This library is for testing Fitbit's OAuth 2.0 flow.
It is made from reference to Fitbit's OAuth 2.0 documentation:-
[Fitbit OAuth 2.0] (
Download the source code & extract it in your folder
OR just clone this repository:
$ git clone
Install by running the
in your virtual environment$ python install
DEPENDENCIES: python-requests
$ pip install requests
You'll need to collect information from your registered Fitbit application. You need the following data: You can get it from ( > MANAGE MY APPS
- Fitbit OAuth 2.0
- Consumer Secret
- OAuth 2.0
. (Redirect URI is mandatory in OAuth 2.0 flow)
Authorize application to access Fitbit's data. You need to get authorization URL where you can get authorization from Fitbit user.
import json
from PyFitbit_Oauth2 import PyFitbit_Oauth2
client_id = "Your Fitbit OAuth 2.0 client_id"
client_secret = "Your application's consumer secret"
redirect_uri = "Your Oauth 2.0 redirect_uri"
# Initializing Fitbit OAuth2
fitbit_oauth2 = PyFitbit_Oauth2.PyFitbit_Oauth2(client_id,client_secret,redirect_uri)
# Generate Fitbit authorization URL
authorization_url = fitbit_oauth2.GenerateAuthUrl()
print authorization_url
Sample authorization url:
Copy this URL & paste in your broswer. You'll see Fitbit's login page. Enter Fitbit user credentials and grant access to the application to access data.
You'll be redirected to your specified redirect_uri, you'll get the authorization code as code parameter in your redirect uri. Copy this code and go to STEP 2.
NOTE: This code is valid only for 10 minutes
Get access token from given authorization code
# Getting access token
access_token_response = fitbit_oauth2.GetAccessToken("Authorization code obtained from STEP 1")
print json.dumps(access_token_response)
You'll get the access token response as below:
"user_id": "USERID",
"access_token": "LONG ACCESS TOKEN .eyJleHAiOjE0NTc1MTkxNDIsInNjb3BlcyI6Indsb2Mgd3BybyB3bnV0IHdzZXQgd3NsZSB3d2VpIHdociB3YWN0IHdzb2MiLCJzdWIiOiIyWkdKSjQiLCJhdWQiOiIyMjlKVloiLCJpc3MiOiJxxxxx VERY LONG ACCESS TOKEN",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "heartrate profile location activity weight sleep nutrition settings social",
"refresh_token": "SHORT REFRESH TOKEN fb34914e866d4d14438ed2e0741fd52c3f89fxxxxxxx"
Testing API call on fitbit
# Accessing Fitbit activities data
api_response = fitbit_oauth2.TestFitbitApiCall(access_token=access_token_response['access_token'], endpoint="")
print json.dumps(api_response)
This will print a response something like this:
{"activities-log-steps": [{"value": "108", "dateTime": "2016-03-09"}]}
You can refresh a access token. You may need it when your access token is expired
# Getting refresh token
refresh_token = fitbit_oauth2.RefreshAccessToken(access_token_response['refresh_token'])
print json.dumps(refresh_token)
You'll get a new access token
"user_id": "USERID",
"access_token": "NEW LONG ACCESS TOKEN",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "heartrate profile location activity weight sleep nutrition settings social",
"refresh_token": "NEW SHORT REFRESH TOKEN"