Update and compare the change of risk level of regions on COVID-19 in China.
- To download risk level data from the National Health Commission website and save them as .js files.
- 从卫生健康委网站自动下载疫情风险等级数据,并保存为 .js 文件
- Comparing the newest data with a nearest former one in the Archive folder and output the differences with markers
as regions being lowered or added. - 自动比较最新的数据和 Archive 文件夹里上一份数据的不同,并标记
Run risklevel.py directly, and an outcome as a .csv file will be stored in the Archive folder.
直接运行 risklevel.py ,结果文件会以 .csv 格式直接保存在 Archive 文件夹里。
When making the request to acquire the data, you may notice there are some appeared privated auth-keys like token
or key
in the code. Those are just clear texts in the JavaScript code of that websit. Feel free to use.
在运行程序向网站提交请求时,你会发现代码里有一些看起来像是 token
或者 key
的秘钥。这些其实都是原网站 JavaScript 代码里的明文。直接使用即可。
Thanks for the contributions from @SilenWang for implementing an linux version, where there also carried out functions like timed requesting and mailing. Switch to MongoDB Branch to see.
感谢 @SilenWang 提供了 Linux 版本的实现。还提供了定时运行和自动发通知邮件的功能。详情请切换到 MongoDB 分支。