyboardImpl.kt by @GeorgCantor in #599
- Update NetworkImpl.kt by @GeorgCantor in #600
- ISSUE-605: Update Kaspresso version in Docs by @avfe in #606
- add adbserver plugin and setup publication by @mfglushchenko in #611
- Revert "add adbserver plugin and setup publication" by @AzamatCherchesov in #612
- Tech upgrade gradle by @Nikitae57 in #613
- TECH: Remove snapshot property from the local build by @Nikitae57 in #617
- TECH: Libs versions bump by @Nikitae57 in #614
- #618: Allow allure support test without videos by @Nikitae57 in #619
- ISSUE-602: update kakao version by @AzamatCherchesov in #621
- ISSUE-389: returned fix for st-Lant screenshots by @AzamatCherchesov in #622
- ISSUE-576: Allow complex ADB server commands execution by @Nikitae57 in #597
- TECH: Add a snapshot documentation by @Nikitae57 in #623
- TECH: updated some lib versions by @AzamatCherchesov in #625
- TECH: Downgrade Kotlin version to 1.8.22 by @RuslanMingaliev in #632
- Tech release 1.5.4 by @AzamatCherchesov in #633
- TECH: turned on signing by @AzamatCherchesov in #635
New Contributors
- @grassydragon made their first contribution in #575
- @pisanyialeksei made their first contribution in #594
- @GeorgCantor made their first contribution in #599
- @avfe made their first contribution in #606
Full Changelog: v.1.5.3...v.1.5.4
Release 1.5.3
What's Changed
TECH: bump orchestrator by @Nikitae57 in #471
TECH: Use right allure source dir by @Nikitae57 in #472
TECH: use supported video recording resolution by @Nikitae57 in #474
ISSUE-485: Expose SystemLanguage by @Nikitae57 in #486
ISSUE-434: expose allure dependency by @Nikitae57 in #499
ISSUE-497: fix UiEditableActions#typeText() by @Nikitae57 in #498
TECH: updated espresso and kakao libs by @AzamatCherchesov in #501
Issue 506 Custom ADB path by @valeryvpetrov-dev in #507
TECH: add instruction to disable hidden API restrictions by @Nikitae57 in #514
TECH: fix bug with locales in docloc tests by @sumin93 in #517
ISSUE-86: use native resources in kAutomator by @Nikitae57 in #516
TECH: (Silinsky) add dark mode screenshots support by @ReCursia in #522
TECH: (Silinsky) add param in second constructor by @ReCursia in #530
ISSUE-523: deprecate old allure builder by @Nikitae57 in #525
ISSUE-518: don't force call late listener callbacks if test not started by @Nikitae57 in #524
ISSUE-521: add option to ignore keyboard by @Nikitae57 in #529
ISSUE-508: updated Kakao version by @AzamatCherchesov in #531
ISSUE-541: add kakao-ext-clicks dependency by @dsvoronin in #542
ISSUE-543: add parsing CollapsingToolbarLayout title + sample by @mfglushchenko in #544
Issue 554 automatic artifacts pulling by @Nikitae57 in #558
And other internal improvements and new tutorial lessons
New Contributors
- @ReCursia made their first contribution in #522
- @mfglushchenko made their first contribution in #532
Full Changelog: v.1.5.2...v.1.5.3
Release 1.5.2
What's Changed
- TECH: bump orchestrator by @Nikitae57 in #471
- TECH: Use right allure source dir by @Nikitae57 in #472
- TECH: add recycler test by @Nikitae57 in #470
- TECH: more recycler checks by @Nikitae57 in #475
- Revert "ISSUE-404: Removed storage rules for all tests" by @Nikitae57 in #478
- TECH: added new github workflow; use kaspresso snapshot dependency ifโฆ by @Nikitae57 in #477
- TECH: use supported video recording resolution by @Nikitae57 in #474
- TECH: Use perl compatible regex for git hooks by @Nikitae57 in #473
- TECH: fix tests on API 21 by @Nikitae57 in #480
- TECH: Less strict commit message hook by @Nikitae57 in #482
- TECH: scroll only while scrollable exists by @Nikitae57 in #487
- Bump Kakao Version 3.2.2 by @Vacxe in #484
- TECH: added CI tasks with API 33 and 21 by @Nikitae57 in #479
- ISSUE-485: Expose SystemLanguage by @Nikitae57 in #486
- ISSUE-434: expose allure dependency by @Nikitae57 in #499
- ISSUE-497: fix UiEditableActions#typeText() by @Nikitae57 in #498
- TECH: updated espresso and kakao libs by @AzamatCherchesov in #501
- TECH: add task to check legal documents by @Nikitae57 in #489
- TECH: fix git hooks on macos by @Nikitae57 in #504
- ISSUE-503: updated all legal docs by @AzamatCherchesov in #505
Full Changelog: v.1.5.1...v.1.5.2
Release 1.5.1
What's Changed
- TECH: update breaking changes by @Nikitae57 in #465
- TECH: fix module naming by @VladislavSumin in #466
- TECH: made KaspressoRunner open class by @dalapenko in #467
- TECH: added NOTICE files by @AzamatCherchesov in #463
- TECH: raised 3pc version by @AzamatCherchesov in #462
New Contributors
- @dalapenko made their first contribution in #467
Full Changelog: v.1.5.0...v.1.5.1
Kaspresso 1.5.0
What's Changed
- Target 30 support #404 by @Nikitae57 in #423 and @eakurnikov in #438
- Full view screenshots by @Areyana in #409
- Fixed interceptor for system dialogs bypassing by @Areyana in #460
- Fix. No video artifacts in Kaspresso Allure #407: Fix folder was created instead of video file by @Nikitae57 in #410
- Capture screenshot from main thread #411: Fix test class not found in main thread by @Nikitae57 in #412
- #348: Add google maps interaction docs by @Nikitae57 in #402
- Fix. Issue #96/doc loc tests dont take fail screenshots by @Nikitae57 in #413
- Bump Kakao/Compose by @Vacxe in #456
- Snapshots publishing support by @VladislavSumin in #455
- Fix. Empty object "steps" in allure result json by @valeryvpetrov-dev in #401
- Fix. KwebView replace atom is null with actual item for WebView tests #154: Replace "atom evaluation returned null" message by @Nikitae57 in #408
- Docs. #406: Updated allure documentation with how to pull results instructions by @Nikitae57 in #414
- Fix: moved Cache back to KaspressoLateRunListener.kt by @AzamatCherchesov in #445
- TECH: fix pre-commit hook by @eakurnikov in #447 and in #443
- ISSUE-372: add MakeCallActivity.kt by @sumin93 in #449
- TECH: restart AVD if startup fails by @Nikitae57 in #458
- TECH: updated 3rd party report plugin dependency by @AzamatCherchesov in #398
Kaspresso 1.5.0 release contains many changes. Some of them require close attention. Please check them out.
New Contributors
- @valeryvpetrov-dev made their first contribution in #401
Full Changelog: v.1.4.2...v.1.5.0
Kaspresso 1.4.2
What's Changed
- Fix for Flake safety auto scroll fails when scroll view has a padding by @sergio-sastre in #344
- Fixed problem with Serbian locale in snapshots by @AzamatCherchesov in #390
- Clean up cachedActivity after destroyed it by @PaladiRka in #388
- Update dependencies by @Nikitae57, @RuslanMingaliev, @vrnvorona and @sergio-sastre in #381, #380, #356 and #360
- Added Third party report code conventions by @maxsurovtsev in #373
- Fix for example tests by @Nikitae57 and @matzuk in #371 and #384
- Fix for gps on 30 API by @Fullik in #364
Full Changelog:
Kaspresso 1.4.1
What's Changed
- fixed compose sample application id by @matzuk in #339
- Update Kakao to 3.0.6 by @Vacxe in #340
- Fix META-INF exclusions by @RuslanMingaliev in #353
- Migrate from Kotlin synthetics to ViewBinding by @RuslanMingaliev in #354
- Legal docs for release 1.4.1 by @AzamatCherchesov in #355
Full Changelog: v.1.4.0...v.1.4.1
Kaspresso 1.4.0: Jetpack Compose support
- Jetpack Compose support [Early access]
What's Changed
- Add fixes to allure-support doc by @eakurnikov in #303
- Add new user in "Our Users". SuperJob by @melmoth-der-wanderer in #305
- Fix Robolectric version for Robolectric wiki by @utzcoz in #308
- #270. temp solutions for Storage issues by @matzuk in #309
- Issue 249/compose support by @matzuk in #307
- #318. kamulator tests for tutorial by @matzuk in #319
- Bump versions up by @RuslanMingaliev in #320
- Change build-logic structure by @RuslanMingaliev in #323
- Issue 310/compose module by @matzuk in #324
- Issue 315/fix kamulator tests by @matzuk in #326
- Small improvements by @matzuk in #327
- #325 minsdk = 18 by @matzuk in #328
- Issue 310/compose module by @matzuk in #332
- Issue 315/fix kamulator tests by @matzuk in #333
- Small improvements by @matzuk in #334
- Compose early access warning by @matzuk in #335
New Contributors
- @melmoth-der-wanderer made their first contribution in #305
- @utzcoz made their first contribution in #308
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v.1.4.0
Kaspresso 1.3.0
What's Changed
- Bump up detekt version by @RuslanMingaliev in #269
- Kaspresso allure support v2 by @eakurnikov in #272
- Revert "Kaspresso allure support v2" by @eakurnikov in #280
- Kaspresso allure support final by @eakurnikov in #281
- Fix logcat dump problems by @eakurnikov in #282
- Fix localization issues. Add checks to pipeline by @RuslanMingaliev in #287
- Replace 'check' with 'lint' by @RuslanMingaliev in #288
- Fix paths to files in wiki by @el-qq in #268
- Issue/242-3 by @matzuk in #286
- #issue242 add robolectric support by @sergio-sastre in #267
- Our users by @matzuk in #291
- Squaregps user by @matzuk in #293
- Add new user in 'Our Users'. Add attribute alt for img by @el-qq in #292
- Add new user in 'Our Users'. Vivid Money by @j-vegas in #294
- cft and raif were added to Users by @matzuk in #295
- Params fixes by @eakurnikov in #290
- Call property Allure.lifecycle instead of direct call to object Allurโฆ by @eakurnikov in #297
- Robolectric leftovers by @RuslanMingaliev in #298
- Bump up Kaspresso version by @RuslanMingaliev in #300
New Contributors
- @el-qq made their first contribution in #268
- @sergio-sastre made their first contribution in #267
- @j-vegas made their first contribution in #294
Full Changelog: 1.2.1...v1.3.0