Website for Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS) software. This software shall be used for creating a Digital Twin support platform for SMEs. A brief overview of the software is available in this presentation.
This is a mono repo containing code for both the client (web browser) and server code.
Give Linux user sudo privileges, if your user already has sudo privileges you can skip this step.
- On start up hold shift.
- Select the second option, "Advanced options for Ubuntu".
- Select the second option, "Ubuntu, with Linux 5.15.0-60-generic (recovery mode)".
- On the "Recovery Menu" select "root" and enter your password.
- Use the following:
usermod -aG sudo <username>
- Select "resume".
Optional: Once you're back on the desktop check if your user has sudo privileges:
groups <username>
sudo bash script/install.bash
cd client
yarn install #install the nodejs dependencies
yarn syntax #perform linting and static analysis
yarn build #build the react app into build/ directory
#one of the environments; specify only one; "dev" used the REACT_APP_ENV is not set
export REACT_APP_ENV= "dev | test | prod"
yarn configapp
yarn start #start the application
yarn test #UI testing of the application
yarn clean #clean the directory of temporary files
The application requires the following open-source components.
- Traefik
- InfluxDB
- Grafana
See each of the directories to launch the respective docker services.
TODO: docker-compose file for all the infrastructure components.
The server apps shall be a set of microservices.
cd server/<microservice-folder>
yarn install #install the nodejs dependencies
yarn syntax #perform linting and static analysis
yarn build #compile ES6 files into ES5 javascript files and copy all JS files into build/ directory
yarn test #test the application
#optional step: set the environment variables in .env file
yarn start #start the application
yarn clean #clean the directory of temporary files
This software is owned by The INTO-CPS Association and is licensed under the terms of the INTO-CPS Association.