Calculator Web Application
This is a simple and elegant calculator web application that allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations. The project is styled with modern design principles and is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Table of Contents->
1.Features 2.Technologies Used 3.Installation 4.Usage 5.Screenshots 6.Contributing 7.License 8.Features
Basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Special operations: percentage calculation.
Clear input (AC) and delete last character (DEL) functions.
Responsive and user-friendly UI with a modern design.
Handles floating point numbers and prevents multiple decimal points in a single number.
Technologies Used-> HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript
Usage-> 1.Open the calculator in your web browser. 2.Use the buttons to input numbers and operations. 3.Click = to evaluate the expression. 4.Use AC to clear the input and DEL to delete the last character. 5.The % button can be used to calculate percentages.