This is the official KTH-RAS uarm ROS package, based on the original ufactory software, designed by Joey Song ( [email protected] / [email protected]) and heavily improved upon by Joshua Haustein ([email protected]). It is the favored way of interaction with the uarm in the RAS course.
Connect uArm and get USB permission to access uArm
$ cd /etc/udev/rules.d
Create a file ttyUSB.rules
and put the following line: KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", MODE="0666"
. Save the file and reconnect the uArm USB to make it effective. (if you already have the permission to access USB, you can skip this step).
For using this package, the pyUarm library MUST be installed at first.
$ pip install pyuarm
Connect the uArm to the computer and upgrade your uArmProtocol Firmware
$ uarm-miniterm
$ firmware force
Install the ROS package in the src folder of your catkin workspace.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
Before you use any packages in uarmForROS, source all setup.bash files which allow you to access uarm package
# Configure your ROS environment variables automatically every time you open a shell
echo "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
# Source setup.bash
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
is the main node. Run this node before anything else.Step 1: Connect uArm
Set up ROS enviroment at first
Open another shall to connect uArm before use.
rosrun uarm // this will find the uarm automatically
Step 2: Calibrate
The first time you use the node, you will be prompted to calibrate the arm:
Please calibrate the uArm. Check the wiki for instructions! Please move the arm into the calibration configuration. Once this is done, type y:
The calibration configuration can be set as in the official ufactory documentation:
The same procedure seen from the back:
Once in the final position, type y and press enter.
The KTH uArm package includes the following set of services:
Service type: `uarm/AttachDetach`. Data: bool attach --- bool attach
Set the boolean to true to attach the servos, false to detach. While detached, you can move the uArm manually.
- Send a cartesian command to the uArm.Service type: `uarm/MoveTo` Data: int32 ABSOLUTE_MOVEMENT=0 int32 RELATIVE_MOVEMENT=1 int32 NO_INTERPOLATION=0 int32 CUBIC_INTERPOLATION=1 int32 LINEAR_INTERPOLATION=2 geometry_msgs/Point position float64 x float64 y float64 z float32 eef_orientation int32 move_mode duration movement_duration bool ignore_orientation int32 interpolation_type bool check_limits --- geometry_msgs/Point position float64 x float64 y float64 z duration elapsed bool error
This service allows you to move the end-effector in cartesian space. You will be able to choose an interpolation mode, and if you want to move in absolute coordinates, or relative to your currently measured pose. Note that choosing
will command the servos directly to the final configuration, resulting in a brusque movement. The service also allows you to set the desired orientation of the end-effector. If this is of no use to you, you can ser theignore_orientation
flag to true.The service returns the final position of the end-effector, and wheter an error occurred.
- control the pump.Message_type: `uarm/Pump`. Data: bool pump_status --- bool pump_status
Call this service to turn the pump on or off (
respectively set to true or false). -
- Send the arm to a configuration in joint space.Message_type: uarm/MoveToJoints Data: int32 ABSOLUTE_MOVEMENT=0 int32 RELATIVE_MOVEMENT=1 int32 NO_INTERPOLATION=0 int32 CUBIC_INTERPOLATION=1 int32 LINEAR_INTERPOLATION=2 float32 j0 float32 j1 float32 j2 float32 j3 int32 move_mode duration movement_duration int32 interpolation_type bool check_limits --- float32 j0 float32 j1 float32 j2 float32 j3 duration elapsed bool error
This service operates similarly to the move_to service, but for a desired joint configuration.
/uarm/joint_state ``` Message_type: sensor_msgs/JointState ``` The current arm configuration is publish in a ROS standard way at a user-defined frequency.
When launching
from a launch file, you can set the following parameters:
- joint_state_topic_name: topic where the uArm joint state is published.
Default: /uarm/joint_state
- uarm_calibration_file: directory of the calibration file for the uArm. If not found the node will prompt the user for a new calibration.
Default: test_calibration.yaml
- uarm_frame_name: name of the uArm base frame in the TF tree
Default: uarm
- eef_frame_name: name of the end-effector frame in the TF tree
Default: eef
- state_publishing_frequency: frequency at which the joint state is published. WARNING: Do not set this much higher than 10, as the uArm will be unable to query the servos at high frequencies.
Default: 10
An example of how this can be achieved is offered in launch/kth_uarm.launch
. Under config/kth_uarm_core_config.yaml
you will find a simple configuration file that is loaded by the kth_uarm
launch file with the required parameters.
If the reported end-effector position or the reported joint angles are far off, i.e. more than 5-7 degrees off, than you might have to recalibrate the firmware. Mount your arm on the legs it was shipped with and make sure it has sufficient space to move in all directions - it will move each joint from the lower to the upper limit.
To start the calibration run:
$ uarm-calibrate
and follow the instructions on the screen. The arm will first move around for a while. Once it is done, a prompt will appear asking you to move the arm in a calibration configuration. This is the same configuration as shown in 3.1. Once you moved the arm in this configuration, confirm and the calibration is finished.
If this did not solve your issue, do not do this again! Contact us instead.
This may be due to violation of joint limits. We do not recommend to move the arm with check_limits=False
. Instead you can check whether the joint limits of your arm are different from ours. Open the file
and compare the values assigned to LOWER_LIMITS and UPPER_LIMITS to the limits of your arm. You can see the limits of your arm by detaching the servos and manually moving the servos to their limits. In case your servo can safely be moved outside of the limits in the file, you may change them in your local copy. Note, however, that changing the limits incorrectly may damage the arm!