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add tracking for cars when using intermodal access/egress
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KasiaKoz committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent e48eed3 commit 9edf03e
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Expand Up @@ -121,16 +121,20 @@ private List<InitialStop> findIntermodalStops(Facility fromFacility, Facility to
switch (srrCfg.getIntermodalAccessEgressModeSelection()) {
case CalcLeastCostModePerStop:
for (IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet parameterSet : srrCfg.getIntermodalAccessEgressParameterSets()) {
addInitialStopsForParamSet(fromFacility, toFacility, person, departureTime, routingAttributes, direction, parameters, data, x, y, initialStops, parameterSet);
if (considerParameterSet(srrCfg, parameterSet, direction, person, data)) {
addInitialStopsForParamSet(fromFacility, toFacility, person, departureTime, routingAttributes, direction, parameters, data, x, y, initialStops, parameterSet);
case RandomSelectOneModePerRoutingRequestAndDirection:
int counter = 0;
do {
int rndSelector = random.nextInt(srrCfg.getIntermodalAccessEgressParameterSets().size());
addInitialStopsForParamSet(fromFacility, toFacility, person, departureTime, routingAttributes, direction, parameters, data, x, y,
initialStops, srrCfg.getIntermodalAccessEgressParameterSets().get(rndSelector));
IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet parameterSet = srrCfg.getIntermodalAccessEgressParameterSets().get(rndSelector);
if (considerParameterSet(srrCfg, parameterSet, direction, person, data)) {
addInitialStopsForParamSet(fromFacility, toFacility, person, departureTime, routingAttributes, direction, parameters, data, x, y, initialStops, parameterSet);
// try again if no initial stop was found for the parameterset. Avoid infinite loop by limiting number of tries.
} while (initialStops.isEmpty() && counter < 2 * srrCfg.getIntermodalAccessEgressParameterSets().size());
Expand All @@ -140,6 +144,33 @@ private List<InitialStop> findIntermodalStops(Facility fromFacility, Facility to
return initialStops;

private boolean vehicleTrackingEnabled(SwissRailRaptorConfigGroup config, IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet parameterSet) {
// todo: check config settings
// todo: change default to false after implementing
if (parameterSet.getMode().equals("car")) {
return true;
return false;

private boolean considerParameterSet(SwissRailRaptorConfigGroup config, IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet parameterSet,
Direction direction, Person person, SwissRailRaptorData data) {
if (vehicleTrackingEnabled(config, parameterSet)) {
String mode = parameterSet.getMode();
switch (direction) {
case ACCESS:
// if vehicle has not been left somewhere and agent is trying to access a stop, assume they have
// access to their vehicle
return !data.vehicleWasLeftAtStop(person, mode);
case EGRESS:
// if vehicle has been left parked at a stop and agent is looking to egress a stop, allow them the
// opportunity to look for stops using that mode as intermodal egress
return data.vehicleWasLeftAtStop(person, mode);
return true;

private void addInitialStopsForParamSet(Facility fromFacility, Facility toFacility, Person person, double departureTime, Attributes routingAttributes, Direction direction, RaptorParameters parameters, SwissRailRaptorData data, double x, double y, List<InitialStop> initialStops, IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet paramset) {
String mode = paramset.getMode();
String linkIdAttribute = paramset.getLinkIdAttribute();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,7 +222,12 @@ private void addInitialStopsForParamSet(Facility fromFacility, Facility toFacili
RoutingModule module = this.routingModules.get(mode);
routeParts = module.calcRoute(DefaultRoutingRequest.of(facility, stopFacility, departureTime, person, routingAttributes));
} else { // it's Egress
// We don't know the departure time for the egress trip, so just use the original departureTime,
// todo: soft-code car
if (mode.equals("car") && !data.vehicleWasLeftAtStop(person, mode, stop)) {
// the vehicle of tracked mode was not found at this stop, skip this choice
// We don't know the departure time for the egress trip, so just use the original departureTime,
// although it is wrong and might result in a wrong traveltime and thus wrong route.
RoutingModule module = this.routingModules.get(mode);
routeParts = module.calcRoute(DefaultRoutingRequest.of(stopFacility, facility, departureTime, person, routingAttributes));
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Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,7 @@
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.TransportMode;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Activity;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Leg;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.PlanElement;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Route;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.*;
import org.matsim.core.config.Config;
import org.matsim.core.config.ConfigUtils;
import org.matsim.core.config.groups.PlanCalcScoreConfigGroup;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,4 +156,62 @@ public static List<? extends PlanElement> convertRouteToLegs(RaptorRoute route,

return legs;

public static void recordLegChoices(RaptorRoute route, Person person, SwissRailRaptorData data) {
int i = 0;
for (RaptorRoute.RoutePart part : {
if (part.planElements != null) {
for (PlanElement pe : part.planElements) {
if (pe instanceof Leg) {
Leg leg = (Leg) pe;
// todo soft-code car
if (leg.getMode().equals("car")) {
RaptorRoute.RoutePart nextRoutePart = routePartAtIndex(route, i + 1);
if (nextRoutePart != null && routePartIsPT(nextRoutePart)) {
// if there is a next route part, and it's PT, that means a tracked mode
// was used to access it, record the vehicle at the stop
data.parkVehicleAtStop(person, leg.getMode(), nextRoutePart.fromStop);
} else if (nextRoutePart != null) {
// there may be a transfer walk connecting that mode and PT
// we skip the transfer walk and look at the next route part
RaptorRoute.RoutePart nextNextRoutePart = routePartAtIndex(route, i + 2);
if (nextNextRoutePart != null && routePartIsPT(nextNextRoutePart)) {
data.parkVehicleAtStop(person, leg.getMode(), nextNextRoutePart.fromStop);
} else {
// a tracked mode was used to egress a PT stop, release the vehicle from that stop
RaptorRoute.RoutePart prevRoutePart = routePartAtIndex(route, i - 1);
if (prevRoutePart != null && routePartIsPT(prevRoutePart)) {
data.releaseVehicleFromStop(person, leg.getMode());
} else if (prevRoutePart != null) {
// previous route part must have been a transfer walk, try an earlier route part
RaptorRoute.RoutePart prevPrevRoutePart = routePartAtIndex(route, i - 2);
if (prevPrevRoutePart != null && routePartIsPT(prevPrevRoutePart)) {
data.releaseVehicleFromStop(person, leg.getMode());
} else {
// the tracked vehicle mode exists in isolation, which I don't think is possible
// unless you configure walking as a tracked mode

private static RaptorRoute.RoutePart routePartAtIndex(RaptorRoute route, int i) {
if ( > i) {
return null;

private static Boolean routePartIsPT(RaptorRoute.RoutePart routePart) {
return routePart.planElements == null && routePart.line != null;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ public List<? extends PlanElement> calcRoute(RoutingRequest request) {

List<? extends PlanElement> legs = RaptorUtils.convertRouteToLegs(foundRoute,;
RaptorUtils.recordLegChoices(foundRoute, person,;
return legs;

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import org.matsim.api.core.v01.TransportMode;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.population.Person;
import org.matsim.core.population.routes.NetworkRoute;
import org.matsim.core.utils.collections.QuadTree;
import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.CoordUtils;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ public class SwissRailRaptorData {
final QuadTree<TransitStopFacility> stopsQT;
final Map<String, Map<String, QuadTree<TransitStopFacility>>> stopFilterAttribute2Value2StopsQT;
final OccupancyData occupancyData;
Map<Id<Person>, Map<String, Id<TransitStopFacility>>> vehiclesAtStops = new HashMap<>();

private SwissRailRaptorData(RaptorStaticConfig config, int countStops,
RRoute[] routes, int[] departures, Vehicle[] departureVehicles, Id<Departure>[] departureIds, RRouteStop[] routeStops,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,6 +472,28 @@ public TransitStopFacility findNearestStop(double x, double y) {
return this.stopsQT.getClosest(x, y);

public void parkVehicleAtStop(Person person, String mode, TransitStopFacility stop) {
vehiclesAtStops.putIfAbsent(person.getId(), new HashMap<>());
vehiclesAtStops.get(person.getId()).put(mode, stop.getId());

public void releaseVehicleFromStop(Person person, String mode) {
vehiclesAtStops.putIfAbsent(person.getId(), new HashMap<>());

public boolean vehicleWasLeftAtStop(Person person, String mode) {
return vehiclesAtStops.containsKey(person.getId()) && vehiclesAtStops.get(person.getId()).containsKey(mode);

public boolean vehicleWasLeftAtStop(Person person, String mode, TransitStopFacility stop) {
Map<String, Id<TransitStopFacility>> personTracker = vehiclesAtStops.getOrDefault(person.getId(), null);
if (personTracker != null) {
return personTracker.getOrDefault(mode, null).equals(stop.getId());
return false;

* "Translates" an internally used {@link RTransfer} into a publicly usable {@link Transfer} object.
* @param transfer
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Expand Up @@ -1842,6 +1842,95 @@ public void testDefaultStopFinder_testMultipleModes() {

public void testModeConsistencyWithVehicleTracking() {
StopFinderFixture f0 = new StopFinderFixture(1., 1., 1., 1.);
// add PT line to allow return to origin
f0.withReversedPTline("BLine", "BB", "XB", 1., 10 * 3600);
Facility facAA = new FakeFacility(new Coord(-10, 0), Id.create("AA-ish", Link.class));
Facility facXX = new FakeFacility(new Coord(100010, 0), Id.create("XX-ish", Link.class));

String[] accessibleStops = new String[]{"B","X"};
for (String stop : accessibleStops) {
f0.scenario.getTransitSchedule().getFacilities().get(Id.create(stop, TransitStopFacility.class)).getAttributes().putAttribute("carAccessible", "true") ;
f0.scenario.getTransitSchedule().getFacilities().get(Id.create(stop, TransitStopFacility.class)).getAttributes().putAttribute("walkAccessible", "true") ;
Map<String, RoutingModule> routingModules = new HashMap<>();
new TeleportationRoutingModule(TransportMode.walk, f0.scenario, 1.5, 1.0)
new TeleportationRoutingModule(, f0.scenario, 5., 1.0)

SwissRailRaptorConfigGroup.IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet walkAccess = new SwissRailRaptorConfigGroup.IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet();
walkAccess.setMaxRadius(600); // Includes stops B and X
SwissRailRaptorConfigGroup.IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet carAccess = new SwissRailRaptorConfigGroup.IntermodalAccessEgressParameterSet();
carAccess.setMaxRadius(600); // Includes stops B and X
// checks all options and picks one with the smallest disutility
// make car the preferred option
f0.dummyPerson.getAttributes().putAttribute("subpopulation", "default");

SwissRailRaptorData data = SwissRailRaptorData.create(f0.scenario.getTransitSchedule(), null, RaptorUtils.createStaticConfig(f0.config), f0.scenario.getNetwork(), null);
DefaultRaptorStopFinder stopFinder = new DefaultRaptorStopFinder(new DefaultRaptorIntermodalAccessEgress(), routingModules);
SwissRailRaptor raptor = new SwissRailRaptor.Builder(data, f0.scenario.getConfig()).with(stopFinder).build();

// test that you can't use a vehicle-tracked mode on both sides of a PT trip
List<? extends PlanElement> outboundLegs = raptor.calcRoute(DefaultRoutingRequest.withoutAttributes(facAA, facXX, 7 * 3600, f0.dummyPerson));
System.out.println("Outbound Trip Legs");
for (PlanElement leg : outboundLegs) {

Assert.assertEquals("wrong number of legs.", 3, outboundLegs.size());
Assert.assertEquals(, ((Leg) outboundLegs.get(0)).getMode());
Assert.assertEquals(, ((Leg) outboundLegs.get(1)).getMode());
Assert.assertEquals(TransportMode.walk, ((Leg) outboundLegs.get(2)).getMode());

// test that you can take the car on the way back
List<? extends PlanElement> inboundLegs = raptor.calcRoute(DefaultRoutingRequest.withoutAttributes(facXX, facAA, 9 * 3600, f0.dummyPerson));
System.out.println("Inbound Trip Legs");
for (PlanElement leg : inboundLegs) {

Assert.assertEquals("wrong number of legs.", 3, inboundLegs.size());
Assert.assertEquals(TransportMode.walk, ((Leg) inboundLegs.get(0)).getMode());
Assert.assertEquals(, ((Leg) inboundLegs.get(1)).getMode());
Assert.assertEquals(, ((Leg) inboundLegs.get(2)).getMode());

// test that you can't take the car on the way back twice in the row
// the vehicle has been picked up from the stop in previous trip
List<? extends PlanElement> inboundAgainLegs = raptor.calcRoute(DefaultRoutingRequest.withoutAttributes(facXX, facAA, 9 * 3600, f0.dummyPerson));
System.out.println("Inbound Again Trip Legs");
for (PlanElement leg : inboundAgainLegs) {

Assert.assertEquals(TransportMode.walk, ((Leg) inboundAgainLegs.get(2)).getMode());

private static class StopFinderFixture {

final SwissRailRaptorConfigGroup srrConfig;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2018,5 +2107,30 @@ public StopFinderFixture(double offsetB, double offsetC, double offsetD, double
this.dummyPerson = this.scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createPerson(Id.create("dummy", Person.class));


void withReversedPTline(String lineId, String stopLinkId, String reverseLinkId, double offset, int depTime) {
TransitSchedule schedule = this.scenario.getTransitSchedule();
TransitScheduleFactory sf = schedule.getFactory();

TransitLine line = this.scenario.getTransitSchedule().getTransitLines().get(Id.create(lineId, TransitLine.class));

// Reversed transit line
TransitLine ptLine = sf.createTransitLine(Id.create("reversed-" + lineId, TransitLine.class));
TransitRoute ptRoute = line.getRoutes().values().iterator().next();

NetworkRoute networkRoute = RouteUtils.createLinkNetworkRouteImpl(
Id.create(stopLinkId, Link.class),
new Id[]{Id.create(reverseLinkId, Link.class)},
Id.create(stopLinkId, Link.class));
List<TransitRouteStop> stops = new ArrayList<>(2);
TransitRoute route = sf.createTransitRoute(Id.create("rev-route-" + lineId, TransitRoute.class),
networkRoute, stops, ptRoute.getTransportMode());
route.addDeparture(sf.createDeparture(Id.create("1", Departure.class), depTime));


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