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CounterstrikeSharp - Roll The Dice

UpdateManager Compatible Discord Support GitHub release License issues - cs2-roll-the-dice

This plugin lets your players roll the dice each round (at any time during an round) to get either a positive or negative effect for the current round.

Current Features

  • Bigger Taser Battery (between 2 and 10 instant taser shots)
  • Change player name (changes the player name randomly)
  • Change player model (disguise as enemy player model)
  • Chicken Leader (spawns chickens around the player)
  • Decrease health (-10 to -30 health)
  • Instant bomb plant or bomb defuse
  • Give between 1 to 5 health shots
  • Increase health (10 to 30 health)
  • Increase speed (+50% to +100%)
  • No explosives (no grenades)
  • Change player to a big chicken
  • Cloak (Player is invisible after 2 seconds without movement)
  • Disguise as Plant (gives player a random prop model)
  • High Gravity
  • Invisibility (Player 50% visible)
  • Low Gravity
  • Make fake gun sounds
  • Make fake hostage sounds
  • One HP
  • Respawn after death
  • Suicide
  • Vampire (get the damage as health, max. 200hp)
  • Strip weapons

Plugin Installation

  1. Download and extract the latest release from the GitHub releases page.
  2. Move the "RollTheDice" folder to the /addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/ directory of your gameserver.
  3. Restart the server.

Plugin Update

Simply overwrite all plugin files and they will be reloaded automatically or just use the Update Manager itself for an easy automatic update by using the um update RollTheDice command.


There is currently one client-side command available for this plugin:

!dice / !rtd

This command triggers the dice for a player. To activate the dice with a button paste the following to the client console:

bind "o" rtd


This plugin automatically creates a readable JSON configuration file. This configuration file can be found in /addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/RollTheDice/RollTheDice.json.

  "enabled": true,
  "debug": false,
  "dices": {
    "DiceChangePlayerModel": true,
    "DiceIncreaseHealth": true,
    "DiceDecreaseHealth": true,
    "DiceIncreaseSpeed": true,
    "DiceChangeName": true,
    "DicePlayerInvisible": true,
    "DicePlayerSuicide": false,
    "DicePlayerRespawn": true,
    "DiceStripWeapons": true,
    "DiceChickenLeader": true,
    "DiceFastBombAction": true,
    "DicePlayerVampire": true,
    "DicePlayerLowGravity": true,
    "DicePlayerHighGravity": true,
    "DicePlayerOneHP": true,
    "DicePlayerDisguiseAsPlant": true,
    "DicePlayerAsChicken": true,
    "DicePlayerMakeHostageSounds": true,
    "DicePlayerMakeFakeGunSounds": true,
    "DiceBigTaserBattery": true,
    "DicePlayerCloak": true,
    "DiceGiveHealthShot": true,
    "DiceNoExplosives": true
  "maps": {},
  "ConfigVersion": 1

You can either disable the complete RollTheDice Plugin by simply setting the enable boolean to false or disable single dices from being updated. You can also specify a specific map where you want all or specific dices to be disabled (or enabled). This allows for a maximum customizability.

Compile Yourself

Clone the project:

git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd cs2-roll-the-dice

Install dependencies

  dotnet restore

Build debug files (to use on a development game server)

  dotnet build

Build release files (to use on a production game server)

  dotnet publish


Released under GPLv3 by @Kandru.



Roll the Dice each round to get some present







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