This C program takes PPM files as inputs and allows the user to do one of the three options:
Remove all the read from a image by setting all red bits in each pixel to 0
Turn the input image to black and white
Reformat the picture to a square by cutting down on either exceeding rows or columns
This program can be compiled on cmd line. First you must compile the 2 C files using this command:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o image_editor image_editor.c image_processing.c
Next you can run the funciton straight from command line with any of the following input/output streams:
image_editor 1: This will take keyboard input from command line and will output to command line as well
image_editor 3 < [...]/sample_image.ppm: This will take a ppm formatted image as input, and will output the result to the command line. No keyboard input is required
image_editor 2 < [...]/sample_image.ppm > [...]/sample_black_and_white_image.ppm: This will take a ppm formatted image as input and will place the output in a new ppm file at the specified path. No keyboard input required
NOTE: the number that follows the file name is the formatting option you wish to choose.
1 = Remove Red 2 = Black and White 3 = Turn into a square