Horribly written Chrome extension that allows you to get a file with tab-separated values about all your Humble Bundle keys (Steam, Origin, etc). This includes redeem-status.
How to add to Chrome:
- Meny -> More tools -> Extentions
- Check of "Developer mode"
- Click "Load unpacked extension..." and select the code folder
Please look at the browser adress bar for progress updates.
- Open the developer console for debug messages
This script runs for a long time, and rewriting it to use threads (workers) is ass.
- Please tell chrome to "Wait" when it complains that the page is unreponsive.
Browser usage:
- Login on www.humblebundle.com
- Press the "H" that should appear in the top-right corner of the browser (where extensions buttons normally appear)
Using tab-delimited file:
- Open in i.e. Libreoffice calc
- The data can easily be sorted using Data -> AutoFilter
- Select "short_redeemed_key_val" = "Not redeemed" to list only keys you have not redeemed.