The following was submitted as a final research project for a capstone course offered through the M.S. Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
NASA battery data analysis
Data Structure:
cycle: top level structure array containing the charge, discharge and impedance operations
type: operation type, can be charge, discharge or impedance.
ambient_temperature: ambient temperature (degree C).
time: the date and time of the start of the cycle, in MATLAB date vector format.
data: data structure containing the measurements
for charge the fields are:
Voltage_measured: Battery terminal voltage (Volts)
Current_measured: Battery output current (Amps)
Temperature_measured: Battery temperature (degree C)
Current_charge: Current measured at charger (Amps)
Voltage_charge: Voltage measured at charger (Volts)
Time: Time vector for the cycle (secs)
for discharge the fields are:
Voltage_measured: Battery terminal voltage (Volts)
Current_measured: Battery output current (Amps)
Temperature_measured: Battery temperature (degree C)
Current_charge: Current measured at load (Amps)
Voltage_charge: Voltage measured at load (Volts)
Time: Time vector for the cycle (secs)
Capacity: Battery capacity (Ahr) for discharge till 2.7V
for impedance the fields are:
Sense_current: Current in sense branch (Amps)
Battery_current: Current in battery branch (Amps)
Current_ratio: Ratio of the above currents
Battery_impedance: Battery impedance (Ohms) computed from raw data
Rectified_impedance: Calibrated and smoothed battery impedance (Ohms)
Re: Estimated electrolyte resistance (Ohms)
Rct: Estimated charge transfer resistance (Ohms)