A package that will attempt mutiny on your application. Serialize request body units of any possible combination.
package test
import (
// Payload is a struct that will be used to generate several test payloads for a request,
// each field will use `Pass` values of the `mutiny.PossibleValues` by default.
type Payload struct {
Name mutiny.PossibleValues
Age mutiny.PossibleValues
Address mutiny.PossibleValues
// UseName is a method receiver that tells the Name field to use a certain value for a field. e.g `mutiny.Fail`,
// `mutiny.Nil`, `mutiny.Pass` or `mutiny.Erroneous`
func (p Payload) UseName(av mutiny.AssignedValue) Payload {
p.Name = mutiny.SelectValue(p.Name, av)
return p
// UseAge is a method receiver that tells the Age field to use a certain value for a field. e.g `mutiny.Fail`,
// `mutiny.Nil`, `mutiny.Pass` or `mutiny.Erroneous`
func (p Payload) UseAge(av mutiny.AssignedValue) Payload {
p.Name = mutiny.SelectValue(p.Name, av)
return p
// UseAddress is a method receiver that tells the struct to use a certain value for a field. e.g `mutiny.Fail`,
// `mutiny.Nil`, `mutiny.Pass` or `mutiny.Erroneous`
func (p Payload) UseAddress(av mutiny.AssignedValue) Payload {
p.Name = mutiny.SelectValue(p.Name, av)
return p
func TestServer(t *testing.T) {
// Define the payload structure with possible values for each field of the struct.
payload := Payload{
Name: mutiny.PossibleValues{
Pass: []any{"John"},
Fail: []any{"", nil},
Erroneous: []any{1, 1.1, true},
Age: mutiny.PossibleValues{
Pass: []any{20},
Fail: []any{15, -1, nil},
Erroneous: []any{"", true},
Address: mutiny.PossibleValues{
Pass: []any{"Street 1"},
Fail: []any{"Street Without Number", nil},
Erroneous: []any{1, -1, true},
// Test passing values only
testUnits := mutiny.Riot(payload)
for _, unit := range testUnits {
resp, err := http.Post("http://localhost:8080", "application/json", unit.RequestBody)
// Do something with response/error ...
// Test all variants of payload with failed names
testUnits = mutiny.Riot(payload.UseName(mutiny.Fail))
for _, unit := range testUnits {
resp, err := http.Post("http://localhost:8080", "application/json", unit.RequestBody)
// Do something with response/error ...
// Test all variants of payload with failed name and erroneous address
testUnits = mutiny.Riot(payload.UseName(mutiny.Fail).UseAddress(mutiny.Erroneous))
for _, unit := range testUnits {
resp, err := http.Post("http://localhost:8080", "application/json", unit.RequestBody)
// Do something with response/error ...
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.