Examples of all types of files stored on Flipper Zero SD card
├── favorites.txt # List of items displayed in Favorites
├── Manifest # Resource files list
├── badusb # Put Rubber Ducky scripts here
│ ├── demo_macos.txt # MacOS sample script
│ └── demo_windows.txt # Windows sample script
├── dolphin
│ ├── L1_Furippa1_128x64
│ │ ├── frame_x.bm # Animation frame
│ │ └── meta.txt # Set of rules for playing frames
│ └── manifest.txt # Describes animation selection parameters
├── ibutton
│ ├── Cyfral.ibtn # Cyfral key
│ ├── Dallas.ibtn # Dallas key
│ └── Metakom.ibtn # Metakom key
├── infrared
│ ├── TV_bedroom.ir # Samsung remote
│ ├── Apple_tv.ir # Apple tv remote
│ └── assets # Signal libraries
│ └── tv.ir
├── lfrfid
│ ├── Em_marine.rfid # EM4100 sample key
│ ├── Hid_prox.rfid # H10301 sample key EM4100
│ └── Indala.rfid # I40134 sample key
├── music_player # List of tunes to play
│ ├── Chasing.fmf # Sample tune
│ └── Marble_Machine.fmf # Sample tune
├── nfc
│ ├── Desfire.nfc # Desfire card
│ ├── Ntag_213.nfc # Ntag_213 card
│ ├── Ntag_216.nfc # Ntag_216 card
│ ├── Classik_1k.nfc # Classik_1k card
│ ├── RocketBank.nfc # Banking card
│ └── assets # NFC libraries
│ ├── aid.nfc
│ ├── country_code.nfc
│ ├── currency_code.nfc
│ └── mf_classic_dict.nfc
├── rwfiletest.bin # Creates after running SD benchmark
├── subghz
│ ├── ****.sub # Captured packet
│ ├── ****_raw.sub # Recordered raw signal
│ └── assets
│ ├── came_atomo
│ ├── keeloq_mfcodes
│ ├── keeloq_mfcodes_user
│ ├── nice_flor_s
│ ├── setting_frequency_analyzer_user
│ └── setting_user
├── u2f
│ ├── assets
│ │ ├── cert.der # Public certificate
│ │ └── cert_key.u2f # Private key
│ ├── cnt.u2f # Key counter
│ └── key.u2f # Device key
└── update
└── f7-update-dev-29042022-0eac917f
├── backup.tar # Flipper configuration snapshot
├── flipper-z-f7-full-dev-29042022-0eac917f.dfu # Target firmware
├── flipper-z-f7-updater-dev-29042022-0eac917f.bin # Updater image for RAM execution
├── resources.tar # Assets archive
├── stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_light_fw.bin # Radio core firmware
└── update.fuf # Update package manifest