This is the Github repository for the paper EACL 2024 Findings paper of the same name by Dennis Ulmer, Chrysoula Zerva and André F.T. Martins [Paper Link].
Install the necessary requirements the following way:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This repository also requires the FAISS library. Depending on the hardware available, install either
pip3 install faiss-cpu
pip3 install faiss-gpu
Replicating the experiments in the paper requires running the following steps. First of all, in the case of machine translation experiments, download the corresponding data files here. To prepare for the experiments, create datastores using the following command:
python3 --save-dir datastores/deen_m2m100_418M_l2 --dataset deen --device cuda --num-probes 32 --num-centroids 2048 --use-quantization --model facebook/m2m100_418M --batch-size 4 --distance-type l2
For the Japanese-English dataset, specify --dataset jaen
instead, and use --model facebook/m2m100_1.2B --sharding 1 2 3
instead (1, 2, 3 here indicating the indices of GPUs to use).
Similarly for text generation experiments, run
python3 --save-dir datastores/openwebtext_opt_350M_l2 --dataset openwebtext --device cuda --num-probes 32 --num-centroids 2048 --use-quantization --model facebook/opt-350m --distance-type l2
and replace the model identifier by facebook/opt-1.3B
for the larger OPT model.
From there, run the following scripts to replicate the main results of the paper (we will only show the results for the smaller models and the de->en task from here, to reproduce the other results use the same argument substitutions as used above). For the coverage results in section 4.1, run
python3 --datastore-dir results/deen_m2m100_418M_l2 --result-dir results/deen_m2m100_418M_l2 --dataset deen --device cuda --num-probes 1024 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048 --temperature 512.1416 --use-quantization --distance-type l2
python3 --datastore-dir results/openwebtext_opt_350m_l2 --result-dir results/results/openwebtext_opt_350m_l2 --dataset openwebtext --device cuda --num-probes 32 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048 --temperature 15538.91 --use-quantization --model facebook/opt-350m --distance-type l2
For the distributional shift results in section 4.2, run
python3 \
--method non_exchangeable_conformal_nucleus_sampling --alpha 0.1 \
--datastore-dir results/deen_m2m100_418M_l2 \
--result-dir results/shift_coverage \
--dataset deen --device cuda\
--num-probes 32 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048 \
--temperature 512.14 --use-quantization --distance-type l2
python3 \
--method non_exchangeable_conformal_nucleus_sampling --alpha 0.1\
--datastore-dir results/openwebtext_opt_350m_l2 \
--result-dir results/shift_coverage\
--dataset openwebtext --device cuda\
--model-identifier facebook/opt-350m\
--num-probes 32 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048 \
--temperature 15538.91 --use-quantization --distance-type l2
For the generation results in section 4.3, run
python3 \
--generation-method non_exchangeable_nucleus_sampling --alpha 0.1 \
--datastore-dir results/deen_m2m100_418M_l2 \
--result-dir results/deen_m2m100_418M_l2 \
--dataset deen \
--device cuda --num-samples 5 --softmax-temperature 0.1 \
--num-probes 32 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048 \
--temperature 512.14 --use-quantization --distance-type l2
python3 \
--generation-method non_exchangeable_nucleus_sampling --alpha 0.1 --num-samples 5 \
--datastore-dir results/openwebtext_opt_350m_l2 \
--result-dir results/openwebtext_opt_350m_l2 \
--dataset openwebtext\
--device cuda --model-identifier facebook/opt-350m\
--num-probes 32 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048 \
--temperature 15538.91 --use-quantization --distance-type l2\
--evaluation-metrics bert_score mauve bleurt
For the ablation studies in appendix A.4, run
python3 --datastore-dir datastores/deen_m2m100_418M_l2\
--result-dir results/alpha_ablations/deen_m2m100_418M_l2 --dataset deen\
--device cuda --num-probes 1024 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048\
--temperature 512.1416 --use-quantization --distance-type l2
python3 --datastore-dir datastores/openwebtext_opt_350M_l2\
--result-dir results/alpha_ablations/openwebtext_opt_350M_l2 --dataset openwebtext\
--device cuda --num-probes 32 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048 --temperature 15538.91\
--model-identifier facebook/opt-350m --use-quantization --distance-type l2
python3 --datastore-dir datastores/deen_m2m100_418M_l2\
--result-dir results/neighbor_ablations/deen_m2m100_418M_l2 --dataset deen\
--device cuda --num-probes 1024 --num-neighbors 100 --num-centroids 2048\
--temperature 512.1416 --use-quantization --distance-type l2
python3 --datastore-dir datastores/openwebtext_opt_350M_l2\
--result-dir results/neighbor_ablations/openwebtext_opt_350M_l2\
--dataset openwebtext --device cuda --num-probes 1024 --num-neighbors 100\
--num-centroids 2048 --temperature 15538.91 --model-identifier facebook/opt-350m\
--use-quantization --distance-type l2 --data-dir ./data\
Please cite the paper and code as following:
title={Non-Exchangeable Conformal Language Generation with Nearest Neighbors},
author={Ulmer, Dennis and Zerva, Chrysoula and Martins, Andr{\'e} FT},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.00707},