OsuTools is a collection of osu scripts. At the moment, there is only the song downloader which downloads songs played by a particular user by username.
With Python (recommended 3.11 or newer) install PipEnv with
python3 -m pip install pipenv
Then, use PipEnv to install all required dependencies
python3 -m pipenv install
To run the song downloader:
python3 -m pipenv run song-downloader [-h] [-n N] [-i I] downloaddir username
positional arguments:
downloaddir Directory to download songs to. If you make this your Osu songs directory, Osu will automatically import the songs and delete the download files.
username Username of the user whose songs you want to download
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n N Number of songs to download. Default -1 (unlimited)
-i I Page offset. Default 0